VW California T5 ONLY Roof Corrosion - General Discussion

Where do you have the Roof Corrosion on your VW California?

  • Front panel only

    Votes: 197 37.3%
  • Main elevating roof only

    Votes: 80 15.2%
  • Both Front panel and main roof

    Votes: 251 47.5%

  • Total voters
stationmaster said:
I am experiencing similar problems to those already contributing. I am being offered paintwork repair to elevating roof by an authorised repairer that my local van centre employs - this is in Sheffield and is not a VW bodyshop but i am assured is authorised by VW.

My concern, shared by others here, is that the repair will only last a short while, and further, that the work will have to be done again later, either under warranty or worse, paid for by me.

This is not acceptable with such a widespread problem on such a new vehicle.

I feel we should all be insisting that the roof/front panel (all corroded parts) are replaced with new parts.

Comments please.

- that would be the right thing for VW to do.
I received an unsolicited letter from VW today, just updating me on the status of my paintwork claim. They confirmed the parts supply issue and stated that a bodyshop (not necessarily the closest) will contact me as soon as a repair slot is available.

So, it may not be necessary to chase VW - I'll just be patient (probably very patient) and we will all get our turn.

I would imagine that as soon as the parts issue is resolved, VW would train additional bodyshops. Four is clearly woefully inadequate.

Following a 12 month delay by my local garage in putting the correct claim into VW for my Cali I was contacted by AB Crush in early August. Having just spoken to them (they were very open, honest & helpful), I'm told that I might have my repair started towards the end of 2015. I am shocked as I reported the fault in June 2013 and having to wait this long (30 months approx) is unacceptable.

AB Crush have repaired 8 Calis since June 14, 2 weeks work/Cali and they have 120 on the list for repair.

But I'm told one of the delays in repairing more than 3-4 per month was due to spares and that this supply has recently improved significantly.

The second delay issue is that AB Crush only has 2 spare replacement Calis for loan during the repair. On return they need cleaning before being sent out again which delays the process still further.

Finally I commented that I don't need a replacement vehicle, (Cali or car), as I can use my wife's for 2 weeks, which could potentially move me up the queue. So I suggest that if you don't need a replacement vehicle then let the repair center know as it could help your position in the queue.
VW are in process of setting up more training to enable more to be done..not sure if its more staff at the approved bodyshops or additional bodyshops but got impression it was the former. They also have an additional supplier of the parts coming on stream. So things may look a bit better after October...
I don't think saying you don't need a loan Cali will move you up the queue...as far as I know its being done in strict order...otherwise everyone would say they don't need the loan vehicle! The loan is part of their "package" designed to support (mollify?) owners.
As my Cali front panel was repaired by Listers, Coventry on 2/7/09 am i eligible for the front roof panel repair under warranty??????

John :help :thanks
I got a lovely letter from VW today apologising for the delay in the repair of my roof - that they did 6 weeks ago!
Well, I posted some photos of my corroded roof a couple of months back. Five weeks ago I took my vehicle to a company called Exan Coachworks who are the bodywork agents appointed by VW for my area of London - Islington - to deal with the California warranty issues.

They took photographs in the VW warranty acceptable format and told me they would send to VW for evaluation.

So, four weeks in, I emailed to ask what progress. Response was that the person at VW had apparently been on holiday (I would have imagined a well oiled machine like VW would have some sort of holiday cover arranged to keep things rolling - but then I also imagined my 2007 VW would suffer from less corrosion than my 2003 Alfa 147, how wrong you can be).

They would let me know progress as soon as they had any news. So, now at week 5, no response from VW yet.

Pretty hopeless customer service really - but that is what I'm coming to expect from my first experience of modern VW ownership - at least when I had a 1956 23 window split screen I could forgive it rusting - after 50 plus years it seemed reasonable, and corrosion on a vehicle that old has a kind of 'charm' in a way. Can't really say the same for a rotting 2007 Cali I'm afraid.

Hope others are having more joy from VW customer services than I am.

I wouldn't have thought so as I was led to believe that the warranty on a paint repair was 3 years.

VW idea of a goodwill gesture.

Classify cases of corrosion as a paint issue and decrease the corrosion warranty term from 12 years to 6.

By the way the clock for the goodwill six year term starts ticking from the date of vehicle manufacture not the date of repair, so in effect the 12 has become 6 which is now 3, if it is repaired at the end of the vehicle 3 year factory warranty due to repair lead times.

I know let's adhere the seal as part of the repair process and all these whinging customers will not be able to do our inspection on our behalf to verify (or not) the effectiveness of our repair process.

I opted to pay for a new vehicle not a repaired one.
I don't want a repaired vehicle thank you very much, it is not what I wanted or paid for.

Why repair by replacement for the panel above the windscreen but rub down and repair the roof.

I am running out of energy VW - close to shutting up, you may be pleased to know and looking somewhere else. I feel worn out spending my leisure time desperately trying to get someone from VW to listen, care and own the corrosion issue, the problem is not of my making.

Having spent hours waiting for a response from VW over recent months - the auto response line states "……and of course reliability comes as standard".
Not in my recent experience of VW it doesn't.

