What has the Cali in common with the British tank?



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Cali now sold
The ability to have tea whenever you want.

You have to get your priorities right.

Watch this, but put the kettle on first. :)

Dislike of tank (Cali) owners, no problem; easily dealt with. ;)

No roof corrosion either ....
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Wonder if they use a hose to fill up? :eek:
Yes I remember the BV (Boiling Vessel) in military vehicles from long days and nights on freezing north German training areas. They were indeed brilliant, you could you throw in a can of 'Baby's Heads' (steak and kidney) from the 10-man ration pack and it was piping hot in a couple of mins. And tea (always 'NATO Standard' ie milk + 2 sugars) any time you wanted.

Perhaps more practical for Cali'ing (if your gas runs out) is the US MRE individual ration, which has a self-heating pouch. Quite clever although not so convivial as the BV.
Just hope the VW engine not as poor as the ones made by Leyland!

Number of foreign countries that would only buy British tanks if non British engine would be put on.

VW California Club
