Kitchen cupboard lights staying on



T6 Ocean 204
Hi all, I have a 67 plate T6 petrol Ocean where the kitchen cupboard lights won't turn off using the lower switch on the right hand panel behind the passenger seat. After repeated pressing it occasionally turns off, but then comes back on as soon as the button is released. The camping mode switch above it still works fine and the under counter strip cycles through modes as expected.

There's several threads reporting issues with the strip light, but does anyone have a solution or reason for the cupboard interior lights being stuck on, draining the battery?
I don't know a fix, but you could pull the wires from the back of the switch to stop the battery from draining. I had (and still have) the strip light issue and VW couldn't fix it. It's actually okay if I leave it in the mode that comes on when the doors open, but if I change it, then it comes on and runs through the dimming to bright cycle continuously and won't turn off. VW told me to pull the wires if I continued having the problem.
I didn’t know we had cupboard lights - still learning :)
Update: the problem persisted when the two switches on the kitchenette were swapped over, so no problem with the actual switch. The switch works by interrupting an always on power supply, so it seems likely there is a CPU hidden somewhere that needs replacing. A dealer job.

VW California Club
