High mileage T5s - what to look for



Just browsing
Hi! I know that there have been some other posts regarding high mileage Calis, but I have some more concrete questions. Would appreciate feedback from knowledgeable owners.

We are looking for a VW Cali with 4Motion. Our budget is pointing us in the direction of T5s. There are not that many of them here in Norway, and they appear to be popular in the second hand market (importing them is quite expensive).

Most that I´ve seen tend to be T5s from 2006-2008, some with quite high mileage (250.000-300.000 kms). I´ve seen from other threads that high mileage doesn't need to be a problem if the vehicle has been taken good care of (full service history etc).

It's my understanding that most campers are driven on less frequent, but longer trips, than other cars. This should mean less wear and tear, if I understand things correctly?

Of course, I will prefer a vehicle that runs stable and doesn't need a visit to the repair shop every two months.

Would you buy a VW T Cali 4Motion with high mileage (over 250.000 kms), and what would you look for/check when inspecting the car prior to a decision? Both in terms of engine/drive train/chassis and camping equipment/electronics.
Driveshaft spline wear, exhibits clunk / knock when lifting off accel pedal quickly or reapplying.
Front strut top mounts / bearings - slow speed manoeuvre eg parking whilst changing steering unput on uneven ground, knocking/groaning usually heard.
If 2.5tdi engine the cam gearset i believe is due replacement at 100k?
Auxiliary belt tensioner and alternator clutch freewheel known weak points.
If dsg box needs oil change every 40k.
Haldex/viscous also needs oil change + filter.
T5/T6 forum your best bit for weak points/repair info.
Standard cali weak points of tambour door split, kitchen cupboard door latches break, both fuel fired heaters need servicing and most never get touched till they dont work in winter. Roof canvas tears, blocked roof drains, sliding window drains. All door latch mechanisms on vw fragile the micro switchs fail leading to inop lock,unlock, alarm issues.
both leisure batteries have a limited lifespan, kitchen tap spout falls off, kitchen water pumps fail. Rear aircon pipes often leak. Door mirrors if damaged often contain radio aerial if damaged terrible radio reception.
Cheapo tyres, lowered suspension both warning signs.
Avoid 180hp 4cyl diesel due to known incidence of egr cooler fin disintegrating destroying cylinder walls. All engines block their egr valves and n75 valves & pipework leaks leading to mooing sound at key off.
Apologies last post the egrs block over time. The n75 valves and vac hoses simply develop leaks leading to mooing noise at switch off.

VW California Club
