Leaking pop tops on 2023 California Oceans

I rather thought I had joined a friendly, helpful community of like-minded Cali owners. Not one where an innocent response to a fellow poster’s request generated bossy and rude responses. Well I’ve learnt my lesson and more about this Forum.
I think the vast majority on this forum are supportive and understanding Cali owners but I do find one or two members that are blunt bordering on downright rude. Don’t let it put you off posting as we need a broad spectrum of contributors….there is always the ignore option if you find someone who gets under your skin repeatedly…I have used that previously on this thread.
I also checked mine in light conditions and had no leakage. I checked my weather app and it wasn’t until it was around 2-3mm of rain per hour that I started to get noticeable water ingress, and the rain needed to be continuous for at least an hour.
Its so variable. Not all bellows leak in the same way. Under those condition mine leaked in less than 5 mins through the curved zipper. Other people see the water come through the horizontal seam first, but that maybe takes a little longer.
Its so variable. Not all bellows leak in the same way. Under those condition mine leaked in less than 5 mins through the curved zipper. Other people see the water come through the horizontal seam first, but that maybe takes a little longer.
I think the variability has more to do with the test conditions than the build of the bellows themselves. Some wind/rain/aspect combinations have different effects than others?
I think the variability has more to do with the test conditions than the build of the bellows themselves. Some wind/rain/aspect combinations have different effects than others?
Possibly but the infiltration is not a direct effect of water contact. A combination of factors are at play each contributing to the final result. There is water absorption, fabric saturation, capillary action through the seams etc etc. When people say the type of water ie tap vs rain plays can make a difference we know we are in the realms of science.
What I noted was that wind was not a major factor. I had stronger wind but less rain and no infiltration. Then virtually no wind but lots of rain and the bellows leaked at specific points on both sides of the window. At then it was a steady drip drip no matter how much rain fell due to the capillary action feeding the water from the saturated outer fabric layer in through the seams and on into the cabin.
Has anyone with 04S bellows done a ‘hose test’ yet (ie. the tests that were being performed on the 03S to show its vulnerabilities)?

Skimming recent posts I couldn’t see any examples but may have missed it
Has anyone with 04S bellows done a ‘hose test’ yet (ie. the tests that were being performed on the 03S to show its vulnerabilities)?

Skimming recent posts I couldn’t see any examples but may have missed it
I've not seen any either. Although give the weather at the moment I'd be reluctant to get it wet too unless I could be sure of getting dry again.
A lot of focus on the 3 letter designation (03S.. 04S) on the tag - is there any reliable evidence that this is the indication of manufacture/design generation (and that a change occurred between currently circulating generations that specifically addresses a known waterproof malfunction) ? Is it possible the forum is focusing on a red herring?

(Devils advocate)
A lot of focus on the 3 letter designation (03S.. 04S) on the tag - is there any reliable evidence that this is the indication of manufacture/design generation (and that a change occurred between currently circulating generations that specifically addresses a known waterproof malfunction) ? Is it possible the forum is focusing on a red herring?

(Devils advocate)
Well it does say those 3 numbers and letter correspond to a 'generation'. We won't truly know until owners expose the bellows to water in a way that caused leaking previously.
I'm also curious about the bellows that will be available in January referenced by the dealers. Is this just the 04S that are only now being offered or a new new 04S?
A lot of focus on the 3 letter designation (03S.. 04S) on the tag - is there any reliable evidence that this is the indication of manufacture/design generation (and that a change occurred between currently circulating generations that specifically addresses a known waterproof malfunction) ? Is it possible the forum is focusing on a red herring?

(Devils advocate)
On your first question - yes, the code does appear to signify a particular generation. The version of bellows prior to the Nov/ December 2022 change (ie. the single layer bellows) was 02S. See photo attached for example on a T6.1 with bellows pre the Nov/ Dec change.

On your second question - hopefully evidence either way will be presented soon from owners with the new 04S bellows.

I'm also curious about the bellows that will be available in January referenced by the dealers. Is this just the 04S that are only now being offered or a new new 04S?
Maybe it’s too early to talk about a new new 04S!!
On your first question - yes, the code does appear to signify a particular generation. The version of bellows prior to the Nov/ December 2022 change (ie. the single layer bellows) was 02S. See photo attached for example on a T6.1 with bellows pre the Nov/ Dec change.

On your second question - hopefully evidence either way will be presented soon from owners with the new 04S bellows.

View attachment 116872
Very helpful :)
I was also taken aback by the way you replied to PW. You seemed to judge his test as null and void. It was a rain test, maybe not the one you would do, but a test all the same.
I guess some come over less well in written word...and to be direct is no crime. This said, (most) people should be made to feel welcome and most their point of view is probably valid :)

To be on point: my take is that all of these 03S bellows do likely leak, or else why would VW be introducing a replacement? Some have been "luckier" than others and have not had the conditions that caused any issues, others have had been less fortunate.
IMG_4439 Large.jpegFor those that are interested this is the tag that came with my new Cali which was built first or second week of Nov. I put the bellows up yesterday and it's been raining incessantly ever since, I'm going to give it a good 48 hours before I draw any conclusions.....
Ah, yours has the round sticker with an A in it too. Wonder what that means

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Just heard back from the dealer, VW have recognised this as a design fault and are looking to replace with updated bellows early in the new year!
Hoping then that my Cali (for which we are still awaiting a build date) will have the latest bellows fitted at the factory.
Supposedly an instruction went round to dealers from VWCV not to install any more 03S but to wait until the January update which will be 04S (or maybe 05S).

Who knows.

Certainly not your dealer!!!!! A question to ask Adrian when you get a hold of him.