Sat Nav - Which One?

Been using a Garmin nüvi 3590LMT for about 5 years now, also had a Garimin prior to that. Basecamp software is a very useful addition. I used it in India, Brazil, South Africa, Malasia, Caribean, Morrocco and all over Europe (not always in the Cali). No worries with phone connections etc. Garimin remind me to update the UK and European maps twice a year and not had a problem so far. The Garmin traffic function is just OK on motorways and main roads, but not good in cities; The waze app is an excellent addition in cities because it updates the traffic much better, although it will eat your phone battery. Garmin have introduced an additional app for better traffic info. using your mobile phone and bluetooth connection but I haven't been able to make it work with my set up as yet. She's called Emily, responds to voice commands and travels everywhere with me, what more can I say!
Disclaimers when read always seem to say that anything that is said in the sales literature is totally denied as having any legal value, in a nutshell.
Bit like an infinite number of Monopoly 'get out of jail' cards up their sleeves.
I think I need to find a pile of "Community Chest" cards as a counter. ;)
Disclaimers when read always seem to say that anything that is said in the sales literature is totally denied as having any legal value, in a nutshell.
Bit like an infinite number of Monopoly 'get out of jail' cards up their sleeves.
Surely that means trades description act comes into force for misleading info?
Had a Garmin Nuvi for the last 4 to 5 years and been getting the 'lifetime' map updates about twice a year. Updating can take a few hours to do.
My main complaint with the Garmin is that it does tend to take me off main roads and onto minor ones or through towns rather to often for very little benefit. Eg it will route through Dorchester town centre rather than using the bypass. Theoretically it would be quicker but in reality with lights, junctions etc I would be better off (and less stress) staying on the main road.
As said befor I use my fone with the Scout app. Great working software. Not for free but worth it.
I wanted a built in head unit for our cali so bought a Pioneer Avic 930BT about 5 years ago. It's been ok but the navigation is sometimes a bit suspect and they've only released an update once in that time (at £120!)

Next time I'm going to stick to a built in head unit but one that's android compatible and will display Google maps on screen as I've always thought that excellent. Now that my EE data allowance can be used abroad it seems a no brainer.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
Thought I would share my experience with TomTom....I think the software on the machines is really good and user friendly but extremely disappointed with the quality of the hardware.
I bought a TomTom with lifetime updates.......Absolute joke. Within 1 year the machine would not sync with any computer. Have tried everything TomTom have suggested including many many hours of installing /uninstalling MyDrive, switching off all security.etc etc ....nothing. When I googled the problem , there are thousands of people with the same issue. ( Try googling " TomTom wont connect " to see just how many people are having the same problems.
TomTom refuse to acknowledge there are problems with the hardware or software issues.
Lifetime updates means nothing if the damned thing wont connect to a computer or an account.

Wont buy one ever again.

Forgot to add....had the unit replaced 2 times within the year warranty because it wouldn't pick up satellites after updates all in all the units were away from me 10 days on each occasion ( 20 days ) whilst they were replaced.
The unit stopped connecting with my computer just outside the year warranty had expired.

Wont ever, ever , ever by TomTom again.
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We have a Kenwood DNX521DAB VW approved head unit, originally bought for our Golf in 2013 but moved to our Cali last year. The current model Kenwood is an updated version.

Expensive, though nicely integrates with parking sensors, wheel controls etc. However it uses Garmin nav software and map updates aren't included, which for a £1k unit is pants. Overall, not sure I'd bother again.
A new version of Android Auto is now available which allows you to use Waze. Waze runs a bit quicker on my phone than Google Maps so I will be interested to see if it makes any difference to the occasional random disconnects I've been having.
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Only ever used TomToms, on to my 2nd one which is now about 4 years old, similar to others with the updates, but have always managed to get it to update eventually. For the traffic I have to connect it to the Bluetooth on my phone, the traffic updates have always been brilliant, and the auto rerouting excellent.
Personally would only ever use TomTom, have never liked the software with others...
A new version of Android Auto is now available which allows you to use Waze. Waze runs a bit quicker on my phone than Google Maps so I will be interested to see if it makes any difference to the occasional random disconnects I've been having.
That appeals to me, I still rate Waze as the best satnav simply because its always upto date and has superb live traffic info.
A new version of Android Auto is now available which allows you to use Waze. Waze runs a bit quicker on my phone than Google Maps so I will be interested to see if it makes any difference to the occasional random disconnects I've been having.
Yes I noticed this - I'm currently looking at DAB android auto head units for my Sprinter and have settled on the Kenwood DMX7017DABS from Halfords.
I saw it mentioned somewhere about waze being available. I've never used it but heard good things about it.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
Just playing with Garmin Basecamp to plan and save routes for our upcoming France trip. Once I'm happy with them, I can then upload the routes to my Garmin to use, knowing I'm going the way I want to - at least that's the plan!
Just playing with Garmin Basecamp to plan and save routes for our upcoming France trip. Once I'm happy with them, I can then upload the routes to my Garmin to use, knowing I'm going the way I want to - at least that's the plan!
I use Garmin Basecamp and check with the Satellite view and then put the GPS coordinates into my RNS 510. Very accurate.
Seems to have good intergration with Google Earth.
That appeals to me, I still rate Waze as the best satnav simply because its always upto date and has superb live traffic info.

I've been using Waze for a month for so as a beta user they are slowly releasing more and more function similar to the standalone versions.

It shows camera locations but is missing the road speed but that will come too.

Works great and on one of my phone's using Marshmallow but I get blank screen in my Nougat phone.

.. message ends..
That works in the phone app so can't be far off :)

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The IOS version of Waze has all the road speeds and has had this feature for years. It will alert when you exceed them (if you want it to - adjust settings accordingly).

It's still the best sat nav I have found.
The IOS version of Waze has all the road speeds and has had this feature for years. It will alert when you exceed them (if you want it to - adjust settings accordingly).

It's still the best sat nav I have found.
It was not clear from my post above that I was referring to Waze for Android Auto, rather than the standalone version, sorry.

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