No power to 5amp fuse for sink water pump.

Thanks for that SD5. I did find that the tap came off easy once it was in the open position and a light prise from the bottom of the handle.
Anyway - micro switch seems fine, shorted the connector below the sink and no joy. Switching on at the shower gets the pump going and works as a fix for the sink. Warranty job.....
I have had exactly the same issue while away in France, using the switch at the shower connection provided water at the tap but a bit of a pain. I will investigate the micro switch as the fault was intermittent and it could be a relatively simple fix rather than a trip to the dealer.
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Interesting Johnny - I dont think its the switch - especially looking at the original post on power at the fuse. I have a few items to go in for anyway so will likely send this one to the dealer and will report back on result for future reference.
Hi all,

On our first big trip, filling the water for the first time. (Yeah, we wish we had done it before we left to test...)

Turn on the tap, and hear the click from the microswitch. Nada.

I sucked water through successfully, so no air bubble issues. Shaking back-and-forth, taping gently, nada.

No electric equipment. No desire to spend vacation at a dealer. And we're out of warranty anyway.

Any ideas of what we can do???

Most likely water pump easy fix. if you do a search to fix it there is a step by step guide on here .
James, My personal view is a good service and help from Breeze Totton Southampton including a wiring issue (rat eaten some wires) others consider SMG know the Cali well although I felt let down as they could not find a fault for me (moo valve) but Breeze fixed 1st attempt. If you post where you are I am sure others may be able to inform you "good" and not so good near you.
The service we have received from Totton has been excellent, they are very friendly, very helpful, although we purchased our cali from Poole the aftersales manager at Totton (Emma) has been a star!
Hi I have been having similar problems and thanks to above comments have isolated the fault to the microswitch on my 2006 T5 tap. Just wondering how easy it is to replace as I cannot see how to remove it.
There's every chance you don't need to replace the microswitch but just clean the contacts using some fine sandpaper - the sort you'd use for decorating would do the job. I did ours a few years ago - no bother since. As @WelshGas says you can always replace the tap in it's entirety for a reasonable price from the Forum. If you do, keep the old one and dismantle it for future reference.
Thanks for the advice, I have ordered the new tap - only £30 from the Forum plus a few other items I needed!- meanwhile survived the weekend in a field in Herefordshire with a few bottles of water.
Blimey. Money to burn some people........
Warranty - VW just replaced my tap. All fine now but a tap fault didnt seem to tie in with my trouble shooting?? (shorting the connector under the sink still didnt get the pump to run?) Odd one.
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I changed the pump last year on ours assuming it had failed but it turned out to be the microswitch which is easy to check if you pull / prise the handle off the tap there is a switch similar to the one in this photo. Luckily for me the small 'u' shaped piece was not connected properly at one end, so using thin pliers popped it back on and normal service resumed. Same happened this weekend, easily fixed. Note it still 'clicked' normally so this didn't help diagnose the fault. If you do check this remember to put the plug in first so you don't lose a piece down the plug hole ;)
This was a very useful bit of information, Thank you! a long thin pair of plyers and some patience and I've fixed the problem exactly as you described. this is on a 5 week old T6!

VW California Club
