


Has anyone got any suggestions on best use of the space in the front wardrobe - shelves, hangers, etc???

I use hangers on longer trips and just throw stuff in on weekends away ..lol
Just have to wedge something slightly to stop hangers from knocking when driving ...
I'm with Lee on this one... Always use hangers, have done several weeks travelling round Europe with the three of us... No lack of space or creased clothes.

It surprising how effectively the space can be filled simply by using coat hangers.

I know it's not for every one though ;)
Large ebags off Amazon -6 in total for four of us, surprising how much you can get in them. Used 4, had 2 spare (they only come in packs of 3 for some reason) so used the spares for used clothes/washing as we went along. Filled the space well and don't rattle!
i am a hanger man as well mark ....never used to be ,but the wife did show me how to double up etc and with them hanging they can be worn more than once without a wash and they air better ;) :thumb ......still room in the bottom for bits n bob's :D .....i find i just force things into the back shelves and they seem to be more of a pain than i first thought ..
Wardrobe holder.JPG Can I retrofit one of these to my T5.1? if so does anyone know where I can order one please?
Has anyone with a T5.1 Cali fitted this yet? I have just received the tray but assume the t6 wardrobe door has two guide holes for the fixing plate which are not present on the t5 - hence some modifications to the fixing plate will be needed to allow the fixing plate to fit flush and allow the adhesive to stick? Or am I missing something here...
correct you just need to remove the pins with a file or sharp knife

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