Social isolating - Not!

Not what I mean.

If you live in a town centre, and it is not permitted for you to drive for a walk in a green space, instead you have to walk up and down the street.
You could take your bike, drive a few miles, then walk from there, get back on the bike home, no problem.

Take your car, drive many mile to another city in another district, do your walk, return home, that is the problem.
Sorry I do get it. Exercise with isolation is perfect. Round our way the normally empty fields by our house where I take the dogs out are suddenly overrun with walkers, surely its safer to drive for 5 mins to get just that bit further out.

I also agree with the 99% of comments that were posted on the derbyshire police twitter account when they posted the drone footage criticising people walking in the peaks.
Complete overkill & waste of police resources. I would suggest theres a higher chance of Amarillo getting knocked off his tandem & needing hospital treatment than someone having an accident driving a couple of miles to find some green space.

I don't condone people driving for hours but a few miles seems reasonable.
You could take your bike, drive a few miles, then walk from there, get back on the bike home, no problem.

Take your car, drive many mile to another city in another district, do your walk, return home, that is the problem.

The police in several areas are already saying no, you can't get in your car and drive anywhere for the purposes of exercise, you can only walk/run/cycle from your home.

I suspect that's going to become the universal position as otherwise a minority will unfortunately just take the pi$$.

I really feel for town dwellers on this, especially those with kids cooped up in a high-rise for 12 weeks with only pavement pounding for exercise. I just can't see what the alternative is, realistically.
And look at the criticism they got on their twitter feed, wasting police resources to do drone footage of people reasonably isolating themselves.
It is slightly mental when you see photos of people rammed into tube trains.
Stay at home is the simple message. If you are complying with this, I and many other delivery drivers thank you. You are helping keep the roads clear so that we can get on with delivering essential supplies to wherever they are needed and groceries to vulnerable people as quickly as we can. Today it has been reported that 25% of cars stopped by the police were on non essential journeys. please ask yourself before you turn that key, Do I really need to make this journey. Thank you for your support.
Stay at home is the simple message. If you are complying with this, I and many other delivery drivers thank you. You are helping keep the roads clear so that we can get on with delivering essential supplies to wherever they are needed and groceries to vulnerable people as quickly as we can. Today it has been reported that 25% of cars stopped by the police were on non essential journeys. please ask yourself before you turn that key, Do I really need to make this journey. Thank you for your support.
Thank you guys for keeping things moving about so we can get the bits we all need!:thumb
And look at the criticism they got on their twitter feed, wasting police resources to do drone footage of people reasonably isolating themselves.
They didn't from the people that live here ! Rural people don't want outsiders coming in (making unnecessary car journeys) and by the way that is the law - before it was changed we were literally being over-run. How do you police a few miles. And if it is a few miles then surely they can walk .

Most cities have a park / green area within a mile which most city dwellers in normal times or perfectly happy with. Hardly a massive hardship given what went before - social distancing being ignored and huge influxes into the country side - the previous weekend here was like a bank holiday!
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Michael Gove was interviewed on the telly yesterday. He was asked a question about someone just going for a drive to get out of the home. He suggested it was inconceivable that someone would or could be arrested just for going for a drive. Mixed messages from the Government?
But until you stopped so close to them they were isolated & presumably you had a really good reason for being there?
I agree . and to call someone stupid and photo the guys plates a bit out of order when you know nothing about the person too. you were there . why shouldn't he or they be ? they may be local ?
All the restrictions have mixed messages - mayor of London states tube trains are for key workers only. Government says construction works are to continue so how are builders supposed to get to work in central London?

Today announcements for huge support package for self employed supposedly the same as for employed people - apart from of course if you make £50k a year self employed you won’t get a penny or if You are like most people I work with, are a Director of a small ltd company you are not included.
I am still driving around as a key worker rand cant believe the amount of cyclists in what can only be described as professional kit (lycra) I have no issue with people being out and keeping fit but I don't think Boris meant go 30 miles from the nearest village.
Sorry I do get it. Exercise with isolation is perfect. Round our way the normally empty fields by our house where I take the dogs out are suddenly overrun with walkers, surely its safer to drive for 5 mins to get just that bit further out.

I also agree with the 99% of comments that were posted on the derbyshire police twitter account when they posted the drone footage criticising people walking in the peaks.
Complete overkill & waste of police resources. I would suggest theres a higher chance of Amarillo getting knocked off his tandem & needing hospital treatment than someone having an accident driving a couple of miles to find some green space.

