Porta Potti: a good idea or not?

Two Teckels

Two Teckels

T6 Ocean 150
We’ve been giving the purchase of a Porta Potti 335 some thought of late. We know that some people erect a dedicated “toilet tent” in which to house the toilet and we can understand their thinking!; however, if you had to use the toilet inside the Cali, is there sufficient room to accommodate the toilet between the front seats and the downstairs bed, when assembled? We’ve read quite a few reviews of said toilet which say it’s a very good piece of kit but people have found that they just don’t use it, once they’ve made the purchase. Any responses will be welcome. Many thanks.
We have one and always use it, especcially at night. It can be a squeeze but when you put the seat a bit more forwards to the front the space is reasonable. During the day we put it in the back
Just bought one, not a 335 but another cheaper alternative. Not something we’ve ever wanted or used but because of Covid, we’re having to use it on a pre-booked campsite because their facilities are closed and an onboard loo is a prerequisite of staying.
Yes Get one. Those that use it are happy with the arrangement. You will get loads that wouldnt entertain it.
There is a great video of the 335, in a bracket for safe storage during travel, that shows it definitely fits with the bed out. You can see it on the Calicap website and obviously don’t have to use the bracket.

Sadly we need to use at night and it fits nicely between the bed and front seat .Then in the day we cover it with a stool cover And use as a stool ( although everyone knows what is !)

I stored mine under the sink in an Ocean / need to remember to pull it out before pulling the bench seat forward ti make the bed.
It fits neatly in that space.
I never bothered with the kit to stick it on to pull in and out. Easy enough without.
Just note, as your profile pic shows dogs it can seem a bit up close and personal when having a tinkle in the middle of the night.
Put it this way; what would you prefer in the middle of the night in the pouring rain, having a wee in the porta potti squeezed in between the bed and the front seats, or trudging across a rain sodden campsite to use the site conveniences? It’s a no brainer for me.
Put it this way; what would you prefer in the middle of the night in the pouring rain, having a wee in the porta potti squeezed in between the bed and the front seats, or trudging across a rain sodden campsite to use the site conveniences? It’s a no brainer for me.
I agree. But I also think it’s one of those ‘marmite’ issues.
Do you have a porta potti in a wee tent outside, or under an (enclosed awning).
Do you need the space under the sink, or in the living area for other stuff, so no room for a porta potti.
Do you think having a wee so close to your family is a step too far (I won’t even mention #2s).
And there are many other options.
I went for the undercupboard 335, pulled it out everynight before making the downstairs bed (or hopping upstairs). And just got used to being stared at whilst having a wee in the middle of the night... (by my four legged friends).
You need to decide what is right for you and how you want to camp... there is no right or wrong answer.
Just bought one, not a 335 but another cheaper alternative. Not something we’ve ever wanted or used but because of Covid, we’re having to use it on a pre-booked campsite because their facilities are closed and an onboard loo is a prerequisite of staying.
Yes! This is at the route of our thinking at the moment. Having our own “facilities” on board may well make a huge difference when planning journeys in the foreseeable future. Thanks for your reply.
Sadly we need to use at night and it fits nicely between the bed and front seat .Then in the day we cover it with a stool cover And use as a stool ( although everyone knows what is !)
Unfortunately, you can’t really disguise one of these by sticking in an Aspidistra and passing it off as an ornate plant pot. Not to worry, a stool it shall be! Thanks
I stored mine under the sink in an Ocean / need to remember to pull it out before pulling the bench seat forward ti make the bed.
It fits neatly in that space.
I never bothered with the kit to stick it on to pull in and out. Easy enough without.
Just note, as your profile pic shows dogs it can seem a bit up close and personal when having a tinkle in the middle of the night.
I have no shame
We joined the Porta Club this year. It’s really made things easier for my wife. Never needed to use it in anger, yet...
So therefore, might sound grim. It’s not honest. But we don’t use any chemicals and there are no smells...

Ive only used it once, as I prefer the chaps toilet...

Think some clever people on the forum worked out you can use a Dunelm collapsible storage box (~£10) as a cover/footstool. Am sure if you search for it on here you’ll find it.

We keep ours in the boot and use a toilet tent, but I would use it inside if needed eg storm or travelling without kids and able to sleep up top.
We joined the Porta Club this year. It’s really made things easier for my wife. Never needed to use it in anger, yet...
So therefore, might sound grim. It’s not honest. But we don’t use any chemicals and there are no smells...

Ive only used it once, as I prefer the chaps toilet...

View attachment 65630
I find the chap’s toilet particularly useful on the top floor.
Put it this way; what would you prefer in the middle of the night in the pouring rain, having a wee in the porta potti squeezed in between the bed and the front seats, or trudging across a rain sodden campsite to use the site conveniences? It’s a no brainer for me.
The latter.
Bought a portapotti but never use it
There is a great video of the 335, in a bracket for safe storage during travel, that shows it definitely fits with the bed out. You can see it on the Calicap website and obviously don’t have to use the bracket.

We have the bracket and cover (moonrock with padded seat). Stays in place and swivels to provide access to kitchen cupboard. Great at night and also on long drives with our 5 yr old who can use if when needed - we just pull over into a layby/side road and avoids hime having to go in the road!
Fits OK with the bed down and with the cover it doesn’t smell at all. One of the more useful things fa we have bought. Also have a toilet tent for longer stays.
We keep it in the boot and bring it into the cab at night. As long as the passenger seat it fully forward and the seat back rotated to the front, it's no problem. It an Essentialitem for us. Can't be doing with traipsing across campsites at night.
Think some clever people on the forum worked out you can use a Dunelm collapsible storage box (~£10) as a cover/footstool. Am sure if you search for it on here you’ll find it.

We keep ours in the boot and use a toilet tent, but I would use it inside if needed eg storm or travelling without kids and able to sleep up top.
Yes Dunelm Ottoman. Fits perfectly.
Got our 335 from the start and never regretted. We keep it in the booth in a blue ikea bag for easy carrying to the cab, our toilet/shower tent is practically never used. As toilet liquid we use solbio. We only do nr 1 and don't dispose paper in the toilet, this makes the whole emptying and cleaning process a whole lot easier! Super handy during a drive and in the middle of the night. We rarely go to a campsite, so a definite need for us.

VW California Club
