Mr T
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Pretty sure from the front (leisure battery) to the isolation switch is 16mm2 cable.
Hmm okay it may have a maximum rating at 20a but these type of circuits are designed for short bursts of output. Things like air pumps etc.
You can do what you like of course but if it were me I wouldn't be happy with this circuit pulling 8a for possibly 8 hours.
It may only be 100w but 8a is a significant load over such a cable length. Also these plug/socket combinations are prone to bad connection/high resistance - it's a recipe for disaster
Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk
Hi Eberhard,Hello,
This is what I mean that the electric in a camper is so complicated.
I believe that the majority of people will see the 12 V socket in the garage and will use it whatever they need to charge with. In doing so maybe endanger themselves and others.
I will check the manuals of the GC 600 and the EcoFlow Delta 2 later, contact my VW dealer and EcoFlow and will do some tests connecting the EcoFlow to the 12 V socket and check on the display how much electricity it draws .
Have I said that, I also believe that if the 12 V socket is designed for 20 A, the electric infrastructure should cater for this - even for a longer time. If it doesn't and something happens, in this case, VW should be responsible for it, because if it is not suitable there should be a sign at the socket warning the user.
Let's see what I will find out. I will update these Thread.
Wish me luck.
6mm max on this oneIf you just have a quick look at the socket outlet, you'll see that it's a generic cheap product, probably only designed for short bursts of heavy use. I wouldn't trust it for continuous high current charging.
I may be over cautious, I don't know, but you can guarantee if it does go wrong, it will be at the worst possible moment.
Also, for 8a charging, without knowing the exact cable length, you probably need 4mm cable. I can't see that the generic socket will have terminals large enough to properly connect 4mm cable..
As I mentioned previously, you can get this setup to work fine if you install bespoke wiring directly from the battery or, indeed, from the 16mm isolator tails.
I'll get my coat and shut up now..
Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk
Hi Eberhard I used my wire stripper as a rough guide and it looked like 2.5 but it’s not an exact measurement.Hello @theyorkshireman,
Thank you for the picture.
I think the diameter of the cable is important. Maybe somebody can suggest, based on the pictures, the diameter.
Oops, that looks like 1.5mm to me.
Yes, it might be 2.5mm - hard to tell from the pic - but still too small for continuous 8a use.Hi Eberhard I used my wire stripper as a rough guide and it looked like 2.5 but it’s not an exact measurement.
In terms of the standard GC infrastructure (power, water, and gas) I actually think the quality of both the components and the installation is generally very good for the amount of money you pay.Good morning,
I think it is brilliant if we can discuss such a topic here in our forum.
I don't know the technical specification - as I said before - the entire GC electric seems to me very difficult. I am wondering if other manufacturer have better solutions.
I approach the issue with logic, let me rephrase this, my logic. In this example I expect that the 12V connector is capable to run a device for a longer period of time. If it can't there should (must be) a sticker beside it to warn the user.
I had a look in the VW GC manual. Normally I skip over the "warning sections", but this time I read them. In one section they said "... don't stick any knitting needles into the 230V sockets ...". If VW feels that they have to mention that, the must mention not to use the 12V socket for a long period of time.
Well, I will contact VW Nutzfahrzeuge in Hannover today. Maybe a miracle happens and I get some meaningful replies. I let you know.
I just send an email to VW about this. As soon as I get some information back I let you know.
Looks like 2.5mm to me, the current carrying capacity will vary depending on the method of installation and derating factors and to be fair I’m not overly familiar with auto wiring regulations or calcs however 2.5mm in the applications I am used to is capable of delivering 27-35A with no derating (grouping factor/ambient temp etc) depends on the type of insulation. Any electrical circuit will run at a higher than ambient temp as a normal function, heat is a by product of the electrical energy, the current carrying capacity is dictated by how much current the cable can cope with before it reaches a temperature that would cause degradation of the insulating material. For example PVC insulation is typically 70 degrees, LSF is 90 degrees. This means that the copper can operate up to these temps without the insulation failing and that a small CSA LSF cable can sometimes deliver almost as much as a PVC insulated cable with a larger CSA. Lots of calcs required to prove this tho.Hello @theyorkshireman,
Thank you for the picture.
I think the diameter of the cable is important. Maybe somebody can suggest, based on the pictures, the diameter.
No it won’t charge at 8amp unless you want to cause a fire it overheats and the socket gets very hot 6amp is max but that still gets hot 4amp is fineHello,
I agree, the GC 600 is not an Overlander, with all the bells and whislels.
Many of "standard" campervan come with AGM batteries, which are not really good to stay for 24 or 48 hours (without solar). So to use a power bank might be not a bad idea.
