Snow Chains for 235/55/R17 size tyre looking to buy/advice

If you look at tests for genuine winter tyres and all seasons you will see that there is quite a difference in performance in bad conditions. Secondly I would be very wary of snowsocks on a Cali. They need to be taken off immediately if there is any road surface visible. We followed a police led convoy down the valley from our place in the Pyrenees and without exception every vehicle with snow socks had them ripped and in some cases badly wrapped around driveshafts. Local garages were making a fortune sorting them out.
I use these:

The only time I've really needed them in anger was in a blizzard, fortunately I also had a snow shovel to clear round the tyres to allow fitting. Apart from the shovel you will need big jacket, over trousers, hat and gloves. It was dark so my head torch was useful. As other have said do practice on the comfort of your drive.
Looks like they will fit, but bear in mind the compromise. Smaller chains means not as strong and not really suitable for a heavy vehicle with engine over the driven wheels.
If you look at tests for genuine winter tyres and all seasons you will see that there is quite a difference in performance in bad conditions. Secondly I would be very wary of snowsocks on a Cali. They need to be taken off immediately if there is any road surface visible. We followed a police led convoy down the valley from our place in the Pyrenees and without exception every vehicle with snow socks had them ripped and in some cases badly wrapped around driveshafts. Local garages were making a fortune sorting them out.

The best dedicated winter tyres beat the best all seasons. But some All Seasons beat some Winter tyres in snow these days. They are that good.
And all 3PMSF rated tyres are waay better than summer tyres in winter conditions.

So good all seasons these days seem a no brainer.
Depends what you are doing I suppose. We have winter tyres on aset of steel rims so as we are only using one set of tyres at once the only extra expense is a one couple of hundred quid. It also means we can use the larger diameter chains.
We switched to 215/60/17’s some years ago because we regularly drive over to the French / Swiss Alps border several times a year, winter & summer, and wanted to be able to fit snowchains when necessary. We have been running Goodyear Cargo Vector All-Seasons and although great tyres in almost all conditions, we have still had to fit our Thule snowchains on half a dozen occasions when the snow has been significantly deep over there - even had to use them in the U.K. last winter during a rare bout of snowy weather to get up the hill out of our village! We have fitted a couple of Michelin Agilis CrossClimates this year after seeing recommendations on this forum and elsewhere but are yet to test them in snow. In France, dedicated winter tyres or snowchains / socks should be fine but as I understand the rules in Switzerland, although winter / all season tyres are not legally required, if you are involved in an incident / accident without them you will likely be deemed responsible and liable. Hence the reason why all hire cars in Swiss resorts are fitted with dedicated winter tyres from late November to April.
Hi all, now I never thought it would have been such an issue to find a cost effective snow chain for the size tyre 235/55/R17 we have on our Cali. If anyone has any second hand/new they're willing to sell please let me know. I've seen them upwards of £60.- £300 but I'm only likely to use them once for a ski trip in 3 weeks in Switzerland.
Or, has anyone used a slightly different sized chain on the same tyres and it work just as well for example 235/45/R17 or 235/50/R17 ?
Please let me know (I'm assuming given the weight of the Cali I'm better off with chains than socks if needed, no huge hills but possibly enough to need either) and I'd rather not change to all weather tyres. Thanks all
We are regular skiiers and I wouldn't risk it without winter tyres, they are so much better/safer. Its not just about when the snow dumps its also the stopping performance and staying on icy snowy roads before its suitable for chains. Spending a few hundred on tyres could save your van, your life or at least a load of hassle trying to fit chains when you wouldn't need to with good tyres. Anything less than 7deg winter tyres are superior, if its not below 7deg it won't be worth skiing? My current understanding in France is both winter tyres and chains/socks are mandatory in the mountain areas during the specified winter period, this was also confirmed by our proffesional transfer driver whilst travelling back 3 days ago, I've never had to fit my chains because I have winter tyres and would highly recommend them, good luck.

So I also found these, a little more expensive however safer I think that the first one (Approx £125) allows for zero clearance on the inside of the wheel, the second one has an allowance of 7mm clearance (£85) these were recommended by Pewag when you enter VW Cali T5 235/55/R17.
Hope this could be helpful to anyone else and thanks so much all for all of your input....
View attachment 104419
hi am in the same boat , which shop is this please ?

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