Rear bench won’t go back

Yes, check as much as you can when collecting. I did slide the bench seat forward and back a little on collection but didn’t bring it all the way forward and lower into the bed position. Did that after a few days and that’s when the problem showed itself. Anyway, who knows, very unusual issue. My checklist attached if it’s of any use.
I can't imagine what VW would do if 4 of you were travelling through Europe and the rear seat became stuck.
Just so you know GG, my Buzz is 3.5 months old now, I can place left knee in the middle of the bench seat, right leg straight with foot on footplate, and lift lever and move the bench seat all the way back and all the way forward. Great core exercise for those that have a poor core o_O :cheers
Just so you know GG, my Buzz is 3.5 months old now, I can place left knee in the middle of the bench seat, right leg straight with foot on footplate, and lift lever and move the bench seat all the way back and all the way forward. Great core exercise for those that have a poor core o_O :cheers
Thanks Californication69.
I’m resigned to painfully waiting for VW to repair (or replace).
@GrumpyGranddad Yes, I know, I hope they can repair it really quickly and you can start working that core muscle out !
Yes, check as much as you can when collecting. I did slide the bench seat forward and back a little on collection but didn’t bring it all the way forward and lower into the bed position. Did that after a few days and that’s when the problem showed itself. Anyway, who knows, very unusual issue. My checklist attached if it’s of any use.
That is one hell of a check list!:thanks
A few duplications.
A few duplications.
Didn't realise you had broken your van already GG? when we had our quick Covid demo when we ordered, the demo of moving the seat was done from outside, push down hard on the top of the near seat with your left hand, lift the lever fully and pull forward. It worked even 5ft Mrs W managed it? Give it a go once fixed.
Didn't realise you had broken your van already GG? when we had our quick Covid demo when we ordered, the demo of moving the seat was done from outside, push down hard on the top of the near seat with your left hand, lift the lever fully and pull forward. It worked even 5ft Mrs W managed it? Give it a go once fixed.
After only 4-days Wogga! First time i tested laying the lower bed down. At risk of driving people mad with this thread and repetition, it’s apparently a very unusual/rare problem and they’ve ordered a load of parts?! My money is on the linkage between front and rear mechanism being detached, but who knows? Also saw the attached with my endoscope with puzzles me a bit. It looks like a seat movement stopper BUT it’s under the seat between the front and rear release mechanism. I can’t think how it was installed?

That is the front stop it comes out once you remove the trim from the front-end of the rails.
View attachment 69782
Thanks Loz, Interesting because it’s not visible at the front. It’s right underneath the seat between front and rear latches. I.e. you can’t get a screwdriver to it without dismantling the seat!! The back stop is clearly visible and accessible well behind the seat.
I’ll show my photo’s to Citygate when I take it back in for their comment.
Just watch where you point that endoscope, I don’t want you having an accident. I am expecting a trouble free relationship when my van arrives, 4 weeks on the production line what could possibly go wrong.:D
Do you think the two things are connected? ie The stop in the rail has damaged the locking mechanism.
I would guess that to get the seat over the stop it had been forced, the seat gets put in at the front of the rails, & then forced back over the stop somehow.
Do you think the two things are connected? ie The stop in the rail has damaged the locking mechanism.
I would guess that to get the seat over the stop it had been forced, the seat gets put in at the front of the rails, & then forced back over the stop somehow.
It’s a puzzle Andy. I would have thought the front stop is installed after the seat has been put in. I can’t see how the seat mechanism could go past the stop if it was already screwed in place? Unless it was loose, which it’s not. Certainly not forced when i slid it forward and it moved easily. Just won’t budge now. Anyway time will tell.

It’s a puzzle Andy. I would have thought the front stop is installed after the seat has been put in. I can’t see how the seat mechanism could go past the stop if it was already screwed in place? Unless it was loose, which it’s not. Certainly not forced when i slid it forward and it moved easily. Just won’t budge now. Anyway time will tell.
Plus, the seat is jammed in it’s correct forward position. Not gone beyond that. I’ll try to stop posting on this issue :)

Have Wooburn green told you what they intend to do ? I.e how they intend to get the bench out so they can fix the issue ?

