New T6.1 order delays

Took a call from my dealer this morning after he received an update from VW. 2022 expected delivery now. So much for October delivery. Time to put it out of my mind for another 6 or 8 months.
Order date, Lance? Seems similar to mine, ordered mid March, original estimate October, now Feb '22. As you say, out of mind: it wasn't ever going to come for summer so I guess before next Easter would be fine.
Doesn't mean I'm not watching others' vans arriving with jealousy (happy for them of course!)
For the Swiss contingent, I have now been told my build will be in August but do not have a specific date so I don't know if this is a provisionary slot or a confirmed build date.
Good to know!
Can you please remind me order date and general specs?
I dont want to call the dealer till end of the month or so.. dont want to get too sad
I ordered a 204 with tow bar in mid September. Was given March build (number 9 in the first list). Nothing happened in March but then given Apr 12 (week 15) confirmed build week. It remained in build until 19th May (6 weeks) when it showed status 38 (at Emden cleared for shipping). Since then I have become an avid ship watcher and have seen the Malacca Highway or other sister ships leave Emden for Sheerness 4 times. Each time I ask chat for updated code and it has thus far always been that it is still at Emden and not to worry as it could be there for 4 weeks. It couldn't be more frustrating.
I hope all those behind me who are hoping for a quick transit from factory to their drive have their wishes come true but I have to conclude that VW have many tricks up their sleeve right to the finishing line in order to exceed our expectations (in a bad way).

Anyway, the Thames Highway is leaving soon for Sheerness so really hoping my van will be on it (but expecting that it is probably parked in a corner of a distant carpark being abused by seagulls and running its leisure batteries down.

And then there's the pirates in the channel to worry about......
I know exactly how you feel. My van was finished in 2 weeks, build week 10....but then sat at Emden from 22nd March until it finally arrived in the UK on the 26th April. It was just utterly frustrating!!!!
Hopefully sharing some good news (for a change) for the week 20 crowd - just been told my van finished build yesterday and is now sat at the port awaiting a ship to the UK, code 38 I believe. So c.2weeks to build, apparently with towbar fitted.
Hopefully sharing some good news (for a change) for the week 20 crowd - just been told my van finished build yesterday and is now sat at the port awaiting a ship to the UK, code 38 I believe. So c.2weeks to build, apparently with towbar fitted.
does anyone have any shipping details for this shipment.
Order date, Lance? Seems similar to mine, ordered mid March, original estimate October, now Feb '22. As you say, out of mind: it wasn't ever going to come for summer so I guess before next Easter would be fine.
Doesn't mean I'm not watching others' vans arriving with jealousy (happy for them of course!)
Mid March order like yourself Bob.
I traded my car in on the deal also and have use of it until van arrives. Hopefully dealer won't try and renege on that situation.
Hopefully sharing some good news (for a change) for the week 20 crowd - just been told my van finished build yesterday and is now sat at the port awaiting a ship to the UK, code 38 I believe. So c.2weeks to build, apparently with towbar fitted.
Great news. Week 20 here, but still in build. Hopefully not far behind.
Hopefully sharing some good news (for a change) for the week 20 crowd - just been told my van finished build yesterday and is now sat at the port awaiting a ship to the UK, code 38 I believe. So c.2weeks to build, apparently with towbar fitted.
Great news. Very happy to hear they have some tow bars :thumb
Good to know!
Can you please remind me order date and general specs?
I dont want to call the dealer till end of the month or so.. dont want to get too sad
Ordered right at the end of December. 2 seat beach, 4x4, towbar, DSG, plus a few other bits. I don't hold out too much hope that it is a confirmed build date.
Ordered right at the end of December. 2 seat beach, 4x4, towbar, DSG, plus a few other bits. I don't hold out too much hope that it is a confirmed build date.
Mmm beach are coming a bit faster than coasts for what we can see in the thread.. we will see
Build week was 20. Ocean with tow bar.....

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when did you order? and what type of van? great to hear about this

Ordered 7 Nov and given 30 April as original delivery date. An Ocean with tow bar. Not going to sell the tent just yet!!

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Hopefully sharing some good news (for a change) for the week 20 crowd - just been told my van finished build yesterday and is now sat at the port awaiting a ship to the UK, code 38 I believe. So c.2weeks to build, apparently with towbar fitted.

I think it might be with mine!

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Just called Eurovans... “Sorry Tim I’ve got no update for you”.
Ordered 8 Oct. Have had December, to June build weeks/months, latest being a June build. So I put it to the back of my mind, determined to make it to June til I call again....nothing! Apparently that build month ‘list’ hasn’t been updated, and they haven’t dropped a build week in... so he’ll call VW sales tomorrow and call me back. I won’t hold my breath!
Tim - we should meet up in 2030 when we finally get our vans and get very drunk.
Our beach with towbar is at Emden! Ordered mid Feb... Just hope the boats on time
Our beach with towbar is at Emden! Ordered mid Feb... Just hope the boats on time
Four boats arrived and departed for Sheerness while my van remained at Emden cleared for shipping for 2 weeks. Finally today it is on the Thames Highway about to dock in Sheerness. Nb I'm using Eurovans Crawley but if you are using another dealer there will be ships going to the nearest of Grimsby or Tyne. Keep an eye out for the Malacca Highway, Danube Highway, Ems Highway and Thames Highway. (other vehicle carriers are available).
Ordered my coast 31st December.
Sat nav, heated seats, panoramic roof, rear camera and a few others bits.
Being built now
They don't think it will be done for the next uk shipment (which I think is in the next few days) but will be done for the next so should arrive at the dealers beginning of July ish.
I can allow myself to get a tad excited now
Ordered my coast 31st December.
Sat nav, heated seats, panoramic roof, rear camera and a few others bits.
Being built now
They don't think it will be done for the next uk shipment (which I think is in the next few days) but will be done for the next so should arrive at the dealers beginning of July ish.
I can allow myself to get a tad excited now
Fingers crossed Trudi. Orders ours 4 weeks before that and we are still in build. Did they start yours this week, or last?
Last week I think. Not 100% though as I was relieved to hear this news I stopped listening to the rest
I'd be happy with early July, but with all the stories of stalled builds and completed builds languishing at the docks for weeks, I am not hopeful. But more than happy to be surprised. If ours is on the same boat as yours early July, I will be a happy chap.
Just been notified ours is built and on the way to Emden to ship. Have to say I am super excited now!

We have been waiting patiently since September but hope to take delivery before the end of the Month. For interested parties waiting for a similar spec, its a 204ps 4 motion with tower and TPMS.
Just had a call from Eurovans. My Ocean is certainly going to be MY22 now. MY22’s will begin to be allocated confirmed build weeks at the end of next week (10 June).
Did they provide any details on what was new in the MY22 compared to the MY21 @66tim99 ?

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