The only reliable and constant in all of this is that you know with very little doubt that you will be back on the garage forecourt next month, guaranteed.
It actually pains me to be turning against a brand I have committed to for over 20 years.
Times do change and trading on past reputation and glories is fast becoming a brand crisis. Collapse is around the corner for modern VW I feel.

Been nice knowing you VW
I got a lovely letter from VW today apologising for the delay in the repair of my roof - that they did 6 weeks ago!

Snap got my letter yesterday and my van was the first at Shorade and Ive had it back a few weeks now.
well mine has been approved for repair at local body shop but lady at VWCS seems very unsure about the 6 year warranty on this. She stated it is 3 years from date of manufacture and this repair will not affect or extend this.
just had a letter from VW customer service (my FIRST letter) "I am writing to update you about the approval of the warranty claim for the paint defect ........regrettably we have had a restricted supply of some of the parts required...resulting in bodyshops being behind in the planned schedule.

and dont forget the obligatory "thank you for your continued patience"

are they real?

patience is not one of the many adjectives I could use to describe VW owners at the momemnt

rant over! :headbang
Checked my roof yesterday and found the dreaded blistering in the front roof panel. Having seen it mentioned on the forum I checked for advice. Pleased to see the Benfield van centre Newcastle as one of the 4 repair centres as this was where I bought the van.
Today I phoned to be told by there new warranty person he hadn't been trained so he would call me back in 2 weeks when he was! I asked to speak to his boss who was the deputy manager who told me another controller was coming to the van centre on Monday/Tuesday of next week. I explained my concern was the delay in submitting a claim would delay the whole process. He tried going off the point to explain the process once approved but I told him I understood this and my concern was still the delay.
I got an appointment for next Monday. Can anyone tell me what to check for to make sure the claim is submitted properly? Anyone else got experience with a roof claim through the Newcastle centre?
Thanks I :help
I wouldn't worry about the delay in getting the appointment there will be dozens already in the queue which will take years to clear before they get to work on yours. Sorry to be negative but VW are making a complete mess of an already stressful situation.
Just had a letter from AB Crush in Canterbury to say my 2009 vehicle front panel blistering, is in the queue for repair but basically dont hold your breath. "Lead times are projected to be next year". I assume that means sometime in 2015, nice and vague then. Previous post here appears they have done a few now for VW so fingers crossed they will speed up. Have to say the warranty women at Murrays Plymouth was quick off the mark. Photos, tel call to confirm claim accepted and letter from AB Crush repairers all within 7 days. Pity repair may take a year. Just pray its up to scratch.
Checked my Candy White Cali yesterday. (New vehicle ordered during July 2013 and taken delivery of on 21 October 2013 and deemed to be a 2014 model) Could not find any traces of corrosion on the front panel but when I removed the rubber seal around the elevating roof found numerous very small bubbles at various locations which appears to be the start of corrosion.. Looks like my problems are just beginning!! :cry:
ragsamuffin said:
Just had a letter from AB Crush in Canterbury to say my 2009 vehicle front panel blistering, is in the queue for repair but basically dont hold your breath. "Lead times are projected to be next year". I assume that means sometime in 2015, nice and vague then. Previous post here appears they have done a few now for VW so fingers crossed they will speed up. Have to say the warranty women at Murrays Plymouth was quick off the mark. Photos, tel call to confirm claim accepted and letter from AB Crush repairers all within 7 days. Pity repair may take a year. Just pray its up to scratch.

The actual repair takes 2 weeks, this is unlikely to 'speed up' as the repair procedure is set out by VW. If VW say it takes 2 weeks I do not want mine done in 1 week, how many corners would they be cutting ????
At present, as stated in earlier posts, the delay is the lack of parts.
Hi All,

Earlier in the thread there was talk of the most effective way of approaching the various problems with the roof with certain forum individuals representing the collective in meeting with Senior VW Customer Service Management...did this ever happen or is it still in the pipeline?

I'm looking to order a California but until I know that VW accept the problem with the main roof corrosion and the remedial action (not just a respray) I'm not willing to commit.

I appreciate there are far more issues to be discussed regarding corrosion and length of warranties, repair work etc but I wondered if there was any timeline?

MarkW said:
Hi All,

Earlier in the thread there was talk of the most effective way of approaching the various problems with the roof with certain forum individuals representing the collective in meeting with Senior VW Customer Service Management...did this ever happen or is it still in the pipeline?

I'm looking to order a California but until I know that VW accept the problem with the main roof corrosion and the remedial action (not just a respray) I'm not willing to commit.

I appreciate there are far more issues to be discussed regarding corrosion and length of warranties, repair work etc but I wondered if there was any timeline?


The meeting is definitely happening, SusiBus (Graham) is having a meeting with VW in Milton Keynes but still waiting dates.
I'm sure he will post the outcome of the meeting when it happens.
Has anyone else noticed;
taking the Cali to SMG in a week or so to start roof claim process but today thought I would have another look under the rubber seal on the main roof If my roof is the same as others I am not surprised this is an issue given we have not had rain for over two weeks how wet the roof is under the seal is as if the rain water makes it way under and seems to stay there.
Our meeting with VW in MK is scheduled to take place on 14th October.
Please post any issues which concern you because these may be useful in our discussions.
I have just heard my claim has been approved by vw. My details have been passed on to the benfield body shop for action. The waiting begins :hello

VW California Club
