I don't 'Get' the Beach. Tell me what I'm missing

Lol "upgrade" I spotted that and had a chuckle.

They are both brilliant. Just me and the Mrs now. With the kids would have been the Beach.

Interesting to see the formal classification criteria.

I agree, this topic is only meant to be banter but, let's be honest, you knew that your 'minibus' comment would get a bite. It COULD have sounded awfully like it was intended to put the Beach owners down a peg by implying that their pride and joy is not a real camper van. I know you probably didn't mean that, though.

Perhaps the opening paragraph of your response should have read:

'Thats basically what I said, one is a dedicated camper van, the other is a slightly less dedicated camper van, but with the ability to carry more people.'?

Can't wait for my Beach camper van to get built!
(Cue obligatory and obviously entirely diffusing emoji) :D
Yes, the minibus comment was a retaliatory remark after spook rattled the SE cage, the banter is both ways.

I'm not putting anybody down I was agreeing our posts are similar as the Beach is so multi purpose and the SE a dedicated campervan. But if everybody agrees the Beach is so versatile/ multi purpose then you can't be offended if it is called an MPV. I don't think this thread does any favours now, Beach owners will always stick up for Beaches and vice versa with SE owners, there are compromises for sure with both vans and you have to pick whichever works best for you, I agree both great and yes I would have both if I won the lotto.
Hope your campervan arrives on time. When is it due?
Yes, the minibus comment was a retaliatory remark after spook rattled the SE cage, the banter is both ways.

I'm not putting anybody down I was agreeing our posts are similar as the Beach is so multi purpose and the SE a dedicated campervan. But if everybody agrees the Beach is so versatile/ multi purpose then you can't be offended if it is called an MPV. I don't think this thread does any favours now, Beach owners will always stick up for Beaches and vice versa with SE owners, there are compromises for sure with both vans and you have to pick whichever works best for you, I agree both great and yes I would have both if I won the lotto.
Hope your campervan arrives on time. When is it due?
I'm delighted to say that I got my week 14 build confirmed this morning!! Very excited!! Just got to sell my car now and wait the agonising 8 weeks until it arrives.
I'm delighted to say that I got my week 14 build confirmed this morning!! Very excited!! Just got to sell my car now and wait the agonising 8 weeks until it arrives.
Which date exactly is week 14?
Accordingly to my Cali Beach's V5C she is a "Motor Caravan", but actually I don't care about that, you guys can call her a "muffin".

Different strokes for different folks. My Beach is also for 4 people (two seats bench plus storage box) and in my case I don't want to bring always the camper equipment (I don't need my cattery and pots when shopping at Tesco). I want to bring my fridge, cooker only when I'll use them. Plus I want to use my cooker inside and outside.

In my case my Cali is my daily and only vehicle and, if I had to have a daily vehicle plus my Cali only for trips for sure I wouldn't have a Cali but something a little bigger and "more complete", like a Westfalia Columbus (I love this one), a Hymercar or similar.
We have the SE 'Full Fat' version, but I have to say that I love both vans and if I ever had the money I would even buy both, using each vehicle according to needs. Wouldn't say no to either of them. I had to choose so Plummed for the SE, but both vans are great :)

You must have a screw loose.
If I had the money, I would buy the beach and then a proper campervan. You know, one with a super comfortable fixed bed, shower and toilet. :thumb
Accordingly to my Cali Beach's V5C she is a "Motor Caravan", but actually I don't care about that, you guys can call her a "muffin".

Different strokes for different folks. My Beach is also for 4 people (two seats bench plus storage box) and in my case I don't want to bring always the camper equipment (I don't need my cattery and pots when shopping at Tesco). I want to bring my fridge, cooker only when I'll use them. Plus I want to use my cooker inside and outside.

In my case my Cali is my daily and only vehicle and, if I had to have a daily vehicle plus my Cali only for trips for sure I wouldn't have a Cali but something a little bigger and "more complete", like a Westfalia Columbus (I love this one), a Hymercar or similar.
Just a warning.
If your VW Beach is classed as a " Motor Caravan " on your V5c then according to the DVLA Classification of what a Motor Caravan is, it is incorrectly classified. I know your vehicle was an Import from Spain, but its classification is at odds with UK Beachs, I believe.
This could have Legal and Insurance consequences, so I would suggest you confirm with other Beach Owners what their V5c documents state.
Just as importantly you will pay more for a beach registered as a motor caravan on the channel tunnel !
Just a warning.
If your VW Beach is classed as a " Motor Caravan " on your V5c then according to the DVLA Classification of what a Motor Caravan is, it is incorrectly classified. I know your vehicle was an Import from Spain, but its classification is at odds with UK Beachs, I believe.
This could have Legal and Insurance consequences, so I would suggest you confirm with other Beach Owners what their V5c documents state.

