Ghost on T6.1


Hamish S

Making up for the years spoilt by school and work
Lifetime VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 199 4Motion
Has anyone had a Ghost actually fitted to their T6.1? Fitter is having problems with mine; after 2.5 hrs has decided to go home and try again in the morning just want to check that someone has one fitted and working. He said he would be here at 9am I said I was retired and would have to set the alarm to be ready that early!!!
Wondering how you got on? I’m waiting for my 6.1 and considering getting a Ghost too.
Have you looked at Outsmart the Thief Lockdown system?
I am looking at the ghost for my 2019 Cali Ocean
Wondering how you got on? I’m waiting for my 6.1 and considering getting a Ghost too.
Duly sorted after some head scratching. Apparently as the fuse box is different to the T6 they can't use the T6 software on the Ghost. The answer to the problem was to use VW Polo software and that worked. All up and working I know this as I forgot to put the code in when coming back from a walk. Duh..........
Sounds a bit fly by the seat of your pants but glad it worked out for you :)
Have you looked at Outsmart the Thief Lockdown system?
I fancied the Ghost as I didn't want a fob or phone app system. With the Ghost you set a button sequence, bit like a pin, if the thief doesn't know the code then the vehicle is being driven nowhere. If you use a phone app and leave the phone in the van, i.e. when filling up with fuel, then the van can be started. Likewise if the keys and fob are nicked then bye bye van.
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Have you looked at Outsmart the Thief Lockdown system?
One other option I've been looking at is Meta Trak S5 Deadlock. It uses a fob and an app which the OP did not want, but a difference to other systems appears to be that via the app you can choose to override the fob and also to immobilise remotely.
You have a point but Tracking and Lockdown are still operational, don't keep dongle on same ring as keys!
If professionals want the van they don't need to drive it.
Sounds a bit fly by the seat of your pants but glad it worked out for you :)
Yeah agree, that's my main reason I haven't gone down this route yet. Like the product but brand new Cali worry in case VW have an issue with it being fitted.
Sorry I've never heard of a ghost. What exactly is a ghost?
It's a vehicle immobiliser. Before you can start the vehicle you press a sequence of buttons, i.e. a pin, or the vehicle won't start. See Autowatch Ghost.
Yeh I agree, Ghost looks a good product but software obviously not developed for new T6.1 yet. I have a new T6.1 and there already seems to be some electronic issues so would not want a Ghost installation, could get caught between dealer and Ghost installers if problems....
Had a Ghost on my MoHo, great bit of kit, no fob, no app, no flashing led to guide the thief to its fitting.
I’ve had Ghost immobiliser and tracker fitted for over a year -admittedly on one of the last T6’s a2019.
I can’t rate it highly enough- whilst nothing will stop a professional thief hopefully it will make them look for easier targets.
Yeh I agree, Ghost looks a good product but software obviously not developed for new T6.1 yet. I have a new T6.1 and there already seems to be some electronic issues so would not want a Ghost installation, could get caught between dealer and Ghost installers if problems....
Working fine on mine, I know this as I forgot to put the code in this morning!!!
Works fine on mine too. In a rush to get to an event., Jumped into van talking to wife to explain the delay in Richer sounds etc. Forgot about the procedure.

In a panic now as this was going to take some time to recover and overcome the ghost 2. Wasted 10 minutes and only 10 as I knew the recovery process and knew the code.

pleased to know that it works.

