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In shock and very sad …

How awful for you and what a shock it must have been. Such a relief that you are all unhurt.
Hope it is sorted for you all soon.
Can only echo the above - feel for you and hope working it all out isn't too difficult and stressful

With best wishes,

Very sorry but glad to hear you all are OK.
@Kmann , have you got good news ....regarding incurance and the Cali will be fully paid back and replaced?
Guess you must want one again?
Dear all, thank you for all your kind concerns and messages. We are so grateful.

We are recovering, my daughter and wife still in a bit of pain, but moving towards the better. We still can't beleive that we were able to walk out of the car. We were so lucky.

It truly has been a surprisingly difficult week. Right now I am using a lot of time trying to sort everything out. There are so many loose ends due to some unlucky circumstances. I will try to explain some.

I had the impression that the insurance would step up, and make things happen, but I had to discover that it must be in another world. So I have spend hour and hours talking to differend people. It took me 48 hours just to find a place where they would calculate damages on my car, despite the fact that the accident happened just outside a car dealer that was supposed tho be a partner with my insurance. But they stated that they would need between 2-4 weeks before the had the time to finish the job. The fact is that the dealer do not get payment for the job, if the car is decided dead.

I was send back and forth between dealers, and finally I found a place. But it showed up, they are not certified to work on Californias, and when we wanted to have a look at the (our) car, we were almost trow out of the garage. I made my complains, and now VW DK went on the case, and tomorrow they collect my car and do the math. We assume the car is not worth to rebuild, so we all just wait for the insurance to decide what to do.

Meanwhile I have struggled with the insurance of the guy who drove into us. At the scene of the accident he tried to flee twice, first time he just drove away, second time after coming back to pick up his lost licensplate and front bumper I managed to stop him until the police came. Afterwards he has not reported the accident to his insurance, and therefore I can not claim for compensation nor getting a rental car. This together with a police report that is not yet been written, everything is in some sort of limbo moving nowhere. And leaves me with no possibilities to order or buy a new car. Nor getting a meanwhile rental.

And I was not able to get a replacement car form VW Mobility Service, because my car was not collected by them in the first place. Complicated.

Nevertheless we are certain we need a new California. But new used are very rare in DK. And the challenge is, that the 200 pax VW DK had made reservation of the T6, where almost sold (back to Germany due to lower revenue) already in february. If we order a new one, we are lucky to get one in 2016, and 6 month is not unusual to wait. There is a tiny tiny chance we can get one within 3-4 month.

Or we can take one of the few on display in DK. They all have the smallest 104 tdi engine. And no Navi, and other stuff I would love to have (i.e. 4Motion). And I am concerned that the engine is to weak. The dealer told me, that the 104 is as strong as the 114 we lost (250 Nm). I actually found the power sufficient, even I would like to have the 150.

So here we are right now, waiting for the insurance verdict: Going for the cheeper Cali on display, fitted close to the one we lost. And being back on track in 10 days, settling with less … ! … or deciding to take the big step. Spending it all. Building the dream and waiting (probably) til end of summer before we are on the road again.

I guess it will be another sleepless night ;-)

… to be continued!

Kmann, thanks so much for the update. We all feel for you. Please keep us posted on your progress, and who knows, maybe someone on here has some experience that can help.
The rest of us are just thankful you're safe and look forward to hearing that you are back on the road again in a Cali..
Take care.
Dear all, thank you for all your kind concerns and messages. We are so grateful.

We are recovering, my daughter and wife still in a bit of pain, but moving towards the better. We still can't beleive that we were able to walk out of the car. We were so lucky.

It truly has been a surprisingly difficult week. Right now I am using a lot of time trying to sort everything out. There are so many loose ends due to some unlucky circumstances. I will try to explain some.

I had the impression that the insurance would step up, and make things happen, but I had to discover that it must be in another world. So I have spend hour and hours talking to differend people. It took me 48 hours just to find a place where they would calculate damages on my car, despite the fact that the accident happened just outside a car dealer that was supposed tho be a partner with my insurance. But they stated that they would need between 2-4 weeks before the had the time to finish the job. The fact is that the dealer do not get payment for the job, if the car is decided dead.

I was send back and forth between dealers, and finally I found a place. But it showed up, they are not certified to work on Californias, and when we wanted to have a look at the (our) car, we were almost trow out of the garage. I made my complains, and now VW DK went on the case, and tomorrow they collect my car and do the math. We assume the car is not worth to rebuild, so we all just wait for the insurance to decide what to do.

Meanwhile I have struggled with the insurance of the guy who drove into us. At the scene of the accident he tried to flee twice, first time he just drove away, second time after coming back to pick up his lost licensplate and front bumper I managed to stop him until the police came. Afterwards he has not reported the accident to his insurance, and therefore I can not claim for compensation nor getting a rental car. This together with a police report that is not yet been written, everything is in some sort of limbo moving nowhere. And leaves me with no possibilities to order or buy a new car. Nor getting a meanwhile rental.

And I was not able to get a replacement car form VW Mobility Service, because my car was not collected by them in the first place. Complicated.

Nevertheless we are certain we need a new California. But new used are very rare in DK. And the challenge is, that the 200 pax VW DK had made reservation of the T6, where almost sold (back to Germany due to lower revenue) already in february. If we order a new one, we are lucky to get one in 2016, and 6 month is not unusual to wait. There is a tiny tiny chance we can get one within 3-4 month.

Or we can take one of the few on display in DK. They all have the smallest 104 tdi engine. And no Navi, and other stuff I would love to have (i.e. 4Motion). And I am concerned that the engine is to weak. The dealer told me, that the 104 is as strong as the 114 we lost (250 Nm). I actually found the power sufficient, even I would like to have the 150.

