VW price increase ?



T6 Beach 150
I am looking to buy a new California (factory order) for delivery in March next year. When do VW traditionally increase their prices? I don't want to order to soon and have it sat around at the dealers. Any news on the euro 6 engines? Thanks Peter
Tha's also very interesting to me because I'll close my deal during September-October. There are some factors I think could impact like the T6 roll-out, new Mercedes Marco Polo.

I feel I cannot manage all forecast and that at some point I have to close the deal, bearing in mind it could/couln't be the best bet.
We ordered ours yesterday for December delivery. If VW do the same as Audi they put their prices up on the 1st October which is between 1-2% , if you order before you are price protected for delivery.
Does anyone know where the latest price list is? I found it on the VW site a few weeks ago but its not there any more/I can't find it! A link would be v helpful. Keep missing the calls from my local dealer but hoping to go and see them in a week or two- do you think they will let us borrow their demonstrator for the weekend, or do they just keep them for test drives only?

Its usually january for the price increase, but if ordered before, it will be protected, providing its registered by April 1st :thumb

This is how its been for the last few years
On a connected matter, does anyone know what kind of discounts dealers should be willing to give on a new California SE? We're looking to buy in the next month or so.

Any info/thought greatly appreciated. :thanks
Get a quote from drivethedeal, which will effectivley be a low price from a random uk vw dealer, then take that quote to your local dealer. Some dealers will match it, some will come up with some bull about not being a genuine quote. If all else fails buy it from drivethedeal.

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Thats a good shout - thanks for the advice.
Anyone thinking of ordering a brand new Cali, the price increase will be happening on 1st November
At Spain, all the offers I'm received in september already included a price increment of near 800.
The dealer ordered my Cali yesterday and told me that he had to get the orders in this month to avoid the price increase.

I haven't had a build week yet but looking at the timings I suspect mine will be available sometime late Jan / early Feb 2015 depending on the Christmas break.

I went along the DTD route but managed to negotiate a deal direct. Sadly not with my local dealer who offered 5% and no more. I paid around £300 more than the DTD quote which I'm happy with.
We were about to order a month or so ago but are now waiting for news of new engines for 2016 and/or a new T6 version.

We've also been a bit sidetracked by Merc Marco Polo, if it is coming to the UK.
Gosh you must be much more patient than I am, if you are waiting for this then I can't see you getting a camper until next winter.
Prices seem to keep going up. I think ours specced as it is would now be not far off £8k more to buy new. Madness!
Fryers! said:
Gosh you must be much more patient than I am, if you are waiting for this then I can't see you getting a camper until next winter.

My wife isn't though and I'm getting it in the ear!!

My concern is that the emissions on the current engines are pretty poor and that they could be hit hard with road tax in the coming years. Plus new engines should mean better fuel consumption and overall better engineering.
Like fryers says you could be in for quite a wait and miss next season plus you will be hit by the price increases which will cancel out any savings on road tax. I cant see the T6 Cali arriving until 2016 - thats if they make one at all. Also only the Marco Polo will only be the activity version ( same as Beach ) for 2015 with the slim chance of the full fat version for 2016

We did exactly the same as you with regret as we missed a whole year of fun

Live for today, thats what I say :goodone
RFL isn't too bad either IMO. After running a 122bhp Defender 110 and paying £460 a year in RFL (!!), the Cali seems a bargain.
Whatever they do to the engine (like Bluemotion), simple physics cannot defeat it's massive weight and brick like aerodynamics.

Get one now; mine's been rather troublesome but we still love it!

VW California Club
