Leisure battery



T4 PopTop
Good evening all,

I have just joined and own a 1997 T4 Westfalia, I am having some problems with my leisure battery system that I am struggling to resolve.

The battery has not held a charge for around a year now, recently the overhead display stopped showing a voltage reading and now just shows 3 lines.

I purchased a new leisure battery from Tanya expecting it to resolve my problems but unfortunately it has not.

The fridge etc work fine when on hook up or with the engine running, any other time the battery light flashes, at all times I have the 3 lines where the voltage reading should be.

The new battery is fully charged and receiving a charge when the engine is running, I have checked this with a multi meter.

Probably the worst explanation ever but hoping you guys will have some suggestions for me.

Many thanks
Welcome on board , there are some T4 owners with good knowledge on here , unfurtunate i can't be any help here....
Show us some picture of your Westie in the meantime .

Welcome on board.

Apart from checking the obvious, connections etc you need to check the overhead control panel is set correctly for the type and number of leisure batteries

If you remove it from the overhead housing you’ll see on the rear of the unit a block of 4 DIP switches.

These need setting according to battery type and quantity.

There is plenty of similar posts here on the subject.

I’ll try to find one and post a link.
Welcome Jamie, I hope you get it sorted. Hopefully it will be something easy to sort

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

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