Thought I'd start a thread with a provocative title. Actually, there's not very much at all that I hate, but there are a couple of very annoying things.
- The Discover SatNav. It's pants, as I mentioned elsewhere. I'd rather have a hole in the dash to hold my Big Mac and Fries while driving.
- Those damned sliding windows in the rear. Difficult to reach even for those in the back when they are belted up. Impossible to reach for someone with mild physical disabilities from the front. As I am normally on the own, with my dog in the back, if I want to open/close/adjust them, I need to: stop, get out, open the sliding door, get in the back, close the sliding door, adjust the window, open the sliding door, get out, close the sliding door, get back in the front. And even if I am in the right place, I need two hands to release the catch and pull the window inwards before it will move. By this time I need a rest and a cup of tea. Lucky the gas hob works so well. Plus point to those windows is that the dog loves sticking his nose out when on the move.