Which mattress topper?


Moggie Moo

Hi everyone,

New to the board so I should probably say hi *wave* :)

We've had our Cali now for about a year. We've always slept upstairs when we've been away but we want to get a mattress topper for downstairs to allow us to do a bit of stealth camping or for when it rains.

Can anyone give me any reviews of the the different toppers available. We're not sure if we should go for one of the £100 options to go for the full £350 type ones for ultimate comfort.

Thank you x
Like you we never found the need for a topper when sleeping upstairs but we bought a Raskelf Gold for downstairs and the improvement was massive. They have the template for the Cali which is handy.

Trouble is, I've nothing to compare the Topper with. But we're very happy with it.

It's a bit bulky to pack in the van. We find folding it best and putting on the back shelf with other stuff off top to squash it down. Its memory feature doesn't seem to extend to the folds curiously enough.

Raskelf also do a Duvalay which is the topper fastened to a really good downie which others seem to love.

Good stealth camping and welcome :)
Raskelf Gold for downstairs and the improvement was massive.


Very good service, quick delivery. Is a VAST improvement on the standard downstairs mattress. I roll mine up on the rear shelf.
If memory serves it cost around £137 delivered ?
Raskelf gold here too. V.good.
Hi Moggie Moo and welcome to the forum :welcome

We switched to Raskelf Duvalay's this Christamas and so far have found them to be superb and as the duvet is part of the package it does save space :cool: ......also if only one of you goes away for a couple of days you only need take one so it saves on space again ;)

Hi Maggie,

See the separate product reviews for Duvalays - the best purchase for our van by far. A great night's sleep and useful also as spare beds in the house when family come to stay.

Hi MM, welcome to the forums.
We opted for the Duvalay based on the feedback in here. Haven't used them yet but they are a quality product. We did benefir from the January 10% off though.

We are working to get a permanant deal for VIP members with Raskelf, as soon as we have more info we will let everyone know.
Thanks for all your help. Looks like we'll be going for a Raskelf Gold.

The Duvalays look like a good idea but I think I prefer to have a totally separate duvet.

Great forum by the way, I'm going to get my other half to join. He's Cali mad and could help with lots of the queries on here.

All of our Campervans come with the VW/Brandup mattress, it's expensive, but in my view, very worth it and comfortable :grin:
Can I ask those of you who have the Raskelf Gold which size you went for? I was wondering whether the 190 x 122 x 2.5cm one would actually roll up and fit on the back shelf or whether it would be too wide and need to fit in diagonally?

Our Raskelf Gold was cut to the template size for the Cali - I'm not sure of the actual size.
We fold in along the long way into thirds and put it on the back shelf.
It gets squashed in a couple of centimeters by the back door (when the bench seat is set as far back as it will go) and squahed in from the sides a couple of centimeters.
ie we fold it into thirds and squash it down into the shelf space available.
We then put a double sleeping bag (folded into thirds) on top and whatever pillows we use (2 or 4).
This pile of stuff keeps below the level of th e top of the back seat which we think is fine.

We used to roll the topper and fix it rolled with elastic jib furlers: neat looking but takes up more space than folded - honest.

Good luck

VW California Club
