Three weeks south- and mid- Norway


Hotel California

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So , off to Norway in the Cali !
We leave home this weekend heading thru Germany planning a overnight stop here,
little below Hamburg :
Around 400 km from home hoping to arrive there sunday evening .

Monday morning starting off direction Hirtshals - Denmark aprox. another 600km drive.
Hirtshals has camperspots as well as campings nearby and we will dicide last minute what we will be heading to.

We booked the ferry from Hirtshals to Kristiansand thuseday at 12.15pm arriving in Kristiansand arround 15.30pm .
Short drive planned to a camperspot , try and find thisone :
hopefully with a place free to park our Cali and spend the first night in Norway!

I will try and keep you guys updated on the route and trips like WelshGas did on his trip to the Nordkapp . We wil not go all the way up north , at least thats not the plan but one never knows if the weather turns out bad we probally be doing much more km/ miles as planed and do less walks and stopovers , we might end up at Nordkapp.....?
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Have a great trip. Keep us posted of your adventures:thumb
Look forward to your blog :thumb Have a great time :)
Exciting! Look forward to hearing your adventures, we're heading that way in the summer but driving up through Sweden then back down through Norway, started researching and it looks just beautiful. Happy travels!
Love to see some Cali pics of Norway. I'm pining for the fjords...
Sounds brilliant. Looking forward to following your blog. Have a great trip.
Washed in and outside , tyrecheck,whiperchange,...was already done last weekend.
On hookup since thismorning!

So start loading this afternoon , and preping some food ....the wife is actually!
The Cali itself is always well equiped , but been adding some extra stuff like my lafuma relaxchair , checking the porta potti ( paper and chemicals) , filling fresh water,....

Food: made some fresh soup and bolognese sauce and used plastic zipperbags to put it in ( portion for two / bag) and the in the freezer at home .
Usualy we take tupperwarepots but afther few days eating the empty tupperware is useles in the cali so we gonne try plastic zipperbags for the first time.
If they are deep frozen at home they stay pretty long frozen in the cali and by the time it is defrosted we eat it;)
Stufed the bench drawer with tins , rice , pasta ,...
Some botlles water , cola. Dogs food ....a lot for three weeks!
Clothes in seperate bags his/hers , in the large wardrobe .
Tomorrowmorning frige on and by midday were loading the fresh food from home-fridge to 2end home-fridge:D( cali)
Throw in the last minute stuff like toiletbags,dog and other half ....and drive off!
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Sucses on your trip,would like to do it too in the near future
Watch out for the Elk and Reindeer. They are about. Have a great time.
In Denmark at the moment , drove 490km yesterday up to Stitesen in
Germany . A faboules free camperspot with village an shop nearby , place at a watermill , it had nice working toilets .
Had a good sleep! image.jpgimage.jpg
Today drove already 250km and about 200 to go till Hirtshals , destination this evening .
Weather ok , 15 degrees cel. Clouds sun and windy.
Tank filled with diesel and off.
Day three of the trip already !
Drove from Gremany al the way up north in Denmark and checked in at a nice campsite in Tornby , just a 10 min drive to the ferry where we are on and leaving Denmark to Kristiansand in Norway now....
The campsite was very nice and very few visitors but guess in the summer very busy seeing the size of the place...
Weather turned and today wind and rain , cold themp. arround 12 gr cel.
Same procedure to board the ferry as Calais to Dover , no problems , dog sits nice in the Cali .
Border check , customs is in Norway so hope we can drive strait off the ferry in to Norway .
Planning a short drive to Lindesnes 160km at a free camperspot tonight.
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Hope the weather bucks up :)
There were no custom or border checks for cars/vans/motorhomes for Sweden, Finland or Norway either way on my trip, although I did notice that Lorries had to stop for a paper check and maybe some were inspected. Hope the weather improves for you. It's improving her and its heading NE, so you should get the better weather soon.:thumb
Drove from the ferry 95km to arrive at,

Lindesnes camperstop at the lighthouse , about 20+ campers , one Cali! Us.....image.jpg
Wednesday , on the road along the coastline to Eigersund about 200km to arrive at yet another lighthouse , the camperspot was hard to find and a walk to the lighthouse itself was about 2 hours to go and back in naturepark, shame no dogs allowed so Mieke ( doggy) stayed home !

Thursday , left of to Forsand allong the Jaeren national route , had to take a 10 min. ferry crossing and now at a nice camperstop with this view....
Reminds me of west coast of Scotland. The weather looks a bit better now!
Thismorning woke up all sunny , planed a walk up to "Preikestolen" , only 15 min drive to there .
Pretty crouwded overthere , but made it there and back , four hours in total about 3,8km one way.
Magnificent trip and stunning view over the fjord!
Now on a campsite wash some clotings , shower ,etc....
Did only 25 km today , shortest trip sofar but now at campsite enjoing the sun ....
Me and Mieke
My feet hanging over the edge 600m high cliff straight down!
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The campsite is great , free wifi , showers,washingmachines,....
Nice spot that we got also!image.jpg

Not seen that many Cali's so far but once but here we are not the onlyones...
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Looks a great trip! We're going over in September, so following this thread with great interest.
Anyone you guys know , UK converted van
You must be having a great time, nothing heard since Friday, too busy enjoying yourself? What are you up to? :D
Afther leaving the campsite near Preikestolen drove 375km to Geilio trough some great landscapes some coverd in snow.
The site were we stayed was a parking lot in a ski station , not much to see but good night sleep , cold , arround 7degrees cel.
Sunday morning heading to Aurland 110km drive were we pitched up at the bottom of the fjord at the water , great views allong the way...
Here we woke up this morning
Some views on the road yesterday....
Also been doing this....
And took many ferry's and so far maybe over 100 tunnels!
One with a roundabout in the midle to split it up in diffrent directions....!
The roads are good and it's been not that crouwded arround most places but think once the season starts there's less fun driving arround an waiting at ferrycrossings ....
Very much Germans and Dutchmen , less UK , French and Belgians spotted ,
Calis are also low in count!
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