recommend a deep breath every time you get into the driver’s seat it’s so easy to not be driving your van !
I have the ghost. Fitted at dealership (third party) prior to delivery December. Six months on no issues, works fine! I think if anyone got my keys, they would be utterley perplexed!! Made no difference to insurance premiums (Comfort).
I have had my Ghost fitted a few months now on my 6.1. I barely think about entering the code now, just second nature. Gives me peace of mind.
I have the ghost. Fitted at dealership (third party) prior to delivery December. Six months on no issues, works fine! I think if anyone got my keys, they would be utterley perplexed!! Made no difference to insurance premiums (Comfort).
I have no idea why an insurance company will not see this device as an aid to reduce theft and consequently reduce premiums to owners of vehicles who had it professionally fitted. No ongoing costs. You cannot fail to leave the cali in armed 5 star ⭐️ For sure
I have no idea why an insurance company will not see this device as an aid to reduce theft and consequently reduce premiums to owners of vehicles who had it professionally fitted. No ongoing costs. You cannot fail to leave the cali in armed 5 star ⭐️ For sure
I didn't even bother to let Comfort know when I renewed a few days ago. I am more concerned by my own peace of mind.
I'm going to act as the Devils Advocate here.
If you have a vehicle with Keyless Entry & Start I can see the Ghost being useful as this system is easily overcome electronically.
The California does not have this system, it needs the key & chip to start and gain access to vehicle without activating the alarm.
The Ghost doesn't stop the Spare Wheel or Tailgate rack being stolen.
The Ghost doesn't stop the smash & grab thief armed with a house brick.
All it does is stop the vehicle being stolen whilst in pocession of the key remote.
1. How many California are stolen without the thief having the owners key and being driven away? Very few if any.
2. How many Californias are stolen with the thief having the key? More likely than above.
3. How many Californias are taken on a low loader without a key? No idea
4. If the thief gets the key by burglary, what is to stop him getting the code from the owner?

In summary, the Ghost does not stop the opportunist smash and grab thief, it doesn't stop the low loader professional thief and just puts the owner in more jeopardy from the professional gang who break in to take the keys and who might have no compunction in threatening the owner and family.
Lastly, for the more adventurous owner who goes to far flung places you're more likely to find a mechanic you can get your vehicle going than a Ghost technician who can sort out the Ghost if you have a problem.

However, if that's what you need to sleep more easily at night then so be it. Personally I prefer good quality insurance and sensible precautions, keeping expensive items out of sight. A Safe lock for spare wheel and not leaving keys hanging around, especially when travelling.
Like everything it’s all down to personal choice and if it gives you peace of mind then go for it. I deliberated for a few months on the Ghost, had it fitted in the end and I’m glad I did.
I'm going to act as the Devils Advocate here.
And I'm going to try double down.
4. If the thief gets the key by burglary, what is to stop him getting the code from the owner?
Primarily the law and law enforcement. Violent crime is (hopefully) treated as a higher priority.

Lastly, for the more adventurous owner who goes to far flung places you're more likely to find a mechanic you can get your vehicle going than a Ghost technician who can sort out the Ghost if you have a problem.
I think if you know where it's installed and the basics of canbus you can work around this criticism.

All fair comment from @WelshGas as usual. Circumstances may vary based on where you live, park your vehicle, the vagaries of your local law enforcement agency, prosecution service, courts etc.
I'm going to act as the Devils Advocate here.
If you have a vehicle with Keyless Entry & Start I can see the Ghost being useful as this system is easily overcome electronically.
The California does not have this system, it needs the key & chip to start and gain access to vehicle without activating the alarm.
The Ghost doesn't stop the Spare Wheel or Tailgate rack being stolen.
The Ghost doesn't stop the smash & grab thief armed with a house brick.
All it does is stop the vehicle being stolen whilst in pocession of the key remote.
1. How many California are stolen without the thief having the owners key and being driven away? Very few if any.
2. How many Californias are stolen with the thief having the key? More likely than above.
3. How many Californias are taken on a low loader without a key? No idea
4. If the thief gets the key by burglary, what is to stop him getting the code from the owner?

In summary, the Ghost does not stop the opportunist smash and grab thief, it doesn't stop the low loader professional thief and just puts the owner in more jeopardy from the professional gang who break in to take the keys and who might have no compunction in threatening the owner and family.
Lastly, for the more adventurous owner who goes to far flung places you're more likely to find a mechanic you can get your vehicle going than a Ghost technician who can sort out the Ghost if you have a problem.

However, if that's what you need to sleep more easily at night then so be it. Personally I prefer good quality insurance and sensible precautions, keeping expensive items out of sight. A Safe lock for spare wheel and not leaving keys hanging around, especially when travelling.
This is exactly my thoughts when I started reading this thread. The Cali has a vehicle immobiliser as part of its alarm/security setup so can’t be moved unless you have the key.

I had my home broken into a few years ago to get my car keys. Didn’t wake me and they found the keys in a drawer. Police said we were lucky they found the keys else they wouldn’t hesitate to wake me and threaten violence to get the keys and any codes.

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