I don't condone people driving for hours but a few miles seems reasonable.
Sorry I disagree completely. We live in the Peak District and our 14 month old grandson was rushed to hospital three days ago by emergency ambulance with a high temperature and bad throat. If some stupid sod had fallen off Curbar Edge, where rhe police were using the drone, and that ambulance had not been available for our grandson then I would be severely pissed off. Its using up emergency services unnecessarily and putting volunteer mountain rescuers at risk.
Sorry I disagree completely. We live in the Peak District and our 14 month old grandson was rushed to hospital three days ago by emergency ambulance with a high temperature and bad throat. If some stupid sod had fallen off Curbar Edge, where rhe police were using the drone, and that ambulance had not been available for our grandson then I would be severely pissed off. Its using up emergency services unnecessarily and putting volunteer mountain rescuers at risk.
I totally agree with you feeling that way, the same could also be said if that ambulance was attending someone who had drunk to much on a Saturday night back in normal times. Unfortunately the health service like the benefits system gets abused.
Sorry I disagree completely. We live in the Peak District and our 14 month old grandson was rushed to hospital three days ago by emergency ambulance with a high temperature and bad throat. If some stupid sod had fallen off Curbar Edge, where rhe police were using the drone, and that ambulance had not been available for our grandson then I would be severely pissed off. Its using up emergency services unnecessarily and putting volunteer mountain rescuers at risk.
Also hope he is ok by the way?
I agree . and to call someone stupid and photo the guys plates a bit out of order when you know nothing about the person too. you were there . why shouldn't he or they be ? they may be local ?
I didn't call him stupid but he clearly isn't that bright if he doesn't know what "stay at home means and no unnecessary journeys". He wasn't at home or local because i live in a very isolated area and even if he was local he shouldn't had a car there anyway as it would still have been an "unnecessary" journey.
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Sorry I disagree completely. We live in the Peak District and our 14 month old grandson was rushed to hospital three days ago by emergency ambulance with a high temperature and bad throat. If some stupid sod had fallen off Curbar Edge, where rhe police were using the drone, and that ambulance had not been available for our grandson then I would be severely pissed off. Its using up emergency services unnecessarily and putting volunteer mountain rescuers at risk.

More confused messages:
“Police said members of the public should not be driving anywhere to walk their dogs or exercise. However, the Guardian checked with the Cabinet Office, which is overseeing restrictions on movement, and a spokeswoman confirmed that the guidelines did not prohibit driving somewhere for exercise or dog walking.”

I have to say that the police setting up roadblocks and flying drones to prevent Sheffield residents driving 30 minutes to escape bustling city parks for open Peak District land is a complete waste of resources.
More confused messages:
“Police said members of the public should not be driving anywhere to walk their dogs or exercise. However, the Guardian checked with the Cabinet Office, which is overseeing restrictions on movement, and a spokeswoman confirmed that the guidelines did not prohibit driving somewhere for exercise or dog walking.”

I have to say that the police setting up roadblocks and flying drones to prevent Sheffield residents driving 30 minutes to escape bustling city parks for open Peak District land is a complete waste of resources.
Why ? Do you think we should return to the scenes were Peak Park and other tourist destinations resembled a bank holiday (because that is what would happen) and where social distancing wasn't clearly being practiced and isolated communities were being exposed to outsiders germs. Locals feel strongly about this and if it had of continued tensions would have run even higher ...

Visitors were also clogging up petrol stations and local stores. Let's be clear the rural communities do not want you there and this is clearly evident from all around the UK . Enjoy your gardens, streets and parks as most City dwellers use to do for the majority of time anyway ! As one previous poster put it all of a sudden people have gone exercise mad ! So well done Sheffield and Derbyshire Constabulary, plus those in Cornwall, the Lakes, etc. for protecting rural communities, preventing the unnecessary spread of Corona and upholding the law

ps the rural police haven't got much else to do at the moment anyway and conducting a few random tests is neither here nor there in terms of resource
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I didn't call him stupid but he clearly isn't that bright if he doesn't know what "stay at home means and no unnecessary journeys". He wasn't at home or local because i live in a very isolated area and even if he was local he shouldn't had a car there anyway as it would still have been an "unnecessary" journey.
disagree mate. heres why. nothing from boris yet says you can't drive a few mile somewhere quiet to go walk your dog or yourself. if the person has driven 3 hours to be there then you have a point. but you don't know that. as for government advice I bet you eat your 5 a day and only drink 21 units a week like the rest of us do ?
Visitors were also clogging up petrol stations and local stores. Let's be clear the rural communities do not want you there and this is clearly evident from all around the UK .
The National Parks, Country Parks, City Parks, beaches, etc, are not the property of those who live within walking distance. Keeping distance from each other is important, but so too is the mental health of those confined to their homes. Getting the balance perfect would take the wisdom of Solomon, but driving 30 minutes to a remote part of the Peak district to walk as a couple with the dog does not seem unreasonable. Nothing I saw of the footage from the Derbyshire police drone indicated gatherings, just solitary individuals and couples.
disagree mate. heres why. nothing from boris yet says you can't drive a few mile somewhere quiet to go walk your dog or yourself. if the person has driven 3 hours to be there then you have a point. but you don't know that. as for government advice I bet you eat your 5 a day and only drink 21 units a week like the rest of us do ?
21 units a week? sh1t, I thought that was a day! :thumb
He said no unnecessary journeys and to stay at home ! What part of driving to a place to walk your dog or exercise is necessary ! Here are the rules See boxes one and two. was he at home - no (he doesn't live here). Was he essential shopping or there for medical needs (no ) Should he have been there then ? NO !
He said no unnecessary journeys and to stay at home ! What part of driving to a place to walk your dog or exercise is necessary ! Here are the rules See boxes one and two. was he at home - no (he doesn't live here). Was he essential shopping or there for medical needs (no ) Should he have been there then ? NO !
if it bothered you that much why didn't you hang around and tell them to their face ? and why do you assume it was a HE?

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