DSG gearbox



VIP Member
Moray, Scotland.
T6 Ocean 150
Hi All. Haven't been on the forum for a while. My California SE is now approaching 3 years old. It's a 140 manual. Am considering selling and opting for a new 204 DSG Ocean which would suit my needs better. Has anyone experience on the long term reliability of the DSG. Any views would be much appreciated. Many thanks. Norm.
Have you done a Google search for DSG Gearbox problems/faults?
Thanks for your response WelshGas. Doing so, but would like some thoughts/ advice from here also.
Thanks for your response WelshGas. Doing so, but would like some thoughts/ advice from here also.
That's just it. There is very little about DSG problems. It has been around for sometime now. On the T5 forums it is rarely mentioned and when it is it is generally in very, very high milage vehicles.
On this Forum very few members who have a DSG box get anywhere close to the annual milage of commercial vans.
Personally I think the DSG is excellent. Minimises shock to the drive train, avoids excess engine revs, has Sports mode and a Manual mode, each of which have their own uses.
In fact you'll probably find more posts about the DMF flywheel and clutch than DSG causing problems, but at much higher milages than most of the vehicles on this Forum.
DSG is a great system. Certainly better than CVT gearboxes. As far as the modes go, the "sport" mode just revs higher and a little more responsive, it certainly does not turn it onto a semi automatic race car.
The semi auto mode (not manual as it does ultimately change gear for you in certain circumstances) does have uses, I would imagine snowy conditions etc like the old school low gear or 1 and 2 in old style autos.
Overall I'm a manual driver, was driving a dsg today and I prefer manual, always will until my health dictates otherwise.
In short, go and try some at various dealerships. Only you can make the personal choice, as for issues they are present but just like the manual.
All I know is that if its a long term ownership I wouldn't want any sort of automatic after warranty.
Have really liked the Manual gearbox but personal circumstances dictate a need for a DSG. Now to decide whether to trade in against a new DSG or try to sell the manual privately and buy straight. Decisions, decisions. :headbang
DSG is one of those 'Not for me" until you drive one, you will never regret it. I used to be one of those staunch manual people but took the plunge and now would never buy a manual gearbox. Its not just town use but when you are cruising in cruise mode and come to a rise and the DSG drops a gear and you feel it power up the rise, great feeling.
And remember the DSG box is different to an "automatic" with a torque converter.
Have really liked the Manual gearbox but personal circumstances dictate a need for a DSG. Now to decide whether to trade in against a new DSG or try to sell the manual privately and buy straight. Decisions, decisions. :headbang
You will be about 6 months wait for the dsg so a good trade in could be bartered as there are very few used calis in dealerships
You will be about 6 months wait for the dsg so a good trade in could be bartered as there are very few used calis in dealerships
Shows you how popular the DSG is.;)
Not just dsg. Lidl is popular but doesn't mean its good :D
Better than many, according to Which! Also I very much doubt if the California buyers are accounting for the shortage of DSG boxes more likely commercial buyers. So, I wonder what they know that we don't?
I'm led to believe from other posts on the site that its about 6 months wait. I was referring to the new vehicle as the dsg. Therefore not just dsg wasn't specifically the option. But in reference a new order.
Secondly Lidl is good, I prefer Aldi as its closest, and my point there was sarcastic. However another compassion could have been made, but I will resist for fear of upset ;)
Have now ordered a new DSG model and have been advised the waiting time is about 16 weeks. So if there's anyone out there seeking to purchase an excellent late 2013 SE 140 please make contact with me.
Well done on the order :thumb

Our Cali is the 3rd vehicle we've had with DSG & it's excellent.

Unless things have changed very recently, 16 weeks seem optimistic. Have a look at the thread T6 Cali Delays. There are others that have let go of their vans early (based on their dealer's estimated delivery) to have their date slip backwards.

Good luck
Very optimistic is recent threads are to go on. I would choose 22 in a sweep :)
Had mine since new early 2008. Still working perfectly!
Hi I have a 2013 Cali 170 with a dsg it's very low mileage only 12000 but I have had a new gearbox under warranty just 6 months ago .
Would change gears without a fault ( smooth and on time ) but would crunch ( just noise ) when changing down from 3rd to 2nd and then to 1st but only on the first time when cold after that it was fine
Other than that it's been a great gearbox very smooth my experience wouldn't stop me choosing a dsg again as I'm sure it's not a common problem
I've had DSG or PDK on several cars and have always been delighted with it, and overall, I am pleased with it on the California. My only grumble is the way that it changes down to a low gear when driving down a long hill when I'm at a constant speed, and not braking. When I would normally be in 5th gear, it drops down to 3rd and the engine revs are ridiculously high. So, I end up changing to manual on downhills, to keep it in a higher gear. I've spoken to my service manager to ask if it can be re-programmed, but he says it can't. Annoying, but otherwise, excellent.
I've had DSG or PDK on several cars and have always been delighted with it, and overall, I am pleased with it on the California. My only grumble is the way that it changes down to a low gear when driving down a long hill when I'm at a constant speed, and not braking. When I would normally be in 5th gear, it drops down to 3rd and the engine revs are ridiculously high. So, I end up changing to manual on downhills, to keep it in a higher gear. I've spoken to my service manager to ask if it can be re-programmed, but he says it can't. Annoying, but otherwise, excellent.
Have you tried slipping into Sports Mode? It has a different Rev Map.
The lower gear on a downhill section is part of the Regenerative Braking/Blue Motion system.
Another alternative is to engage the " Coast " function.

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