iPhone 5 and MDI (Media Device Interface)



VIP Member
West Lancashire UK
Have been happily using my old iPhone 4 as a satnav (Navigon App) connected to RCD310 via MDI in glovebox. Wedges on ash tray , charges and speaks directions through the speakers.

Have changed my phone to an iPhone 5 with the lightning connection and obviously Im unable to connect up. Does anyone know if MDI cable is available yet for new iPhone? Any success with the Apple adapter?


Jim i would like to think that with the Apple Adaptor it should be OK as it will switch the new connector to the previous.
i use the Apple connector for my IPhone 5 - and it is fine. I've got the Kenwood system, sometimes the Kenwood gets confused and you need to unplug one of the connectors from the stere and re plug in but it is fine.

Had the intention to open a new thread about it but...thanks Jim :thanks
I think I'll have a look on amazon for the adaptor.

James, you meant "adaptor" didn't you?

Argo&Liebe said:
Had the intention to open a new thread about it but...thanks Jim :thanks
I think I'll have a look on amazon for the adaptor.

James, you meant "adaptor" didn't you?


Yes lol - the only downside with the Kenwood system is that it doesn't always recognise it but that's the same if you make your own with a an aux lead and ipod lead, just got to unlug and re plug.

All plays and charges though.

Thanks all!
Reassuring to hear. Have ordered the conversion device - hopefully will arrive in next day or so.

Jim :thanks

VW California Club
