Pollution Tax



VIP Member
T5 SE 140
Does anyone on this forum live in France and has registered their California there? I just registered my new used 2013 T5 and was told I had to pay 3000 eu for pollution tax??!!! When I purchased my 2005 five years ago, I was not hit with this tax. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this and if a way around it. Thanks Laurent
That is eye-watering. It's normally the Brit's that feel fleeced, it seems now to be Euro-wide.
That is eye-watering. It's normally the Brit's that feel fleeced, it seems now to be Euro-wide.

Granny Jen,
I just felt like maybe I filled the paperwork out incorrectly or something. I wonder if the big white RVs are getting hit with the same tax? The worst part is when I get behind a french car with exhaust pouring out and just knowing mine is polluting so much less. Plus driven less...
It's a euro5 engine and that standard was only superceed 2 years ago! I would check over your paperwork again.
It's a euro5 engine and that standard was only superceed 2 years ago! I would check over your paperwork again.

I went back to the registration office and pointed out that it was a Euro5 and less CO2 then my last VW Cali which was Euro3. I only had to pay 60 euro pollution tax for that in 2013. I have a friend who has been looking into this and she said that there is a brand new law about it. I have asked her for the reference which I will share. Thanks!
Slightly off piste but related. We were advised to get an environmental sticker to put in the windscreen as otherwise we could be fined if we travelled though Paris, Lyon and Marseille. All to do with pollution. The sticker cost I think, 4 euros, all done on the internet. Our van is 2012 which i had to put down on the application form so what you are being charged does sound over the top.
€4 sticker of course sorry
Good, we agree John. I thought it was ok pricewise, they say allow a month for it to arrive, although mine only took 3 weeks. In the end we didn't go through any of the three Paris, Lyon or Marseille but we often go through Lyon so it gives piece of mind
I have just ordered mine. £120 fine can make a big dent in my wine budget :shocked
That is eye-watering. It's normally the Brit's that feel fleeced, it seems now to be Euro-wide.
To be fair you should not feel we are being victimised, after all if you had old diesel which was registered in France and you imported to the UK now you would be heavily penalised but not in a one off payment but in RFL as its "date of 1st registration" would be after the change in UK law. This would be many £hundreds per year. Furthermore you would be paying for the rest of the vehicle life!

VW California Club
