Thanks for that article and web site excellent. So that's about the same figures I have got from other sources. So, 2kg in winter if you set temperature + 18
°C - IF SET + 20°C you will use 3.5kg if you keep your campervan nice and warm all day. So how much will that cost you may ask? based on 45p/litre EU LPG refillable = £1.8/Day low usage or £3.15 high temperature. In UK prices are currently higher + 67p/litre, so this would equate to £2.5 & £4.55. So 1 week in cold ski resort = £3.15x7 = £22
Not so bad, as I am informed a diesel heater will use 4 litres per 24 hours. I worked out about £5/day.
1/4 tank for 5 days. If someone could verify this, it would be appreciated. The above are costs associated when you have purchased a refillable system and installed it in your campervan. About the same cost as the VW diesel option that is currently unavailable. But lets say you just use changeable bottles in France. You need two new bottles (say energaz) and adaptors. These are available in France and sold in super markets. (9kg propane) Deposit is € 5.00 and refill is € 21.50 = £2.1 per kg at current exchange rates.
Conclusion:- Save the £550 from no diesel option and get a refillable fixed system. Approx. same cost. 2 x 11kg refill will last a week in cold temperature's (2 x£10 = £20 in France to keep warm) Drive to a local garage and make sure you have the correct adaptors to refill this fixed system.
Or rent 2x new bottles in France =£38 = 2 x refills (9kg x 2) last for 5 days on high usage if its cold.(on all day) -----SO ITS APPROXIAMTLY 2.3 MORE FOR BOTTLES EXCHANGE OVER REFILL + GARAGE IN FRANCE. Even so, it will take a many stays in the cold to get back the refillable investment back. High usage 3.5kg/day = 24.5 kg/week + £2.1/kg = £51.45 (exchange bottle France)
Garage refill = 90p/kg = £22 per week. (£29.45 difference £650/29 = 22.4 weeks to recoup investment on fitted tank system. Also worth noting that refilling in the UK is currently £1.3/kg = £23.4 for 18kg of gas. So its costing you £14.4 more in France for the Gas in exchange bottles (2x 9kg) that can be exchanged in local supermarkets as required. Return bottles before you hit the UK.
France costs:-
Keep very warm (24.5kg/wk) = Diesel = £35 wk...Refill = £22 week ......9 kg bottles =£51.45 per week
Just night time (14kg/wk) = Diesel = £20... ..Refill = £12.6 week ...9kg bottles =£29.4 per week
So every week you need to drive to a garage and refill or pop to the supermarket and exchange the bottles. In the summer in the UK, I am informed you use about 1kg of gas. Do not need heating, so a
11kg light gas bottle from Homebase costs £42 per refill. That's £3.8/kg gas. Nearly x3 the cost of LPG(£1.3 - 67P litre). So this also explains why people would go for the fitted refill system if using the campervan for 3 months more each year. Mind you, you save £2.5 per kg gas if you decide on refill system. (£2.5 x 7 days = £17.5 savings each week using 1kg each day. 34 weeks in the summer to get back your investment.
So I think 1 will use my existing home base 11kg bottles in the summer here. Lightweight and last for ages when just doing the barbecues. These 2 bottles will last me a month easily full time in van and easy to exchange. Then when I go to the Alps next winter (if we are allowed) 0

I rent the 2 x 9kg bottles and just exchange them each week at the local supermarket. So maybe its not such a big deal not having the diesel option. If anybody has more details on diesel usage in winter conditions, it would be appreciated.