Having read through previous posts I cant match any issues with mine so here goes...
Key fob will open the side door although now and again itll just operate an unlock but not open the door itself
Key fob will not close the door
Door handles wont close the door either electrically
Dashboard button shows flashing
Been to auto electrician with vagcom but his software was locked out of side door issues
VW want £108 per hour just to plug the van in
I know theres some clues up people here so I thought I'd try before it goes to vw
Key fob will open the side door although now and again itll just operate an unlock but not open the door itself
Key fob will not close the door
Door handles wont close the door either electrically
Dashboard button shows flashing
Been to auto electrician with vagcom but his software was locked out of side door issues
VW want £108 per hour just to plug the van in
I know theres some clues up people here so I thought I'd try before it goes to vw