Could they be planning on removing the floor rails? This may involve removing fuel tank etc to release the rails from the floor (it does on a four rail Beach)

I wonder if that is the delay, they have to order new rails perhaps ?

I would give Cliff a call and ask to speak to The master Cali tech (Craig) and ask what is his plan ?
what VW have sanctioned in the way of remedial works?
Then I would ask what is the longest current lead time for any of the components. ? (All components)

I would also make your endoscopy photos available to Graig ( if not already done so)

other issue:
what are VW, (supplying dealer or Wooburn green ) offering as good will on behalf of VW?
I would suggest the normal £200 good will credit towards goodies should be more, due to the severity of the issue with a brand new van and the inability to use your van as intended from new due to the seat position restricting everything in the rear ( despite current circumstances)

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Hi Perfectos, thanks for the advice. Citygate haven’t told me exactly what needs to be done. They’ve ordered some parts - all are in, but one is outstanding. Not mentioned replacing the rails (hope that’s not necessary). I believe that by removing the drawer and the inner panel they should be able to access the mechanism and sort it? I’ll raise the ‘goodwill’ gesture with them in due course. I’m actually passing near Citygate tomorrow, so may pop in. Better to discuss face to face. Thanks again.

BTW I was wrong about the position of the front stop. It is where it should be. Phew!!
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Do you mean that the photo is actually the front stop under the front of the bench & in front of the locking foot? not between the locking feet.
Yes, i got mixed up previously. I think it’s in the right position. :)
Have you tried using the method to lock the lever in the "UP" position?
Then try levering up the foot that presses down on the carpet in the middle of at the rear to see if that will release the locks?
Have you tried using the method to lock the lever in the "UP" position?
Then try levering up the foot that presses down on the carpet in the middle of at the rear to see if that will release the locks?
Tried everything TBH. Spoke with Cliff at Citygate earlier and sent them photos etc. He said one of the parts they’ve got in is a new centre rail just so they’re covered. Don’t think they will know exactly what’s failed until they open things up. My money is still on the front to rear connecting rod being detached.

As shown in this:-
To me the part in #83 is diffrent than the part shown by @Loz in post #84 .
seeing the vid shown above it’s a complex mechanism to release the breaks on the rear seat , once stuck and hard to reach a pita to get it solved i think.
looking at the vid and the pictures in #67
if you take of the pressure from those springs the catch should release / fall down in the rail and the seat should come lose .
in the vid the system pushes something downwartsin the rail
in the pictures you see a catch fixed in this theethed underside of the rail .
if that part drops(guess 4 of them ? ) the seat is loose
remove front stops , take seat out and fix it .
looking at the vid and the pictures in #67
if you take of the pressure from those springs the catch should release / fall down in the rail and the seat should come lose .
in the vid the system pushes something downwartsin the rail
in the pictures you see a catch fixed in this theethed underside of the rail .
if that part drops(guess 4 of them ? ) the seat is loose
remove front stops , take seat out and fix it .
Yes, agree HotelCalifornia, but you can’t get to the mechanism until you’ve removed the drawer and then the inner side panel that encloses the mechanism. I just have to wait for VW to sort it. Certainly not going to attempt anything myself on a brand new car.
I’m sure you’re all missing this saga :)
Anyway, it’s going in to Citygate on Monday for a day or two. Surprises me but they tell me that they have a complete new seat frame to replace the existing. When I queried whether that was necessary they said there had been a few other recent cases and that the design had been updated!? That seems a bit unlikely to me but who knows? Anyway at least I should be up and running by mid week and can stop boring you all rigid.
Just in case what they say is correct i’d recommend that anybody collecting their Cali soon, tests that the bench seat slides forward, that it reclines into a bed, and that it slides back again.

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