My MY20[?] T.61 California Ocean

Hi all

Attached is a picture of my recently acquired Ocean. Not entirely sure if it is a MY20 or 21 hence the entitled question mark. I’m sure it is in the paperwork but not really looked at it in depth.

I wanted to provide my initials thoughts and forgive me if any of the below has already been mentioned.

I’m Jumping out of a 2016 Audi RS3 8V as comparable tech and features based on the fact the 8V platform introduced itself late 2012 / 2013 so a relatively ageing platform. Some would say a later model was released in 2017 but it was simply a facelift which was minor ascetics and a new engine. I emphasise this because Audi did not have a massive fanfare, new marketing nor did they make it a new version when the facelift came to market. VW on the other hand did with the T 6.1 (marketing campaign, new interior, dash..etc etc...) therefore I was perhaps perplexed and disappointed to lose some useful features from an ageing 8V platform.

I’m sort of expecting some Cali’ purist to challenge me but that’s fine plus I’ve only had it a week so learning lots.

Considering the price tag, circa 65 - 70K GBP is it more of a van than it is Motorhome/Camper? They say the same about i’Phones‘, is it more of a phone than a mini computer, personal assistant? With the latter, I would say it is definitely more of a mini computer than it is a phone considering how many hours you can spend on it without make a call (I certainly can!). So, I come back to my original question given the price tag, have VW given it enough consideration, and I must stress this is with the cabin error, that differs it from a commercial van to a Cali? I’ll press on, with price tag in mind....

— Surprised there’s no electronic handbrake. I’m really missing this from my 8V which also provides the additional brake hold (not hill hold) when at traffics light or when you come to a stand still. For a 2019/2020 released vehicle this is archaic in my view to have a lever hand brake.

— with reference to the above point, I’m also missing keyless entry / starting. Again, I would’ve happily have paid for this potential optional extra but for it not to even feature is disappointing.

— i went for the discovery pro media but I haven’t found how to mute the volume at the touch of a steering button. Perhaps I haven’t looked hard enough but perhaps it isn’t possible besides reaching for the large screen to mute the volume which turned the entire screen off. This is possible on the 8V by swift and quick access but either steering wheel or volume control.

— Is there a dark / night mode for the large screen so as to effectively turn it off but still keep the infotainment on? I don’t always need it on. Granted I can hide the screen by retracting it on my 8V which effectively turns it off and leaves the infotainment on but I haven’t been able to find a dark mode, yet In the Cali.

— Cruise only goes up in in/decrements of 5 MPH - again may be configuration but this’ll get really annoying if it isn’t configurable and almost a safety concern.

— I accept that the later revision has made the sport mode gearbox obsolete but it’s disappointing that various driving profiles do not exist (eco, normal, sport) because these could still exist without the sport mode gearbox option, particularly eco to normal driving conditions.

— while I don’t have electronic tail gate closure in my 8V, the Cali is missing this vastly. One because the tailgate is an unwieldy beast to close which isn‘t helped by the fact the pull down strap is inappropriately positionEd in the middle of the gate thus negating optimum leverage and at best I have only managed to get it closed to about 3/4’s and the last is by a push from the outside tailgate which is far from ideal in these dirty winter months.

- only 1 central cup holder? the 8V has two even with less real estate up Front!

As I have said, I’m still learning and there’s possibly some resolutions to the above out of not researching them yet but some of those above I am going to need to live with. Pay a premium price should really give a premium product but hey ho.

All the above withstanding, we do really like it, particularly the sleeping area/cabinets etc and have purchased it to serve us a purpose (weekend getaways and living the camper experience)

View attachment 70891
New or old VW logo on steering wheel?
Sport mode on gear box or not? Yes = 2020 no = 2021
Anyone got to the truth on ARBs yet? Seems to be split opinion on whether the 6.1 has updated ARB as standard or not, although there appears to be no UK option to upgrade at factory. I didn’t have any issues with the standard set on my T6 but it would be interetsting to know what will be fitted to the new one.
Anyone got to the truth on ARBs yet? Seems to be split opinion on whether the 6.1 has updated ARB as standard or not, although there appears to be no UK option to upgrade at factory. I didn’t have any issues with the standard set on my T6 but it would be interetsting to know what will be fitted to the new one.
I’ve just had new H&R ARB (30mm diameter) installed at CRS Performance in Cannock.
2 weeks ago.
I have 6.1 MY20 - DSG with sport mode.
Steve measured the diameter of ARB taken off.
24mm Front
25mm rear.
Woefully inadequate for a 3 ton Campervan.
I was very disappointed in the original equipment Shock Absorbers as well.
Steve recomended Koni frequency self adjusting shocks. £1500 all fitted included updated HD H&R front springs.
The Handling and ride quality is TOTALLY transformed. (sorry needed Caps, the ride is that good now) See my separate thread on
Makes me wonder if they are standard now in UK...
The 6.1 original ARB are 24mm front & 25mm rear
.... I should’ve added. I’m not one who’s enamoured by stock vehicles so I’ll be :

— putting 19” winter alloys on it and switching to 20” wheels for the summer (Still choosing which wheels)
— lowering it on Coilovers supplied by the Trustworthy Simon @StillStati
— have already got the entire front end PPFd immediately after taking deliver, done by ArmourFactory
— deep tint the windows from b pillar back and legally tint front to low as possible.
Might I suggest you have a chat with Steve at CRS Performace.
First item is sort out the terrible ARB and Shock absorbers.
see my thread here
There’s a few of us here, that would like to see less tech...
I like my vans a simple as possible. Less is more, less is reliable. Trust me, being a thousand miles from home, you want something that gets you there and back comfortably with as little trouble as possible:)

P.S worth having a chat with CRS, they’ve had some great feedback.
Enjoy the van

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