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T6 Beach - electrics help

Cautious Lip

Cautious Lip

VIP Member
T5 SE 174
Hi all

I’m away in Scotland at the moment and didn’t bring my manual.

Struggling to get the electrics to work on hook up. The standard plug doesn’t have power and the cool box in the boot isn’t working either.

Other campers are having no issues so not an issue with campsite power or my cable from van to power point.

Is there a reset button somewhere? I can find info re the Ocean but not my beach.

Any help appreciated. Food about to spoil.
The 20a socket above the 240v one works fine so I’m confused as to what the problem is

Thanks all

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Have you checked the RCD in the rear tool compartment where the jack is? It is a bit of a reach but this may've tripped? Obviously if it has then you will want to know why!!!
Thank. Found the switch. Pulled it up and down but no luck. Is there a reset button? I cant feel one.

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Thank. Found the switch. Pulled it up and down but no luck. Is there a reset button? I cant feel one.

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Does it trip if you press the small test button? if not then there is now power from your lead, you may need to unplug the lead and check the connections inside.
have you tried another campers lead plugged into your van?
I’ve tested my lead and all is OK with it.
Is the button above the switch? If so, I have pushed that and nothing happens?

Thanks so far for your help

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It has been working for a time yesterday and nothing has moved. Seems very strange

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It has been working for a time yesterday and nothing has moved. Seems very strange

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Did you unplug whatever is plugged in in the van and detach the hookup lead before trying to reset?
Yes - tried that - no joy.
The 20a socket above the standard plug and the cooler plugged into the 12v in the boot power up when I start the engine, so when driving the leisure battery re- charges.
Nothing happens when hooked up so must be a problem with the actual socket, circuit breaker or something else down the line?

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Yes - tried that - no joy.
The 20a socket above the standard plug and the cooler plugged into the 12v in the boot power up when I start the engine, so when driving the leisure battery re- charges.
Nothing happens when hooked up so must be a problem with the actual socket, circuit breaker or something else down the line?

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Fuses under the passenger seat? Swivel it and slide until you can access.....
Any idea which one? I don’t have spares unless there’s any under there

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Any idea which one? I don’t have spares unless there’s any under there

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I think that there is a big white 80A (?) one which is between the alternator and the leisure battery?? I think all the others are standard size blade fuses other than block one on the terminal of the leisure battery?
Won't be any spares in there though. Not sure the 80A one would cause your symptoms though.... sorry reaching the end of my knowledge here
Any idea which one? I don’t have spares unless there’s any under there

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I know you said Campsite Power and your Hookup lead are OK, but could I ask how you tested your lead and the Campsite Bollard and power socket that you are using on the Bollard?

Has your Mains System ever worked?

Has your Mains System worked at any point since you arrived at this campsite?

On some Campsite Power Bollards there is a switch or you twist the Socket , once plugged in, to activate power.
Yes , worked on the campsite yesterday. The owner of the site tested my cable with a lamp and all is OK.

I’ve ordered some fuses to try when Home. Am still under warranty and have roadside assistance but I don’t feel it appropriate to drag VW roadside or RAC to my remote location as I’m not stranded.

Just cooked up the meat on the BBQ and will eat veggie and drink black coffee for the next couple of days.

Thanks so much for your help so far. I’ll let you know if a new fuse resolves the issue.


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PS - the fuse ‘looks’ ok but I’m not sure what visible signs to check for. There isn’t a break that I can see

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I think you are now confusing the 12v system with the 240v mains system.

You said the 12v socket(marked 20a) works and you can recharge the leisure battery by running the engine and the fridge is working on this socket whilst the battery has charge? Yes? In which case all the fuses must be okay.

It is therefore just the 240V mains side that is not, yes?

Can you see the back of the mains socket and is the cable in there all connected and not got a loose connection?
Yes, you are probably right. It’s the 240v section that’s not working.
It’s tough to see anything where the cables go. Nothing has moved as it was working yesterday and has worked in the past. Does the 240v supply have a fuse other than the breaker switch?
I’m guessing something must switch the power from battery to mains? Maybe that’s the issue?
The 3 pin mains socket has no connection to the battery, its not an inverter supply it is only supplied by the hookup through the safety breaker.
What fridge do you have? 12 volt fridges can be very sensitive to slight voltage drops to prevent them from draining the batteries.

If you have a Waeco fridge you can adjust the settings to reduce the risk of the fridge cutting off at lower voltage. Set it to "lo" instead of "hi" from the set menu.
"hi" cutout 11.8 V
"nd" cutout 11.2 V
"lo" cutout 10.1 V
These are the cutout voltages the fridge senses, not the voltage at the socket. As the lead is long and poor quality there is likely to be a significant voltage drop between socket and fridge.

We have had multiple problems with our Waeco fridge over the past year, all of which we have been able to work around, but once home I will be fitting a decent 12 volt socket (not a cigar lighter socket) so we can plug the fridge in properly, as good as hard wired, to properly fix the issues we have had.

Follow my blog:
The 3 pin mains socket has no connection to the battery, its not an inverter supply it is only supplied by the hookup through the safety breaker.

Thanks - how does the supply change from Maine to battery? Is there a module for this?

I do suspect it’s a connection issue at the mains socket somewhere tho. Back to the garage I think. Still under warranty

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try another campers socket? if it's not the rcd where the jack is kept you must have a wire off somewhere. can you find one of these in a camping or tool shop somewhere to maybe hang through the small window to give you power for now. ?

try another campers socket? if it's not the rcd where the jack is kept you must have a wire off somewhere. can you find one of these in a camping or tool shop somewhere to maybe hang through the small window to give you power for now. ?

View attachment 33658

Thanks - we are in the middle of nowhere but will get one of these to use in emergencies in future.

When I get home I’ll have a better look to see if I can see a wire off or something. If not, back to the dealer

Thanks everyone

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Is there a module that switches the supply from mains to battery? There must be something?

Will check the manual when home

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Okay, lets rewind:
Just re read your original post: when you say mains socket, do you mean the standard square 3 pin socket like we have in the house?
Or, do you mean the inverter socket with the lift up flap in the B pillar? (Assuming you can have this as an option on the Beach)

I am beginning to think there is a loose connection between your external plug and the RCBO (breaker for the purposes of this thread) because test button does not trip the breaker, it could be the breaker itself but less likely as not heard of many failures.
I would just try anouther hookup lead into your van to be sure, even though you man tested your lead with a lamp.

If it were working you would have power to the socket and the battery charger and you wouldn’t need to run the engine to charge.
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Thanks - yes - I’ve tried another cable from a nearby camper and theirs doesn’t work either.


The standard household style plug doesn’t work at all and the 20A one now only works when the engine starts as the leisure battery is flat.

The trip button doesn’t do anything on the mains breaker (in the space near the jack), so doesn’t sound like there’s any power getting in at all, so likely to be a faulty connection or breaker?

I still don’t understand how the power flips from the battery to the mains? Does the mains simply charge the battery? Is the 80A fuse under the passenger seat only apply to battery power? If so, the fault must be at the mains end.

Thanks so much for your help so far. Sorry about the ambiguity


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Looks like I can get better access to the wiring by taking the cover off this.
Will have a look when Home as I don’t have the right tool here


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