Scottish Cali Meet, 28-29 March 2015

Just back from Cairngorms today, it was great get together and it was good to meet everyone. Good meal on Saturday and Good MTB route 24K on Sunday, good company all the way, (Norman remember your bike next year) definitely one to repeat next year.

Thanks to Ewan for organising it.

It was a bit cool and windy for the beach bonfire but still worth taking the wood, we had a good blether with Norman and his son in law Nigel despite the temperature.

We did see another Cali (blue with tailgate bike rack) at the Cairngorm Mountain car park when we went skiing on Monday, not sure who that was?

Here are some pictures from our stay:

The MTB trip, L-R Ewan, me and Nigel.


River next to campsite


Skiing MondayP3300253.JPG

Low level walking Tuesday


Snow on the Scots Pines on way to the green lochan in Glen More


Above. 1. Came across this little fellow on one of our walks.
2. An ancient Caledonian Pine with Sharon and Jean on their walk.
3. Stuart's campfire.
We had a great weekend too, thanks to Ewan and Stuart for organising. It was great to meet all the other owners and Glenmore Lodge was a good choice for our meal.
Tommy Gun mentioned about a Scottish meet last year... so as I'll soon be getting my Cali and no work in the offing (low oil price doesn't suit everyone :() I was wondering if anyone's planned anything for 2016 yet? Sorry if it's on here and I'v missed it :embarrased
We had a Sunday meet up in November last year - just for lunch and a chat. Not heard if anything else has been organised for this year as yet!
No, nothing planned so far. It's up to us to organise meets in Scotland ... so what suggestions does anyone have ?

Over the last few years we've had weekends in Aviemore (Loch Morlich) and Blair Atholl plus a couple of bar lunches near Perth. These have tended to be in Spring or Autumn but there's nothing to stop us from organising anything any time of the year. In March 2015 we had a pretty good turnout (15ish vans) and a range of activities.
Hi all, hope everyone is well.

Still vanless (until June or so because of the non-swivelling comfort seats issue / rejection / re-order... :talktothehand ) Going to feel like a bit of a fraud turning up a 2nd time without one.

If anyone fancies having a sit-down lunch again as part of the meeting, then my missus & I would love to come along for that. Alternatively, I might look at hiring a cali if folks want to go to a camp site.

Don't have much in way of suggestions yet, but always looking for excuse to go west coast or Inverness/Highlands.

Tommy, either option fine with me. Just need to work out when I'm away for agility comps for dates. Alison
I would be up for a meet in March only dates I cannot do are 19/20 th. Near a ski centre would be good for us, mountain biking also made last meet interesting.
March is probably too short notice for a weekend but how about the first weekend in April (2nd/3rd) or second half of May (21/22nd or 28/29th) ? Weekends are busy for me over the next couple of months but a lunch is an option on other dates.
Agility comps first two weekends in April so not possible even for a lunch, sorry. The May dates are free at the moment.
A lunch in late March might work of too short notice for a weekend?
March is probably too short notice for a weekend but how about the first weekend in April (2nd/3rd) or second half of May (21/22nd or 28/29th) ? Weekends are busy for me over the next couple of months but a lunch is an option on other dates.
May dates are ok with me at the moment.
Great. Why don't we go for one of the May dates then ? I think most people seemed keener on a weekend than a lunch again last time we spoke about this.

Any preference for which weekend in late May? And any suggestion on good locations? Aviemore, Ft William/Glen Nevis, Glencoe ?? Just some initial ideas.

When we have a date and location I suggest we set it up as an official event and separate discussion thread.
Work depending I would love to get involved.
My preference would be for May 21st/22nd and am pretty flexible when it comes to location. I suggest we need to find a site to take 15-20 vans (so need to get this organised soon) that also has a decent pub/restaurant nearby.

Happy to take people's suggestions. The sites at Loch Morlich, Glencoe and Glen Nevis all fit the bill - but there may be other sites/locations that people fancy. Thoughts ?
Sorry Ewan I didn't answer your message as I think I'd already mentioned I can do end May and no preference for location (in my ignorance?)
I'm not working at the mo so could help out with booking etc. - but bare in mind I have no experience of camping for the last 30 years and do not know the locations being discussed, others happy to help whilst others are busy. If someone can help point me in the right direction, I'll do my best...
Hi Alison, thanks for replying. I was hoping others would also pitch in with some suggestions for where we might go ... but having thought about locations my suggestion would be the campsite at Glen Nevis. I remember a few people saying they'd like to go over towards the west coast, and we've already had meets at Blair Atholl, Perth and Aviemore. The Glen Nevis site is good, is less expensive than the others, has a great pub just nearby and I see also has new camping pods from May for those whose Cali's haven't yet been delivered ! There's lots of walking, mountain biking and less strenuous options on offer. I see the site has a group booking form which might make the logistics of getting pitches together a bit easier.

So before I set this up as an event on a different thread, how does this sound? Last chance for any other suggestions ..........
Hi Ewan and Alison, we'd be happy with those dates and the Glen Nevis site
David and Linda
David & Linda, thanks for confirming. Actually (and I hope this doesn't muck anyone around) I'm going to suggest we meet the last weekend in May, the 28th/29th, when school exams are over in my household. Hope we don't need to go back to the drawing board .....
That's fine Ewan, 28/29th would be better for us too.
Hi all, hope everyone is well.

We will do our best to get along.
Looking at the dates, the camping pods seem to be booked-up.

I'll have a hunt around for other options. Might stay elsewhere & meet-up just for lunch/dinner with you guys. Alternatively, might be able to take my folks' motorhome - but I think I could safely say that my 'street cred' would be utterly ruined... :D

Cheers for now,
Hi Tommy, I'm waiting to hear back from the campsite about the pods and other options nearby. It's a pity - I didn't realise they were already booked up then. If it looks as though the site can take us all the weekend of 28-29 May I'll set it up as an event on the forum.
Hi Ewan, I have updated your permissions so as soon as you have your dates, venue etc... you can add them to the events section. Just click 'post new event'
Great, thanks Martin - will do.

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