Lowering kit with adaptive cruise?



VIP Member
Christchurch, dorset
T6.1 Ocean 204
I am looking to have the dealer fit The lowering kit soon but they insist because the van has the adaptive cruise the van has to have the tracking and radar re calibrated adding nearly £200 to the bill in £75 for new bolts does this seen excesive and what have others paid for this standard upgrade?
I am looking to have the dealer fit The lowering kit soon but they insist because the van has the adaptive cruise the van has to have the tracking and radar re calibrated adding nearly £200 to the bill in £75 for new bolts does this seen excesive and what have others paid for this standard upgrade?

Having the tracking done is standard after changing suspension height, I’m pretty sure my ‘radar’ was also recalibrated too. But as all this was from the company who supplied the new suspension I was quoted a fitted price of around £1250 including hardware. That wasn’t with the VW dealer though - your dealer might have to take it to a third party to get the tracking done.

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I had the lowering done by the dealer when my van was new. I was told that the tracking should be done but no mention of the radar. Charged me about £500 all in

I looked into this many times you do apparently need it re calibrated and the tracking is standard after the suspension has been removed
Betty67, I understand the answer depends on what springs you are talking about. I had the VW dealer fitted 30mm lowering springs fitted and asked them this explicit question about ACC. The dealer told me that for the 30mm springs the adaptive cruise control didn't need to be re-calibrated, but for more serious lowering (like coilovers) it was needed. They said they had done dozens of these 30mm kits so nothing to be worry about. My ACC has been fine since they did it around 7 months ago
Just to add: your dealer may not have the same level of experience, or may be trying to make the job profitable. It's a lot of work for a relativity small cost for the 30mm lowering kit. I was surprised at how many hours of work it is for them
Just to add: your dealer may not have the same level of experience, or may be trying to make the job profitable. It's a lot of work for a relativity small cost for the 30mm lowering kit. I was surprised at how many hours of work it is for them
Can i ask how much was the total bill?
Can i ask how much was the total bill?
Sure. it was £465 inc VAT. This was Wooburn Green, Bucks in Jan of this year. There was a long thread on here about costs of this kit around that same time , but strangely the thread seems to be gone! My price was quoted in Dec but work scheduled for Jan. I think the price may have bumped a little for 2020
Had mine done 2.5 years ago by VW total cost £460 + vat
For any lowering, the recommendation is to do a Hunter Alignment as it seems that is the only kit using which you can also do your ACC re-calibration along with the wheel alignment. it is not a "regular" wheel alignment, hence the higher cost.
My experience is identical to Jon A’s insofar as price and extent of work. I booked mine in last week having researched on this site, so asked specific questions about recalibrations etc and was told they’re not necessary (I also got them to utter the magic words that the quote is an ‘all in price for everything that needs doing’, so I’m confident if there does prove a need post, that I won’t get an extra bill for it!). This is with Robinson’s in Norwich
Interested to read this, as the dealer is quoting me £2400 to supply and fit the Eibach Coilvers. I queried why the cost was so high (when parts are ~ £1400 and it is a few hours labour to fit and an hour to do a 4 wheel alignment, so maybe ~ £500 at VW prices) and he blamed it on the ACC calibration. Implying just this calibration was about £500!
Although just seen that their pricelist shows £250+VAT for the alignment for an ACC vehicle), so they are charging £2100 to supply and fit the Eibachs (and £300 to align it).
I had this discussion with many dealers about our California’in the end I was totally put off by the idea.
We no longer own a cali but I own a t6 with acc
I wanted it lowered so
I called transporter h.q. to ask there opinion .
They said it’s fine you don’t need to do anything or get it re calibrated it’s absolute nonsense.
Lowered my t6 with acc and everything still works as it did so ignore there advice and call someone who knows better
I was sceptical, but there is sufficient talk about it on this forum (and others for other marques) to suggest there is some truth to it.

Logically the radar etc is calibrated to sit at a certain height, and to interpret the signals based on that position. If you alter the position, you alter the accuracy - enough to worry about ... ?

If you took an extreme case, and you lowered a vehicle 70mm + then you are moving those sensors that same amount.

Would be keen to understand how they calibrate them, if it is just a VCDS setting to set the vehicle height, or a physical movement like with the wheels.
I was sceptical, but there is sufficient talk about it on this forum (and others for other marques) to suggest there is some truth to it.

Logically the radar etc is calibrated to sit at a certain height, and to interpret the signals based on that position. If you alter the position, you alter the accuracy - enough to worry about ... ?

If you took an extreme case, and you lowered a vehicle 70mm + then you are moving those sensors that same amount.

Would be keen to understand how they calibrate them, if it is just a VCDS setting to set the vehicle height, or a physical movement like with the wheels.
I lowered mine to the full adjustment on the b14s plus used machined top mounts so it went down around 80mm it has had zero affect on the radar
I lowered mine to the full adjustment on the b14s plus used machined top mounts so it went down around 80mm it has had zero affect on the radar
How can you actually "know" this though, is there actually a way to test it?
By driving it with acc on??
You can set the radar distance on the steering wheel
This works as it did before.
Just trying to help you by giving you my opinion from having my van done and it’s fine…
Other than that I can’t help you any further
I would suggest if you’re still not convinced pay vw to re calibrate it for your piece of mind
From a different aspect>

Transporter vans have it fitted and can be used from an empty van to a fully laden one without any problems. The rear height change being more acute which would in practice alter the radar angle dramatically. This would have to be factored in when the system was designed.

I would tend to agree with those who haven't needed or carried out a radar recal post spring changes that it isn't required.

Incidentally it cost me £75 to have a 4 wheel alignment which included setting front and rear adjustable Polly-bushes for Camber-Caster angles as required.
£75 is what I would expect for a standard 4 wheel alignment, being an hour or so work. £250+VAT (assuming not parts) must be 2 or 2.5 hours labour they are charging, on top of roughly 6.5 hours to fit the coil overs in the first place.

Needless to say, I won't be getting it done with them! Just trying to get prices from my local VW dealer and also a VW approved place (so as to not impact warranty).

If the ACC recalibration was ~ £50 then I would just do it, as any chance, however slim, that the suspension could impact a safety feature on the vehicle is not worth the risk for £50!

VW California Club
