Refrigerator freezing contents



VIP Member
West Sussex
Original post ianevans

We have set the fridge to 3 degrees as per the manual. Seems to be the correct temperature for the fridge, EXCEPT for anything touching the back wall of the fridge, which seems to freeze.

Any solutions?
Original post BerndRos

Mine sometimes does this, and sometimes not. Could it be something to do with the external temp ?
Original post freeley

Fairly normal i would think - ours does the same though we usually have ours on 1 or 2 degrees.
I like my cider ice cold so not a problem!
The normal running temperature of a household fridge should be 5C but set on minimum they will freeze some contents. particularly close to the back wall. Can you change the setting a little?

We havent got our Cali yet but if that is an issue I'd be tempted to stack the stuff that can handle a lower temperature at the back and "protect" other stuff by keeping it either forward or in the basket.
The fridge is pretty crude but useful.
My own experiences are that the dialled setting is very much dependent on the temp in the van and I've needed to adjust it (fridge dial) accordingly. Not so much on an hour by hpur basis but on an overall day by day basis and I've only been able to get it 'right' by continually tinkering with it from day to day.Sounds like I'm saying it's a negative feature and it is compared with the posh home ones but it is still nevertheless very useful.
Stacking intelligently (suggested above) is the way but we never seem to maintain this ...
I also noticed over Christmas the fridge didn't seem to work unless I turned it on full
I though something was wrong but convinced as it worked well in the summer it too was down to outside temp.
Leave mine on ' 4 ' and weather outside temp is 40c or 0c it has worked fine, facelift model.
Just picked up our new Cali at the weekend and haven't switched on the fridge yet. Does anyone know how long it takes to get down to temperature? Should I leave it on over night?
Hi there.
The fridge should get down to temperature in a couple of hours. We use our's on setting 3
But it will depend on the outside temp. Hope this helps :thumb
scottjamesmackay said:
Just picked up our new Cali at the weekend and haven't switched on the fridge yet. Does anyone know how long it takes to get down to temperature? Should I leave it on over night?

Overnight would be OK. We used ours for real a couple of weeks ago and didn't though. We switched it on; loaded it straight from fridge etc and it was fine. I think the key factor is the ambient temperature.... if it is likely to be warm/hot then give it a boost by sticking it on overnight. A couple of things from the freezer will also help.
Over our short time away it was fine.
Thanks Iain and Shani, we will take your advice and just load it up on Friday morning before we leave for our first ever trip in our Cali, to the Isle of Mull this weekend. Hope you are enjoying your gloves: my hands are too big and head too big for the hat too (so my wife Laura has acquired both pairs)!

VW California Club
