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Gas ring heat diffuser

Volkswagen MAJOR BOO BOO , NO SIMMER SMALLER RING FITTED , RINGS TOO POWERFULL , MILES TO HOT , TOTALLY UNACEPTABLE BY VOLKSWAGEN !!!!!!!!!!! and ridiculas , impossible to cook something out tin in saucepan without being boiled death .
Can someone Volkswagen sort this out please ???????????????????????????

I found the diffuser mentioned in post #2. You can have it if you want it.

This thread caught my attention as I had not perceived it as a particular problem, more a weak design and function by VW.
After nearly ten years of ownership and never having tried, there is a recommendation to try turning the burner off very slowly to get a reduced flame.
A very controlled and much smaller flame from both burners. Brilliant.
Much cheaper than replacing the gas ring diffusers.
And, we have had the toaster thingy for years now, and it makes reasonable toast.
Much appreciate this discussion as I now have a simmer solution solved.
Raise pan supports up higher .
8mm copper micropore tube works treat
Cut 4 bits approx 15mm long .
Also works well to level pan , should oil in pan be uneven

Radical I know but is anyone else thinking that if the OP had spent more than 65k they’d have got the same stove we all have? Just a thought. .
Luckily I’m married to a chef
I still think VW should stand up and be counted.

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