Question for beach owner with hook up



Cali now sold
Hi - can anyone with one of the new beaches with electric hook up confirm how many plug sockets you get and where they are located please?
Hi there,

There is a 240v socket on the wall opposite the sliding door, above it is a 12v socket. There are also 12v sockets in the boot, one with the cup holders and one on top of the dash.

Hope this helps.

Just the one and it looks like this...ega8yzy5.jpg
can this 12v - 240v unit be bought from VW, great if anyone knows the part number.
Hopefully not hijacking the thread as its relevant, I have the factory hook up, is there an easy way of telling that its working, I think in the Full Fat version there is an indication on a panel but I didn't see any indication it was connected on the Beach, is there a status display somewhere?
Would make sense if it did have an indicator but guessing it might not. Guess we will have to take a lamp on holiday to plug into the socket to check it is working!
Another question if someone can help - do you get the hook up cable or do you need to buy one separately?
No mains cable. What about a mains night light in the mains socket as an indicator!
Or you can get a 12v socket plug in digital voltmeter.
The night light is a good idea, I assume the UK version comes with Uk plugs, my swiss version came with german plug. there was no hookup lead supplied as such but a short adapter cable with a blue socket on one end and on the other end was a german plug connected to a swiss adapter.

I needed to make up a hook up lead and could only find the orange cable in 1.5mm locally so adfter a discussion and as I am running only a fridge we decided that as long as it wasn't coiled up I should be fine (maybe over cautious for just a fridge). Anyway when at the campsite I was curious and checked the other cables, all of which were 1.5mm and not 2.5mm. I then checked the supplied short adapter cable and that was 1.5mm as well.

I think I will look for a proper 2.5mm hookup cable for the future but I wonder if the german campsites have a lower fuse/rcd rating. I was thinking of swapping the fuse for the hookup to a lower value but I haven't found it yet :D
Just for info 2.5 mm flex cable would be quite bulky stuff it would be more likely to be 0.75 mm.

We haven't got mains electric on our beach but i would have thought there ought to be a fuse/circuit breaker (10A) somewhere on your van if not then the UK socket is 13A and the blue plugs are 16A and you will usually get a 10A supply at the campsite not that you will use all of that.

( as an addendum I ought to add a bit here - for correctness if its a 10A supply at the campsite i.e. the RCBO or fuse/circuit breaker is 10A then really the cable should be able to work without getting too hot when used at maximum so a flex cable size of 1mm2 or larger should be used )

If you want to check the mains i would suggest you buy one of those neon socket testers you can get them cheap in the diy store probably under a fiver that way it will show if its on and if wired correctly - well correctly wired in a UK campsite not sure about the continental sites !!

Cheers G :crazy
Campsites around Uk and Europe are typically 10A or 16A supplies.
1.5mm limit is 16 amps.
You would be better off with 2.5mm as that's good for up to 27A.

Where have VW mounted the DB Board on the new Beach...???
In the uk most of the orange camping cables are 2.5mm. However travel around europe and people use any old extension lead they can find :)

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Anybody know where the 240 breaker is on a 2017 Beach I am at first campsite and the 13amp has no power I have tried two camp posts it must be the van
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Anybody know where the 240 breaker is on a 2017 Beach I am at first campsite and the 13amp has no power I have tried to camp posts it must be the van
It's in beside the jack. If you open the hatch and put your hand directly up you should feel it.
Ok thanks found the problem unbelievably for a ccc site the first two pitch electrics were set but no power. Third time lucky as they say!
Worth noting it a good idea to have a polarity check plug as it lights up when you have 240v which is handy as tbere is no indicator otherwise.. .

Pleased I had one tonight.
Just for info 2.5 mm flex cable would be quite bulky stuff it would be more likely to be 0.75 mm.

We haven't got mains electric on our beach but i would have thought there ought to be a fuse/circuit breaker (10A) somewhere on your van if not then the UK socket is 13A and the blue plugs are 16A and you will usually get a 10A supply at the campsite not that you will use all of that.

( as an addendum I ought to add a bit here - for correctness if its a 10A supply at the campsite i.e. the RCBO or fuse/circuit breaker is 10A then really the cable should be able to work without getting too hot when used at maximum so a flex cable size of 1mm2 or larger should be used )

If you want to check the mains i would suggest you buy one of those neon socket testers you can get them cheap in the diy store probably under a fiver that way it will show if its on and if wired correctly - well correctly wired in a UK campsite not sure about the continental sites !!

Cheers G :crazy
O.75? 1.0 or larger? You genuinely haven’t a clue have you?
Safe not sure what your on about but I assume you mean one of these in my van now. As said I have no issue it was the campsite posts at fault....20180213_220001.jpg


VW California Club
