VW California T5 ONLY Roof Corrosion - General Discussion

Where do you have the Roof Corrosion on your VW California?

  • Front panel only

    Votes: 197 37.3%
  • Main elevating roof only

    Votes: 80 15.2%
  • Both Front panel and main roof

    Votes: 251 47.5%

  • Total voters
One thing I noticed after getting my Cali roof repaired (new front panel, new roof panel & canvas) was that the work is only guaranteed under the remaining corrosion warranty not from the date the new panels were fitted. If this was a manufacturing issues should the work not have the full guarantee regardless of van age?
I was reminded/invited to add to this forum thread.
I have a 6 year old FourMotion California 08 Shadow Blue Metallic with no signs of roof corrosion or peeling paint.
Are you counting the vehicles which seem to be unaffected by this problem ?
For a better overall picture of this problem shouldn't the poll have included a tick box for vehicles with no apparent signs of roof corrosion or peeling paint?
I have today received a letter from AB Crush informing me that I'm on the list and in the queue.

However my sad tale started in June 2013 when I took my Cali to Cardiff VW centre who passed me onto VW Swansea as Cardiff does not have a body repair shop. Swansea photographed the corrosion on the front panel and registered this with VW Customer Care. However in the meantime about October 2013 a new instruction was issued by VW for the current repair procedure. After nearly 12 months I'd been promised communication and then having called VW CS myself was told that although I was registered it was for the previous repair which was just a respray and that Swansea would have to re-register me for the new repair in one of the 4 centers.

Having received the letter today confirming this I am now waiting for a slot which I'm told may be in the new year.

Frustrated comes to mind after 14 months. However I must say that over the past month , Lloyd at VW CS called me regularly to keep me updated and AB Crush have written to me.

So I'm now in a long queue.

So I'd like to remind those waiting for an answer to check with VW CS and make sure they are registered for the correct repair and not have to wait as long as I did.


firstly many thanks to you and the other forum members who are doing so much to raise this issue with VW and resolve the problem.

Re: owners taking legal advice: Tomcali's knowledgeable post on the 8th August points to a manufacturing defect, using incorrectly specified materials perhaps. And an earlier very good post by Keredewor on the 14th July discussed the impact of the the 1986 Latent Damage Act on warranty claims and the '6 year limit'.

However in both instances any member considering legal action would be forearmed if the forum could find out exactly what VW claim to be the source of the problem. Someone mentioned that VW want to discuss the issue in person with representatives of the forum, hopefully you will be able to get answers to this and I am sure the many other questions members still have.

Re: my own situation, we have a 2007 van, which had some corrosion on the rising roof (all underneath the rubber trim) but fortunately no corrosion on the front panel. A claim was raised with VW in April this year and was eventually accepted by VWCS, who authorised my local VW dealer in York (who have a paint shop) to repair the roof. This has now been completed. In dealing with the paint shop manager (who has been really helpful throughout and handled all discussions with VWCS) the forum proved really useful, notably the posts from the lady at Shorade, as her technical description of the repair alerted York to check with HO re: the finer details of the repair. The guys at JCT600 York have done an excellent job including replacing the rubber trim as documented by Shorade.

I hope this is indicative of a more reasonable response from VWCS going forwards.

I must admit I am much relieved that the repair is complete, I certainly wasn't optimistic that VWCS would accept my claim, and I certainly feel for any owners whose claim has currently been rejected. VW have already relaxed their position re: the extension to 6 years, I hope that they see sense, do the right thing and resolve the issue for all owners without being forced to do so by legal action. The earlier posts mentioned above appear to give claimants some reasonable arguments at least, and could if pursued generate very bad publicity for VW. Hopefully VW will recognise this and extend the warranty to all vans.

As per my post yesterday, it could prove very beneficial to our case if we could also find out what is happening in Germany.
Re: Roof Corrosion - Has your claim been rejected?

Hello Martin,
I have a July 2006 Cali and last year I reported a small area of paintwork bubbling up at the nearside corner of the front roof panel.
To cut a long story short, after having my claim rejected, eventually VW Customer Services agreed to have this fixed on a goodwill basis. This decision was based, they say, on my track record of owning the Cali from new and having it always serviced/repaired by an approved VW Van Centre.
Needless to say, I am still waiting to hear when the 'fix' will take place. At first, there was excellent communication from Nina Sykes at VWCS, who told me she was personally handling my case and was liaising directly with the repair workshop near Bristol. However, in recent months my case has been passed on (each time I chase them, a different name is mentioned) and communication has dried up completely. This reminds me - I must chase VWCS!!!!
Although VWCS are exercising 'goodwill' on a case by case basis, my experience may give hope to owners of older Cali's with roof panel corrosion who fall outside the extended warranty.
Re: Roof Corrosion - Has your claim been rejected?

I found out today that I am number 44 on the list of over 100 waiting to be repaired by Heritage Bristol. The person I spoke to there was Darren. He told me the roof panel will be replaced and that they are using a modified seal between the panel and the steel roof. However, the replacement panels are on "back order" so he couldn't give me any indication of timescale for when my Cali will be called in.
Oops, I think I've strayed away from the main point of this thread - I should have reported this elsewhere, sorry!
Stu and smgcowfold - thanks for your replies - I'll ask Grange to do the necessary :)
I have the corrosion on front panel and elevating roof and I am in the queue for repair.
Do not know when or with who yet. The van is a 2011 California SE Salsa Red.

Just back from a trip to Italy, so decide to give the van a good clean and...........

More corrosion starting.

This time inside on the aluminium trim that secures the roof tent at the front.
A couple of pictures below. One looking at the left hand front corner and one looking at the right hand front corner from the inside.