The question at the moment is, is the 12V socket in the back can deal with the 8A or not. The weather was too bad this afternoon, but I hope I can give it a try on Thursday to see how the Ecoflow can be configured to have a save charge from the 12V socket.
In the VW manual it doesn't give any warning not to use the socket for a long period of time. So I contacted VW Nutzfahrzeuge. I hope they can give me some information.
My comment about power bank safety and the LiFe Po4 Lithium-IRON (as opposed to Lithium-ION) batteries was in regard to the fires reported with the -ion batteries, rather than specifically about the 240V outlets, of which there are 4 by the way - see image of mine, charging from the solar panel hanging on our washing line!The Bluetti looks like a nice unit!
However I'm confused by your comments about it being safer than lithium-ion power sets- specifically the safety of their 240v outlets.
Where did you get your information from?
In my opinion the 'safety' of the 240 ac outlets will be the same irrespective of the type of source battery...
I'm not trying to be critical just interested
Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk
Ah, yes, makes sense. Those Lithium Iron batteries are a definite improvement over the Lithium Ion one'sMy comment about power bank safety and the LiFe Po4 Lithium-IRON (as opposed to Lithium-ION) batteries was in regard to the fires reported with the -ion batteries, rather than specifically about the 240V outlets, of which there are 4 by the way - see image of mine, charging from the solar panel hanging on our washing line!
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Translation:Meine Frage nun: erlaubt die Elektrische Installation vom Grand California, dass der 12V Stecker auf diese Art und Weise für längere Zeit benutzt wird? Oder werden Kabel / Stecker zu heiß?
VW replied:My question now: does the electrical installation of the Grand California allow the 12V plug to be used in this way for a long period of time? Or become cable / plug to hot?
Translation:Hier handeln Sie, als Kunde, in Eigenverantwortung.
Here, as a customer, you act on your own responsibility.
- Zeigt die Camper Unit von 0 - 100% 92Ah an? In anderen Worten zeigt die Anzeige 50% an, sind schon 46Ah verbraucht und man muss nachladen.
- Zeigt die Camper Unit von 0 - 100% nur die zu benutzenden 46Ah an? In anderen Worten, zeigt die Anzeige 50% an, sind erst 23Ah verbraucht und man hat noch 23Ah zur Verfügung.
VW replied:Does the Camper Unit show 92Ah from 0 - 100%? In other words, the display shows 50%, 46Ah have already been used and you have to recharge.
Does the Camper Unit only show the 46Ah to be used from 0 - 100%? In other words, if the display shows 50%, only 23Ah have been used and you still have 23Ah available.
Translation:Die Balkenanzeige ist eine „Kunden-Ladezustands-Anzeige“.
Diese ist nicht fest an 50% der Batteriekapazität gekoppelt.
Die 10 Balkengrenze wird dynamisch auf den Punkt verschoben, ab dem die Batterie keinen
Strom mehr aufnimmt (kalte oder alte Batterien nehmen nicht mehr so viel Strom auf wie neue
Ein Balken ist die Vorwarnstufe der Abschaltung, diese kommt bei 0 Balken.
0 Balken und somit die Abschaltung geschieht, wenn keine Ladung mehr entnommen werden
darf (ein geringer Rest ist noch vorbehalten).
Würde weiter entladen werden, DANN kann die Batterie geschädigt werden – also erst bei 0
Diese Grenze ist nicht bei 50% des „echten“ Ladezustandes, sondern hängt von den
gemessenen Batteriewerten ab (aktive Überwachung durch Sensor).
Sie als Kunde können den vollen Bereich ohne Einschränkung nutzen.
Die angezeigte Restlaufzeit ist bis zu dem 0-Balken Punkt berechnet.
Die 50% sind ein Richtwert der nutzbaren Energie – das gilt besonders fuer NICHT überwachte 2.Batterien.
My interpretation:The bar display is a "customer charge status display".
This is not tied to 50% of the battery capacity.
The 10 bar limit is dynamically shifted to the point where the battery is empty
consumes more current (cold or old batteries do not draw as much current as new ones
One bar is the warning level of the shutdown, this comes at 0 bars.
0 bars and thus the switch-off occurs when no more charges can be removed
allowed (a small remainder is still reserved).
If you continue to discharge, THEN the battery can be damaged - i.e. only at 0
This limit is not at 50% of the "real" state of charge, but depends on the
measured battery values (active monitoring by sensor).
As a customer, you can use the full area without restriction.
The remaining time displayed is calculated up to the 0-bar point.
The 50% is a guide value of the usable energy - this applies in particular to non-monitored 2nd batteries.
When asked whether Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles plans to offer a battery update or battery replacement, I can answer that something is planned.
We might need to wait a wee bit longer for a VW upgrade of the battery ...We are not making any statements about future product events.
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