So here we are right now, waiting for the insurance verdict: Going for the cheeper Cali on display, fitted close to the one we lost. And being back on track in 10 days, settling with less … ! … or deciding to take the big step. Spending it all. Building the dream and waiting (probably) til end of summer before we are on the road again.

I guess it will be another sleepless night ;-)

… to be continued!

View attachment 13663
It all sounds like an awful mess at the moment. I hope that you get it all sorted out soon and end up with the perfect Cali for you and your family.
Sorry to hear your news and hope the rest of your family make a quick recovery.

With regard to the fact that you had travel plans this summer and now have no vehicle, if it was me I would be tempted by one of the lower powered demo models available in DK. Then you could have this chipped. Here is a reputable UK company that did mine ( I am sure they must have these in DK or else an excuse for a visit to the UK).

If you decide in the future that you want a new build to you exact specification, it sounds as if demand should be high in DK so hopefully you would get most of your investment back.

Good luck whatever you decide.
Not all good new in how things turned out afther the accident.
So you had no omnium insurance eighter? How old is the Cali , my guess by the looks of the pics the repair costs are gone be high.
@hotel california … I am not sure I know what a Omnium insurance is? I am supposed to get the marked price as compensation. That is about 73.000 € (Yes - due to the danish tax on 150%) The Cali was from 2014 with barely 30.000 km on the clock. If the repair exceeds 65% I can chose between full repair or the a cash compensation. I think you can repair a lot for that amount, but taking into consideration, that almost everything is broken, and the car was without window in pouring rain for almost 3 days, I assume (hope) it is a closed case to repair it.
I have info about top build demo Ocean in Slovakia. Posted info here some time ago. Might be still available.
I have info about top build demo Ocean in Slovakia. Posted info here some time ago. Might be still available.
Hope you manage to end up with a new vehicle. I can't believe after so much damage that you can't fund another one.
I am so sorry that this is happening to you.

I know that it is only words, I feel quite helpless, angry for you but unable to help, other than to be thinking of you, hoping and praying it is all sorted and you have another beloved Cali to get away in.

My very best wishes,

One week later: how are you? dif you get the support you needed? I hope you are all fine and the new vehicle is on its way to you! best wishes
Today we moved a little - but important - step further. The Cali was finally declared "Not suitable for rebuild" by the garage. Hopefully the appraiser will show up tomorrow, and if we are lucky we might be able to order a new Cali within this week.

Still in doubt if we go for the demo T6 Ocean or a new T6 Ocean. I am really tempted not to wait 3-6 month. And today the seller told me that they soon will be able to instal the navigation. On the other hand – 4Motion, brand new and 150 Hp sounds nice to ;-)
Great for you things are clearing out .
By my earyer post saying omnium incurance i mean a incurance paying the full value back in a accident if the even when your are the cause .
By my earler post saying omnium insurance i mean a insurance paying the full value back in a accident if the even when your are the cause.

Ahh … Omnium is exactly what I have ;-)
You can fit a Navigation system whenever you want, but there are options you cannot reasonably retrofit later, as 4Motion. Think well wheter it deserve wait 6 months for your wished one.
You can fit a Navigation system whenever you want, but there are options you cannot reasonably retrofit later, as 4Motion. Think well wheter it deserve wait 6 months for your wished one.

Yes you are right. Another issue in Denmark, is the fact that upon all fitted ab fabrik, you pay 150% tax. Sp if you can retrofit tings, it can save you quite some money. The "Discover Media Plus" is 4.400 € fitted on the factory, but only approx. 2.400 € as retrofit. But some items still are better to get fitted on production. On my T5 i made a retrofit of the RNS 510 (navi), but not all functionallity was available because it was not fitted on the factory – and off cause some parts is impossible (or too pricy) to get afterwards lige 4Motion or another engineer or gearbox.
2400€!?!?!?!! Do this headunit have gold and diamonds incrustations?!??!?:shocked
HAHA … yes! Cars and Denmark is not quite such an attractive combo. A Cali SE from 2013 with 60.000 km down, 112 manual and random equipped was just sold 2nd hand for 73.500 €
Maybe it deserve a trip to Spain to retrofit the headunit..... or even better, to Andorra
The functionality you are missing can probably be enabled with VCDS or a vagcom :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Latest news:

Yesterday afternoon I got a ring from the appraiser. On very short notice, he managed to run thru my Cali just before the garage had to close for the holiday. He was very informative and polite. And I was very pleased with his enthusiasm. But he made it clear, that there still was a small risk they would rebuild the car.

A normal car is declared dead if the cost for repair exceeds 65% of the marked value. But on a camper the limit is 85%, because the camper is imported under other reduced tax rules.

We are so frustrated. Now we have to wait until start next week before things move foreward. Many days of speculations – what if this and that. Anyway, I found out that the Cali actually is registred as a car, not a camper, on the certificate. But have no clue if it will make any difference.

I also had another discussion with the appraiser. What about all the accessories, like my bikerack. It is most unlikely I can buy another T5 if I wanted, they simply are so rare here (Right now there is only 2 for sale in DK). So I need to replace all the stuff with loss, when going to a T6.

I clearly feel that there is a lot of confusion and unsureness because it is a accident with a rare car, and the appraiser nor the garage ever saw that kind of damage/accident with this model.

As I see it now, we have a lot of issues where we will not get compensation. We are worse of, because we have a camper, both in terms of risking to stick on a really damaged car, that probably never will be as god as new. And not being compensated for all the missed trips and stays with the camper … a strange one-sided logic from the insurance.

But what the heck, the summer is here, sun is shining and temperature is really rising ;-)

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