T4 Control panel



Iam new in this forum. I am owner of T4 California 2,0 1996. I have litle problemm with control panel...there is no light... vhen I wont see the outside temperature or something else by night, I do not see nothing, becase the display is withot light. I open the control panel and I saw the litle bulb...But I do not know the voltage of this small bulb...

If someone have information about this bulb? I also wondering if sameone have eletctrical diagram of control panel.


ps. Sory for my English, I am from Slovenia....
I don't actually know the answer, but that won't stop me answering :D

I would guess it's going to be 5v, but that is only a guess. Can you get hold of a voltmeter and get a reading from the socket?
Good idea. Tomorow I will mesaure with volt meter...

Hi there, from memory I think the bulbs are 12v 0.5-1w.

I will see I can find the website with the info on.

Great page...I use this page a lot, but I this time I could not find the article about control panel.
Thanks a lot.

Another think...the watter pump for clean watter...how strong (how much presure have to do).. I have one, which make 0.6 bar, but is too poor... I wonder how strong pump I have to buy, that I can use is also for shower (in the summer of corse)?

Good website, I'll add that to the T4 useful information thread if that's ok.
TwentyOneThirtyFive said:
Good website, I'll add that to the T4 useful information thread if that's ok.
No problem Dan, good idea. :thumb
dulev1 said:
Another think...the watter pump for clean watter...how strong (how much presure have to do).. I have one, which make 0.6 bar, but is too poor... I wonder how strong pump I have to buy, that I can use is also for shower (in the summer of corse)?
Hmmm, sorry I cant help with that one - We don't use the fresh water system (We just take bottled water with us - cant be bothered with cleaning the tank!) and are about to remove the tank to make way for more storage!
Hay. I changed the lamps bulb, but stil no light...sameone have electric diagram for cali 1995? I is posible, that the line from b58 (instrument lightning) is broken, or it have fuse bruken? Where is?

dulev1 said:
Hay. I changed the lamps bulb, but stil no light...sameone have electric diagram for cali 1995? I is posible, that the line from b58 (instrument lightning) is broken, or it have fuse bruken? Where is?


Does this help?

(full doc here: http://www.westfaliat4.info/VW_T4_California_SSP_136.pdf)
Be aware that this document is for the '91 version so yours may be different?

It does show that 58b (instrument cluster backlighting?) connects to terminal 18 on the display (E153) - maybe check that voltage is present here first?

This page shows the fusebox layout:-

Good luck, I hope you work it out!


Thanks a lot for all help. I checked everything, but is something wrong on electronic of control panel. On b58 i have 12v, but on bulbs no... I made in my way... I cut off bulbs, buy a 3 cm of LED , conect to left (in UK right), indoor lamp. When I switch on indoor light it iluminate also control panel...looks very good.
About the water pump. I buy one of 1,2 bar and is much better.

dulev1 said:
Thanks a lot for all help. I checked everything, but is something wrong on electronic of control panel. On b58 i have 12v, but on bulbs no... I made in my way... I cut off bulbs, buy a 3 cm of LED , conect to left (in UK right), indoor lamp. When I switch on indoor light it iluminate also control panel...looks very good.
About the water pump. I buy one of 1,2 bar and is much better.


Shame the panel seems faulty but good job, nice solution Good idea on changing the water pump also :thumb

My lights on the control panel have never worked but I am tempted to try and fix them.

Can someone tell how the back lighting on the control panel is suppose to behave? i.e. does it only light up when the vehicle lights are on? Is it always lit up? Does it light up when a button is pressed?

Mine lights up when you push a button and then stays on for a few minutes, not sure how long really.

Can't remember what happens when the van is running.

Will try and take a look this weekend.

Just checked a westy manual I found and the behaviour of the backlighting is explained:-

In summary it states that the backlighting of the control panel will be on when:-
  • Headlights or sidelights are on.
  • Auxiliary Heater is on.
  • Will stay lit for 3 minutes after pressing a button.

My control panel is one of the older 6 button ones with no heater or timer controls so I guess it will should light up when the headlight/sidelights are on or a button is pressed.

Would be great if you could confirm this Dan (I assume yours is also a six button version?).


Yep, mine is also the 6 button. Will check at the weekend if mine behaves that way with the lights, it's not something I've ever paid attention to.
Operation is correct. I also have the six button unit.

Backlighting comes on exactly as you describe.

sidepod said:
Operation is correct. I also have the six button unit.

Backlighting comes on exactly as you describe.


Great, thanks for that! :thumb

VW California Club
