Re: New Club Partner- Premium Tailored Mats (now with photo'
Well, I ordered the Mats Sunday night on their eBay shop last week, and they arrived Thursday morning by FedEx, which I think, considering their custom-made, thats not bad at all.
Talking about pictures, in my case there is no skill whatsoever, it's all to do with ones equipment in my opinion, in my case the 'Sony NEX-7' camera, which I have recently purchased, just seems to take decent snaps, what ever one decides to point at.
I suppose that's technology for you, when I first started snapping, I had a completely manual Chinese 120 'RolleiFlex' lookalike film camera, which was rather difficult to operate, and one never knew, to you got the films developed, what disasters, and also waste of film, your efforts produced, now days with modern cameras, it's almost too easy.
With digital images ready in seconds. if it don't look right, you can just snap another, seconds afterwards. as I say, I think it's to do with equipment and any skill that one may have aspired to, is simply something reserved for a bygone age of times past. Anyway taking pics of the Cali, how can one go wrong. I think they are photogenic which ever colour they are.Ha Ha