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Spoke with my dealership today and they are very happy to do the transaction on the day I pick the Cali upThe dealership I’m using for my forthcoming brand new Cali apparently wants full payment of over £65k 48 hours prior to collection. In these uncertain times I’m a little concerned about that. It’s unlikely, but if they ceased trading between payment and vehicle collection, I’d be totally exposed. I have requested that they accept a CHAPS payment on the day of collection which is what I did when collecting a new Mercedes. I await their response. Anybody on this forum had this issue?
On a different note, we did discuss the handover process under Covid rules. They advised that whereas in the past they would spend quite a time going through everything with the customer, they are currently not allowed to sit in the van once it’s been ‘sanitised’ for the customer.
So in preparation I’m trying to learn as much as I can from this forum and from ‘tutorials’ such as those by California Chris (you’ll find him on YouTube).
On the day I will take my handover checklist and go through as much as I can before leaving the dealership.