Static cornering lighting



Lifetime VIP Member
T5 SE 180 4Motion
So as notified Ellie, Debs and I are 'on tour' in and around Weymouth this week and have had a lovely day driving from Chickerell to West Bay [Broadchurch] and onwards to Lyme Regis. First cup of tea in the Old Station Car Park + West Bay; but no sign of Dr Who. Found that the right hand gas ring wouldn't stay lit and so had to make do with the left hand one. Since returning to the site I've searched the forum and found that someone had the problem in '12 but no one has posted since; so hoping that its a simple fix when we get back home next week. Ellie's handling well and nothing to report except... Static cornering lighting. Who knew!! Bloody fog lights coming on and going off during low speed cornering. Initially thought that we had a fault [we still may have] but pulled out the owners manual and on page 139... "Static cornering light": Evidently its a feature...

Not sure about this one. I like the concept... but individual fog lights coming on and going off automatically?! Strange...

Cheers Ellie, Debs and Cliff
Only below a certain speed, I think 7km/hr.
The fog lights come on when you turn the steering, left when turning left and right for a right turn. It is supposed to help light the corner. Do not think this is speed related, poss just degree of turn.
Read a bit further... it looks like its activated by the light sensor (i.e. active at night both speed) and moderately 'tight' cornering [Weymouth lanes]. Happier now that we've heard that its supposed to happen... and now that we've encountered it, we'll know what to look out for next time.
BTW excellent weather on the coast today... very sunny and not too chilly! First cup of tea... smashing!
Found that the right hand gas ring wouldn't stay lit and so had to make do with the left hand one
There's probably some burnt debris inside the burner. It's quite easy to sort, just remove the two small screws on the top (may need a torx screwdriver, can't remember) and lift the disc off. Get the nozzle off the vacuum cleaner inside the base part and clean it out; hopefully that should do the trick. Good luck :thumb
There's probably some burnt debris inside the burner. It's quite easy to sort, :thumb

Thanks for the advice... we'll see what we can do and in the interim keep using the LH side... Ta
I had the same problem with the burner - replaced under warranty.

I also didn't know about the cornering lights and thought the same as you.

I had the same problem with the burner - replaced under warranty.

I also didn't know about the cornering lights and thought the same as you.


Hi Andy, thanks for the feedback... We'd sort of expected a few niggles with a new vehicle, especially one with potentially so much to go wrong and/or not work as expected; its all part of the journey. Loving it so far though....

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