What do you use your water for ?

We use our tank water for everything except drinking water (ok to put it in the kettle). I've never thought about sterilising it (in four years) but last weekend (our first trip of the year) I did empty the tank out (via the sink & waste tank, didn't know you could do it direct) and refilled it as it had had water standing in it since about October. No health problems so far.
I am sure this must have been covered previously but my searches don't bring it up.
On our first trip out, and our first cup of tea I could not easily fill the kettle from a standard 5L bottle of water so used the water from the tap. Distinct PVC taste as expected but does this go over time or is the water only meant to be used for washing up, brushing teeth and washing the dog (don't have one but presume this is why most people go for the back shower option)
DO NOT drink water from your fresh water tank. Boil it for tea or coffee but keep fresh water in a bottle for drinking purposes. Teeth cleaning should be OK because most bacteria cannot survive the antisceptic in toothpastes.
DO NOT drink water from your fresh water tank. Boil it for tea or coffee but keep fresh water in a bottle for drinking purposes. Teeth cleaning should be OK because most bacteria cannot survive the antisceptic in toothpastes.
If the Fresh Water tank is regularly used/emptied or sterilised and you use a safe water supply to refill then there is no problem using it for ALL purposes.
Bottled water has more bacteria/ml than the water supplied from the Water Company.
DO NOT drink water from your fresh water tank. Boil it for tea or coffee but keep fresh water in a bottle for drinking purposes. Teeth cleaning should be OK because most bacteria cannot survive the antisceptic in toothpastes.
It can meet the tough German drinking water standards with the correct sterilisation. If you hire out your Cali there you have to get your water tested to drink in water standard I believe.
The water tank is good for all uses providing it is looked after properly and you trust the water you put in it.

If the water is of dubious quality or you prefer to be extra cautious, I have used sawyer water filters for years backpacking/ drinking from streams etc...


Always have one of these filters as it saves a fortune in bottled water and gets rid of any chemical tastes in treated water.
I'm a bit bemused. The water tank is a big plastic bottle, why would you avoid in favour of little plastic bottles?

Agree with many of those above, I use the water tank, as a water tank, drink, cook, wash ... as said, if the water you put in is fine, then why not? Sterilisation tabs or powder every so often and draining instead of leaving standing over periods of time seems is sensible, otherwise why make life more complicated.
I use bottled water for consistency, not for any hygiene or microbiological reasons.

Something that I share with the queen, my stomach reacts to inconsistency, has done since I was earning my crust travelling the world and in a different hotel every night.
Hi all

I did fill my tank to flush out with a hose pipe and then I read this http://www.rodalewellness.com/living-well/living/drinking-water-garden-hose

So cleaned out with germ killing stuff and added fresh water several times to flush out tank. Used for boiling water for tea/coffee but making sure water boils and emptying and refilling every third day - just me being nagged proper by my wife but does make sense!

ps enjoyed the Lower Lode Farm experience as our first VWC venture - thanks to Martin and Simon etc!
My boss motorhomed for thirty years He told me not to drink the water straight from the fresh tank. I have not and neither did he. Over fourty years neither of us have suffered through water contamination health problems. I am a microbiologist and agreed with him. OK in a perfect world with perfect people who keep their perfect fresh tank perfectly clean then fine. Otherwise why take the risk if you do not have to.
I use bottled water for consistency, not for any hygiene or microbiological reasons.

Something that I share with the queen, my stomach reacts to inconsistency, has done since I was earning my crust travelling the world and in a different hotel every night.
Constitutions are so different. I have drank local water and mountain water for 50 years, and have been fine on all but a couple of occasions.
Though often it was due to lack of the opportunity for anything else, and not wanting to carry kilogrames of weight.
But on the couple of occasions I have been unlucky, I have lost a lot of weight, hence thinking it through again , now that I have my luxury cruiser.
Constitutions are so different. I have drank local water and mountain water for 50 years, and have been fine on all but a couple of occasions.
Though often it was due to lack of the opportunity for anything else, and not wanting to carry kilogrames of weight.
But on the couple of occasions I have been unlucky, I have lost a lot of weight, hence thinking it through again , now that I have my luxury cruiser.

I had a cast iron constitution.

Years brought up on a filthy council estate, then escaping once the state institution that I was finally incarcerated in released me, allowing me to hike and climb mountains all over the world, I stuffed all sorts into my system with no reaction at all.

Then I went to the first of first worlds, writing guidebooks and travelling all over the USA, flying weekly, driving thousands of miles, different hotels and all sorts started going wrong. Finally Pancreatitis. From then on everything seemed to upset me until I watched a programme about the Queen and how she has the same bottled water shipped out to her wherever she travels.

Well, if it was good enough for one queen then it was good enough for another (my nickname at the American University where I taught and supervised was Victoria).... since then no problem.
I had a cast iron constitution.

Years brought up on a filthy council estate, then escaping once the state institution that I was finally incarcerated in released me, allowing me to hike and climb mountains all over the world, I stuffed all sorts into my system with no reaction at all.

Then I went to the first of first worlds, writing guidebooks and travelling all over the USA, flying weekly, driving thousands of miles, different hotels and all sorts started going wrong. Finally Pancreatitis. From then on everything seemed to upset me until I watched a programme about the Queen and how she has the same bottled water shipped out to her wherever she travels.

Well, if it was good enough for one queen then it was good enough for another (my nickname at the American University where I taught and supervised was Victoria).... since then no problem.
That's fascinating GJ. What did you teach?
That's fascinating GJ. What did you teach?

I am an Historian. My particular field was the 19thC migration and movements of peoples, more specifically 1843-1865, and the consequences, but I was also undertaking research and supervision into some aspects of the USCW.
Take it as you can....weekend at Spanish F1 GP...and non potable water so for drinking got 5lt bottles....yesterday 550 miles and parked just into Portugal....earlier great drive along the Duoro vineyards, and tonight parked at WRC Rally HQ at Porto and thinking I will have to fill tank from adjacent supermarket at 35p per 5lt bottles prior to heading out into the wilds on stages...
I am an Historian. My particular field was the 19thC migration and movements of peoples, more specifically 1843-1865, and the consequences, but I was also undertaking research and supervision into some aspects of the USCW.
Very topical at the moment, I wonder the similarities of the Oregon trail and present day movement of people's..
do you see yourself as some travelling emigrant in your van now??
Very topical at the moment, I wonder the similarities of the Oregon trail and present day movement of people's..
do you see yourself as some travelling emigrant in your van now??

Strangely enough I have long seen, and ventured opinions, on the early federal united states and an EU becoming ever more politically integrated.

The Oregon trail had a strong political motive, starting with President Polk who had deep reservations of the Hudson bay company encroaching upon the manifest destiny of the United States.

I do not see myself as an emigrant, more an itinerant meddling busybody.

VW California Club
