The Merle
4x4 joker
Super Poster
Lifetime VIP Member
I gave up on stickers on the van as you only lose them when you change van.I just don't get them!
Why would anyone else be interested in where you've been or what your political views are on a particular subject or how "surfers do it" or that you have a particular breed of show animal onboard or what faith you have or which football team you support or dare I say it, what club you belong to? Who else really cares.
However, where my lack of understanding turns into full blown dislike are for those bods who usually drive beaten up mud covered four wheel drive vehicles emblazoned with the blatantly obvious "You only have one life so live it". This is usually code for:, my anti social hobby is churning up bridle ways into an impassable quagmire.
Unless there is a purpose to a sticker e.g a parking permit or similar then imo they serve no purpose what so ever.
Just my grumpy old man views so don't start throwing your toys about.
So they all go on the cool box!