stephen watson
The roof bellows becoming detached seems to getting more common. We have an existing thread (to which I have contributed) which mainly focuses on warranty replacement by VW. I had new bellows fitted 20 months ago, but the same has happened again and I don't hold out much hope that VW will fix it now, when I'm well past any warranty period - even though it seems to be a design fault. I therefore thought it worth starting a new thread on a DIY fix.
Has any one successfully mended it themselves? I should add that my new bellows don't seem to have any glue residue, so I'm assuming it was a push fit? There seem to be 3 obvious alternatives to me:
A: Glue. If so what type and method used?
B: Increasing the friction by adding tape to the channel the bellow fits in to. I think @WelshGas suggested this on the other thread.
C: If both of the above fail is there a way of adjusting the mechanism so the roof opens and stops slightly less fully, to put less strain on the canvas?
I'd be interested to hear any other ideas and comments please.

Has any one successfully mended it themselves? I should add that my new bellows don't seem to have any glue residue, so I'm assuming it was a push fit? There seem to be 3 obvious alternatives to me:
A: Glue. If so what type and method used?
B: Increasing the friction by adding tape to the channel the bellow fits in to. I think @WelshGas suggested this on the other thread.
C: If both of the above fail is there a way of adjusting the mechanism so the roof opens and stops slightly less fully, to put less strain on the canvas?
I'd be interested to hear any other ideas and comments please.