This is not the front panel or the elevating roof ! I suppose this is yet another trip to a garage with more photos.

Anyone else got this?

Well that's a whole new one!!

It looks a little like a failure of anodising of the aluminium.
Its looking like an entire new roof.
Tent looks in good nick though.
After receiving a reminder to check the roof of our 2012 Cali last week i was pretty shocked to find bubbling across the roof and front panel. Many thanks for raising this. I will join the queue for repairs.....
IanE said:
Just starting on this (again!) and would really appreciate some advice. The front panel was repaired within the 3 year warranty period (by Preston VW Van Centre where we bought the van new in Sept 2010), but is now showing corrosion coming through again. Is it best to contact Preston, which is 50 miles away and a bit inconvenient, Grange-over- Sands VW dealer (where they sell and service vans, have some experience of Californias, but don't sell them), which is nearby, or VW Customer Services direct?

Am I right in thinking that they will check the main roof panel if they accept responsibility for the front panel, if you so request? I'm a bit nervous about pulling back the rubber seal myself having tried fairly gently.

Many thanks in anticipation!



I will be using Lindale dealership , Hadwins, for mine. The service manager is a guy called Peter Oram and I have every confidence in him. Their main commercial tech is bloke called Dan who seems incredibly diligent and knowledgeable - that's a pretty clear recommendation then!
If they haven't yet done a roof inspection then point them at this forum (they know about it) but feel sure they can probably get more sense from VWCS then many others can.
Let us know how you go on please.


Hi John,

Apologies, we must have missed this. We've chased your case up with our Customer Care Team and we understand that your case is due to be shut. We're sorry you remain unhappy, but there's very little we can do from this point.

If you disagree with the outcome or the way your case was handled, we advise you speak to Motor Codes here:

Had above from VWCS today, what do i do now???? :help

Simon - thank you for that - makes me feel all the better re the Lindale option!
Re: Has anyone done the Maths

I hope this does cost vw a fortune. Maybe it will then think about the stuff it used to do rather well - like using quality materials and doing proper product testing.

These roof problems have been seen in vans that are less than one year old. What the hell was vw thinking by issuing this build quality onto the unsuspecting public :headbang
Re: Has anyone done the Maths

David Eccles said:
I have heard that its several thousand for each bus! :eek:
with potentially HUNDREDS to do ...
I too wonder about the future of the Cali with the new T6 when it arrives, especially given the new forthcoming Westy version with manual elevating roof in pipeline, and VWs renewed relationship with Westfalia now they are not owned by rivals!
remove a small panel, reprint, refit with a rubber gasket will not cost thousands. Perhaps an paint shop would try and charge you a good few hundred if you wonder in and ask them. Compared to dodgy brakes, airbags and accelerators that Toyota and Co have to deal with I know which I would prefer!
Re: Has anyone done the Maths

I bet end up we end up upgrading to a new van when ours is collected (fingers crossed SMG get the paperwork done and it's covered)
Re: Has anyone done the Maths

beardie said:
David Eccles said:
I have heard that its several thousand for each bus! :eek:
with potentially HUNDREDS to do ...
I too wonder about the future of the Cali with the new T6 when it arrives, especially given the new forthcoming Westy version with manual elevating roof in pipeline, and VWs renewed relationship with Westfalia now they are not owned by rivals!
remove a small panel, reprint, refit with a rubber gasket will not cost thousands. Perhaps an paint shop would try and charge you a good few hundred if you wonder in and ask them. Compared to dodgy brakes, airbags and accelerators that Toyota and Co have to deal with I know which I would prefer!

What you describe may well only cost a couple of hundred pounds. But VW are removing the whole roof assembly & removing the front panel. Paint & re-fit front panel with new gasket. Then refit roof with new bellows.
And your Cali is collected, a loan left for your use & returned on a transporter after repairs done.
Oh & all done by VW trained personnel that work at well renowned body shops.

So yes it will cost well into the thousands for VW to do each Cali.
Re: Has anyone done the Maths

I watched the body shop do mine (front Ali roof panel), they were working to vw instructions, there was no need to remove the roof assembly or fit new bellows.

If you are talking about a new roof after the scissor mech caught the canvas and kinked the roof then I agree a few K.
Re: Has anyone done the Maths

Forgot to also say I saw a copy of the invoice, just under £400. This was a paint shop that had new bentleys being sorted out. Now if I had paid £150k and got a dodgy paint job I would be upset
Re: Has anyone done the Maths

When was yours done ? Not recently I think.
The description I posted above is how the repair is currently being done. Difference between your repair & current repair is that your front panel was re-sprayed & current repair involves a new panel being fitted.
Re: Has anyone done the Maths

I'm not saying it was a dodgy paint job. I hope the corrosion / bubbling does not re-appear.
After thinking I only had roof corrosion on the front panel of my California only, I removed the rubber seal on the roof today only to find corrosion on the elevating roof also. Tomorrow I am taking the vehicle in to my dealer in Cardiff for a pre-arranged appointment. It will be interesting to hear what they have to say. Thank you for alerting me to the corrosion problems.

Richard T
My Cali was first registered this year, 2014, on 13th May. So far there are no visible signs of corrosion in the areas in question
gssmith said:
My Cali was first registered this year, 2014, on 13th May. So far there are no visible signs of corrosion in the areas in question

Hi there and welcome,
New builds like yours have had the poorly designed and wrongly prepared bit of the roof above the windscreen fixed - so you should be fine there. But I don't think new builds have had the elevating roof section modified nor the rear roof section so I'd keep and eye on these two places. If you read back throgh this thread you'll find bits on these two area which should help in checking them out from time to time.

Good luck

Regretfully my own has these problems through design neglect but the VW weasels won't look at 2007 vans.

VW California Club
