Mal & Grace
Apologies for encroaching on your California owners website but this is the only place I have been able to get any sensible information over the past 2 months. You see in January I went into my VWCV local dealer to decide whether to replace my 3 year old Caravelle or to extend the warranty. Unfortunately for my bank balance there was a lovely two tone Exec 4motion sat in the showroom. After long negotiation the deal was done and arrangements made for me to collect the next day. Then it all started as the dealer found they were unable to register the vehicle and you all know the rest of the story. It appears now having received the letter and agreed to proceed with the purchase I am just a few days away from taking ownership. The upgrade is done and the certificate applied for. I await an interesting discussion with the dealer regarding the extra £400 road tax which as yet has not been mentioned. I have found the best way of keeping updated on progress has been through this forum which I have been reading daily with great interest. I also feel better equipped for that awkward inevitable discussion. Thank you.