VIP Member
This country is heading down hill fast never seen so much litter on the road sides the road conditions are on par with Greece.Not sure how it can be turned around our culture and identity is being lost.The nhs A&e times are a disgrace this is mainly due to the staff having to deal people who don’t deserve help I have witnessed these people drunk on drugs being aggressive abusive getting treatment why good people sit for 6hrs in pain.Everything can be fixed, potholes, NHS, Social Care etc if you are prepared to pay for it. Double taxes , Council taxes, VAT etc. After all Governments and Councils only spend YOUR money, they don't have any of their own. Give them more of it and Everything can be sorted. NO council employee or Public service employee or Civil Servent should be paid more than the Prime Minister for doing their job.
So just vote for Councils that will double Council Tax and Parking Fees and a Government that promises to double Income Tax, VAT and NI get rid of all public employees who earn more than the PM and Utopia beckons.