Safari chef 2 ignition



T6 Ocean 204
Hi all

I have a Cadac Safari chef 2, the HP canister version, and am finding that the ignition button is becoming less and less reliable to the point that I am needing to keep clicking it in around 20 times to get it to work!

Gas is fine etc but I am sure I have read somewhere before that this is a common thing and maybe fixable by adjusting something / bending something ?!

Anyone experienced this ?
Yes, I have the same with a safari chef 2 LP - the first time was fixed by bending the ignition wire back into place (seemed to have been knocked while repacking and looked like the gap was too big so spark was struggling) and have it more recently but think this time it may be to do with the bottle being almost empty (although I would have expected the regulator to deal with that).
I am currently doing the first ignition with a lighter, but at the moment once it is warmed up it seems to restart ok with the ignition button.
Hope this helps
I find if I wait half a second after switching on the gas, it lights first time. Also, if it’s windy, I light it with the cooking plate on top already, to stop the gas being alone away.
Assuming the safari chef is similar to the grill chef it's also worth checking the wire that links the bit where it sparks back to the push button. If the insulation is damaged / worn thin it can earth before reaching the burner.
I find if I wait half a second after switching on the gas, it lights first time. Also, if it’s windy, I light it with the cooking plate on top already, to stop the gas being alone away.
Funny that’s what I found to work, letting the gas flow for second lights most times
Ours went the same way LP one, i noticed that because i had tightened the
gas hose up quite tight - safety first remember- we don't want to be welsh gassed.

Tightening it too much moved the burner away from the ignition so i was using a fag
lighter but now I've moved the burner back nearer to the ignition and it sparks it up,
for now.
We had this with our new safari chef. Luckily it was just swapped for a new one under warranty but apparently a common fault and retailers are normally happy to swap if within a reasonable time frame.

It can get easily knocked out of place when storing upside down in the storage bag. Also check as when using the pan guard it can short out if it's they are too close together.

Fine adjustment to distance from burner as well as the height of the piezoelectric tip can normally fix it.

No great problem unless you need to turn it on and off to regulate the temperature of using for pizzas etc.

VW California Club
