Scottish Cali Meet, 28-29 March 2015

Booking made at Glenmore, went for std hard standing with no hookup.
I have made a plan showing where the campervan hardstandings normally are (blue), should save too much driving round the site looking for each other.Picture2.png
I booked the same (without hook up) which turned out to be just £10.50 in the end. Thanks for the map, Stuart !
We've also booked the same £15-00, I must get your tip for discounts Ewan....
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Frequent camper discount ?! I have no idea but didn't complain.
Ewan, they probably know you do campsite reviews on your website and are trying to soften you before you even arrive.
Pah! A £4.50 discount doesn't get them a very good review ;) !
Our new Cali arrives next week so we are going to make this our first trip - just booked a pitch!
Great, glad you can make it, Mags21. (I'll need to wash mine, otherwise your shiny new Cali will put mine to shame ..).

Sandalfarm, sorry you can't come this time.
Hi everyone, just under two weeks to go until the Scottish Cali meet at Glenmore Campsite (nr Aviemore) on 28-29 March. I thought I'd do a final roll call of who's said they're coming and also set out the other activities for you to be thinking about. If you haven't already booked a pitch it might be an idea to do that now.

So far, by my reckoning, we have up to 15 vans coming:

Stuart (SBCMD)
John & Gill (Saunders2104)
David & Linda (Looby)
Deccauk (no van yet)
Suzanne (via my blog)
Dottie (via my blog)
Margaret? (via my blog)

Just out of interest, are any children coming ?

I've phoned Glenmore Lodge and they're happy to have us there for bar meals on the Saturday evening. If we aim to eat at 6ish then we'll avoid the rush with residents' meals at 7pm (or we can eat later if no kids are coming).

Activities will be partly weather-dependent:
  • skiing's still good on Cairngorm. There was fresh snow last night down to 700m and settled weather forecast into next week
  • there are great mountain bike / walking trails around Loch Morlich and Rothiemuchus which are not too strenous. Good options include the circuit of Loch Morlich on road/tracks (6km, 1.5-2 hrs); Ryvoan & Lochan Uaine (10km, 2-3 hrs) and Meall a' Bhuachaille (3.5 hrs via a shorter route Stuart has done) - see
  • you can also hire kayaks and Canadian canoes on Loch Morlich
  • Stuart's bringing logs for a fire on the beach at Loch Morlich on Saturday night (definitely weather dependent !)
So much to do we should probably aim to stay for the week ?! We'll need to vacate pitches by 11am but can re-park close by on Sunday morning having already decided what we all want to do.

See you all soon !

PS Come prepared, particularly with winter walking gear should there still be lying snow.
Looks like you're going to have a fun weekend!

We went to the Glenmore campsite in Feb half-term and it's a great location. Superb campsite and good skiing just down the road! We are hoping to go back again at Easter (if there's still snow) but unfortunately it's going to have to be the week after you are going so I won't be able to meet up.

Have a good one.
I'd love to come, but that's a 13 hour drive one-way, so I won't make it for a weekend. Have fun guys!
New to this...will have a better profile photo when I get the show on the road again....just taken all the 'stuff' out of the loft...can't wait to load tomorrow in readiness for next weekend. Looking forward to meeting you fellow VW owners....just hoping you're not all into extreme sports!!
I'd better get on...the 'stuff' doesn't yet include thermals, wellies and waterproofs!
Just listening to Liza Tarbuck n radio 2...the camping season is hotting up!
Weather permitting we plan to do a bit of skiing on Saturday and Sunday. Count us in for dinner at the Lodge on Saturday evening and happy with the 6ish timing if that suits others.

Ken and Gill
:) Really looking forward to the get together at the weekend. Happy to eat at Glenmore Lodge, any time suits us.
As we approach the weekend the weather outlook for our meet is firming up.

At Glenmore we have the youth hostel forecast which is very close to the campsite:

At the ski centre base station:

And on the summits:

Currently MWIS forecast suggests cloud at 600 m for Saturday with only 20% chance of a cloud free Munro but it is early days yet, with some fresh snow falling it would be great to get some skiing in over the weekend.

Looks like we will have snow at higher levels with winds picking up a bit over the weekend, looking dry for Saturday evening so a fire on beach after dinner looks on, BYOB.

Bring your thermals.

Look forward to meeting you all at the weekend.

Hope you all have a great time, please get loads of pics and I will create a new album in the gallery for you.
Great meeting everyone at Glenmore on Saturday - enjoyed all the Cali chat and got a lot of great tips/advice from the more seasoned owners.Lovely evening at Glenmore lodge - sorry we had to dash away early on Sunday morning but we had to go to Ayr to pick up a family member unexpectedly and husband had an early evening flight booked down to London so time was short. Hope to meet up again on our travels. Margaret and Gerry.
Hi Margaret, Gerry and everyone else,

It was really good to see everyone over the weekend. We had 10 vans and 17 people for a meal on Saturday night - a great turnout and great company.

In spite of the strong winds early on Saturday night (which succeeded in projecting David and Linda's pop-up tent up into the air and landing 30ft away - including the two bikes inside it !!) the weather was relatively kind.

I'll try to upload some more photos but here's some of the mountain bikers out yesterday.

Hi all. Jean and I enjoyed meeting everyone at Aviemore over the weekend. Thankfully the weather was reasonable and permitted walking, cycling etc.,for those so inclined. It was nice to chat to others about their pride and joy and see the various spec. differences. The meal arranged in Glenmore Lodge was excellent. Many thanks Euan. Not so many braved the elements on the beach though. Thanks for providing the bonfire Stuart. Unfortunately the cold got the better of me so beat an early retreat back to the warmth of the Cali. Nigel and Sharon with the Sportline enjoyed their time in Aviemore also. Nigel was particularly pleased to have joined a few of the others for a Mtb ride.
Again many thanks everyone for an enjoyable weekend. Norm.
Looks and sounds great! :thumb

(From a jealous Sassenach)

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