Hi cowboy engineer, new van December 20, never had a camper or van in my life.
Migrated from BMW 440i (3 litre/straight six 334BHP 0-60 4.4 secs restricted to 150mph)
£58,000 to £21,000 in two years, daft really, I mean really daft!!
Cali now daily driver.
Best ever decision made. Just is, really is !!
Puts a different perspective on the daily drudgery of driving. Each trip a joy!
If I have one regret it’s I didn’t get one sooner!!
Enjoy, you will, you really will!!!
Bloody hell, my other car is an F80 M3, bought at about 14 months old for mid 40's and only been going up in price for last 8 months, probably get high 30's at the moment so around 2k per year depreciation, surprised yours dropped so much as used prices at the moment and just mad, hence why I bought a new Ocean and not used as price difference was just a few thousand.