Waste water valve left open



Kingston, UK
T6 Ocean 150
What could possibly go wrong if you forget the waste water valve open and go and drive?
I could not find a similar question sorry if it’s been asked already
What could possibly go wrong if you forget the waste water valve open and go and drive?
I could not find a similar question sorry if it’s been asked already
Nothing until you are on a site and use the sink…. Not nice for the next camper and any food scraps will attract vermin.
Nothing... as long as you don't use the sink, for the only reason that I personally can't stand camper people discharge waste water wherever they stand :sad
I haven’t flooded anyone
I was thinking of bad stuff entering the waste tank
Didn't mean to offend you, was only common remark. This summer our neighbours on the campsite emptied their tanks where they were parked, before leaving the place. That's why campers get a bad name...
Chance of entering stuff seems minimal to me.
Thanks was not offended !
curiously the smiling emoji typed into the iphone did not show in the text above … <- here there should be one thinking emoji

:Stig <- inserted with the board menu rather than the keyboard… I guess this will be in the post … let me try
Nothing... as long as you don't use the sink, for the only reason that I personally can't stand camper people discharge waste water wherever they stand :sad
Have I previously read that mice can gain access to the inside of the van through the open drain? I may have imagined this.
Have I previously read that mice can gain access to the inside of the van through the open drain? I may have imagined this.
That would be some mouse, couple of foot of narrow plastic pipe to negotiate scale the sheer plastic wall of the waste water tank, then up the hose from the trap to the tank, negotiate the grid under the sink plug, push the plug out the way, lift the washing up bowl, squeeze through the gap between the glass lid & the metal sink unit.

If you find one that can do it I would be impressed. Actually I wouldn’t, the clever mouse would just wait till you open the door.
That would be some mouse, couple of foot of narrow plastic pipe to negotiate scale the sheer plastic wall of the waste water tank, then up the hose from the trap to the tank, negotiate the grid under the sink plug, push the plug out the way, lift the washing up bowl, squeeze through the gap between the glass lid & the metal sink unit.

If you find one that can do it I would be impressed. Actually I wouldn’t, the clever mouse would just wait till you open the door.
but before making so much effort, he should know that he has quick and easy access to 100s of meters of wiring ... :bananadance2

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