VW California T5 ONLY Roof Corrosion - General Discussion

Where do you have the Roof Corrosion on your VW California?

  • Front panel only

    Votes: 197 37.3%
  • Main elevating roof only

    Votes: 80 15.2%
  • Both Front panel and main roof

    Votes: 251 47.5%

  • Total voters
My repair 2 months ago, I have a letter from VWCS stating 12 months guarantee by the repairer.
After being in the list for over a year I contacted Vwcs again in July for an update, I was told I could expect a call,from a repair shop sometime in the next month or so with a firm date for repairs.
True to form and after another chase up call from me I finally got a call back this afternoon, only to be told that there was no way the repairs would be carried out this year , and I was still number 78 th on the list !!
Has anyone else waited two years ?
i do wonder why they keep telling me different stories every time I ring , I've been led to believe more than once that I was close to a repair and now I seem to be back to square one again.
I have always been number 20 ish on the list, it has taken 18 months to get mine into the body shop. It is worth asking how many have been done. Possibly 50 have been done and you are now No.28. I had that confusion with mine.
Well we jumped the cue with Cannock as we didn't need a replacement van whilst on Holiday (our beach is our only vehicle) They picked it up almost two weeks ago and we got back tonight to some bad news.

Our van is the first beach they have had apparently and the panel they are replacing is different as the one supplied doesn't have enough holes for the manual roof and it has a hole where the Flexi light is on the SE version. They can drill the holes required but didn't know what to do with the 25mm hole that's surplus to requirements so haven't done our van, they put in a request for information to VW the day the van arrived but still have head nothing, mean while our vans in the workshop with no roof and were without a vehicle !!

Has anyone had a beach done yet ? Could you let me know what they did ?

As a side note the Van went to Manchester to have the roof checked down the side and they said it was fine, went to Cannock and there is bubbling down both sides, Bloody Manchester have been awful for us and I have had issues every time I've dealt with them. Waste of time taking it which at the time was a cluster fudge as Manchester have no internal communication at all.. I digressed

Just tried to get a date from Shorade on the basis they do not supply a replacement vehicle and they claimed they do not offer that service at the moment!!!
Just tried to get a date from Shorade on the basis they do not supply a replacement vehicle and they claimed they do not offer that service at the moment!!!

I was also told by Shorade that I couldn't jump the queue by not having a loan Cali, I was 105 on the list which meant a wait of 4 years!!!!
Vw Cs suggested I had it repainted at any Vw approved paint shop as it was only the elevating roof section that needed attention.
Had it repaired at Listers of Coventry within a couple of weeks.
Mines finally booked in for November with AB Crush. I was told that if I didn't need a courtesy van it could be done in november, otherwise I'd have to wait until sometime next year.

Happy that it's finally going to get sorted!

i think I booked it in around March 2014 originally...
Mines finally booked in for November with AB Crush. I was told that if I didn't need a courtesy van it could be done in november, otherwise I'd have to wait until sometime next year.

Happy that it's finally going to get sorted!

i think I booked it in around March 2014 originally...
Mine was done there a few weeks ago, their work Is top notch I cannot even tell mine has been done the colour match is that good ;-)

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Bought my Cali last week and had a letter in the owners manual from the previous owner who had the roof inspected August 2014. They got a response letter dated February 2015 to say it's getting repaired at a cost of £1350 plus vat. I called vw warrenty today and they tell me I am still elegance for the repair and my van is in a list of 161 but I am 62. They are currently at number 40. My Cali must be a very early facelift being registered feb 2010
138 out of 140 at Shorade in Cannock. I might have sold it by the time they want to repair it :(
Just wondering ....we are on page 115 .....
How many pages can the forum support on one topic? Or is there soon to be part II

I think it will just go on forever and ever, I feel sorry for anyone who has just discovered the thread and is having to read every page.

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I called vwcs to get an update as I haven't heard anything for 20 months, I was told mine is going to Cannock and I'm No30 (whatever that means?) and should be sorted within a few months??
Does anyone think this is realistic or am I just being fobbed off?
Is it worth me calling Cannock?
30 at 2 a month is over a year by my calculations, give them a ring, can't do any harm.
We have just registered ours with local dealer today - they have estimated about 18 months. On the plus side they were very slick at doing the claim - two of them get up on step ladders and take pictures in the right places and measure the depth of the paint - and send it off.

They say that VW don't quibble any more - they just do it. They stated that there are 300 in the queue and 3 sites doing the repairs - I could read back through this thread to see if these number correlate with other peoples expectations - but by then I will be at the front of the queue :)
I called vwcs to get an update as I haven't heard anything for 20 months, I was told mine is going to Cannock and I'm No30 (whatever that means?) and should be sorted within a few months??
Does anyone think this is realistic or am I just being fobbed off?
Is it worth me calling Cannock?

Sounds about right to me. I called them on Tuesday and was told I am 138 of 140. The lady I spoke to did say they are planning on ramping up throughput to 4 a week. It was a case of space and technician availability that is the limiting factor. There's no profit in it for VW so I cannot see them putting more resources into it. It is what it is and we just have to deal with it. My corrosion is not too bad, however, if it was very bad and causing rubber damage and damp I would be onto VWCS every day hounding them.
There are 4 body shops each taking 2 weeks to do 2 at a time. Or at least that is how it was originally set up. So 16 a month provided there are no more parts shortages.

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As I thought vwcs are just fobbing me off. Just spoke to shorade in Cannock they have said I'm No19 not 30 as vw said which I suppose is a bonus, and they are doing 2 a month which again is going to be quite a bit longer than a couple of months as vw said.
Why can't vwcs be straight and tell the truth rather than tell you what you want to get you off the phone.
As I thought vwcs are just fobbing me off. Just spoke to shorade in Cannock they have said I'm No19 not 30 as vw said which I suppose is a bonus, and they are doing 2 a month which again is going to be quite a bit longer than a couple of months as vw said.
Why can't vwcs be straight and tell the truth rather than tell you what you want to get you off the phone.

Because VWCS can't be straight, my cali has roof corrosion and they refuse to repair albeit a manufacturing fault


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