Arghh of're setting the temperature in the cabin and not the air coming out of the vent. If the air out of the vent is 22 degrees, with thermal loss through the vehicle's fabric , it would never heat the cabin to that temperature.
Not something I really though about before. Well relative to a car that is.
The smaller the car (cabin) you have to warm up, the less difference you are going to feel, and the faster the set temperature will be reached.
If you have the heat up the cabin of a panel van (with closed bulkhead), it will be set temperature in no time.
If you want the same temperature in your California, with the rear ventilation OFF, it will take a hell of a lot longer to get the same temperature, or even the same feeling.
All is relative to the situation.
In your home, with conventional heating system, your radiators will produce all the heat they can, until the thermostat reaches 1 or 2 degrees above set temperature, then the heating system will shut down, until the thermostat reaches 1 or 2 degrees under set temperature, and then heat up again.
On newer systems you have a modulational functioning, meaning it will give full heat at startup, and then it tries to keep your set temperature by modulating the heater to keep that temperature fairly constant.
This is what happens in your car.
Or something along those lines.