Actually is the classification DVLA assigned to my Cali ( based on the certificate of conformity?) I had no chance to especify that.
Actually is the classification DVLA assigned to my Cali ( based on the certificate of conformity?) I had no chance to especify that.
DVLA do get it wrong, or VW gave them incorrect information. I would check with other Beach owners. Insurance companies look for anything to reduce their liability in the event of a claim. But it is upto you as they will say it was your responsibility to check that all the details were correct no matter what DVLA say. Especially as the Insurance risk factors for a "Camper Van" are different to other vehicle types. Your choice.:thumb
My Beach has a Taxation class of Diesel car and a body type of Motor Caravan on the V5.
Hope that helps.

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My Beach has a Taxation class of Diesel car and a body type of Motor Caravan on the V5.
Hope that helps.

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Same thing for mine one
I'm delighted to say that I got my week 14 build confirmed this morning!! Very excited!! Just got to sell my car now and wait the agonising 8 weeks until it arrives.

By contrast I had my week 17 build pushed back to week 30... though apparently it is not uncommon to have build weeks changed then changed back within a week, hoping so!!!
By contrast I had my week 17 build pushed back to week 30... though apparently it is not uncommon to have build weeks changed then changed back within a week, hoping so!!!
Fingers crossed, buddy!
My Beach has a Taxation class of Diesel car and a body type of Motor Caravan on the V5.
Hope that helps.

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Seems strange when you read the DVLA document detailing their definition of a Motor Caravan.
Has anyone taken a Beach to Glastonbury festival? This is from its website on what defines a campervan in their view...

What counts as ‘suitable fitted facilities’ in a camper/caravan?
Your campervan/caravan MUST have purpose-built fitted sleeping facilities and either fitted cooking or washing facilities. Any converted vehicles must clearly be live-in vehicles. This does not mean simply a van with a piece of foam cut to size for a bed, and a bucket for washing!


My friend takes a 1972 T2 bay that has a rock and roll bed and no cooking or washing facilities and gets let in every year. I'd say the Beach is the modern equivalent so it must be a campervan! ;)
DVLA do get it wrong, or VW gave them incorrect information. I would check with other Beach owners. Insurance companies look for anything to reduce their liability in the event of a claim. But it is upto you as they will say it was your responsibility to check that all the details were correct no matter what DVLA say. Especially as the Insurance risk factors for a "Camper Van" are different to other vehicle types. Your choice.:thumb
Agree with that, around 2011/2012 some Cali's were registered by dealers as commercial vehicles.
Has anyone taken a Beach to Glastonbury festival? This is from its website on what defines a campervan in their view...

What counts as ‘suitable fitted facilities’ in a camper/caravan?
Your campervan/caravan MUST have purpose-built fitted sleeping facilities and either fitted cooking or washing facilities. Any converted vehicles must clearly be live-in vehicles. This does not mean simply a van with a piece of foam cut to size for a bed, and a bucket for washing!


My friend takes a 1972 T2 bay that has a rock and roll bed and no cooking or washing facilities and gets let in every year. I'd say the Beach is the modern equivalent so it must be a campervan! ;)
Sorry, but I don't follow your logic. The fact that the Glastonbury Festival staff do not carry out the required checks according to their published T & C's and your friend gets in doesn't mean his vehicle can be classed as a Campervan.
Many people travel Ferries or the Euroshuttle in their SE/Ocean as a " Large Car " so does that mean they drive a car?:thumb
I've taken the below from the DVLA website. It refers to converted vehicle but I am assuming that the same rules apply regardless of whether the campervan is factory built or a conversion. I might be wrong of course. The website also states that it is the responsibility of the vehicle owner to ensure the V5C is correct. I'm not seeking to add fuel to the SE vs Beach debate here - that has been done to death already, merely to assist those with Beaches on what seems to me to be an important legal point around taxation class etc. The Beach seems to qualify on all fronts other than permanently fixed cooking facility. Adding a water container is easy!

Minimum Features

In order for a converted vehicle to qualify as a motor caravan it must have certain minimum features, as follows:

1. a door that provides access to the living accommodation;

2. a bed, which has a minimum length of 1800mm or 6 feet. This can be converted from seats used for other purposes during the day but must be permanently fixed within the body of the vehicle;

3. a water storage tank or container on, or in, the vehicle;

4. a seating and dining area, permanently attached to the vehicle. The table may be detachable but must have some permanent means of attachment to the vehicle. It is not good enough to have a loose table;

5. a permanently fixed means of storage, a cupboard, locker or wardrobe;

6. a permanently fixed cooking facility within the vehicle, powered by gas or electricity; and

7. at least one window on the side of the accommodation.

If the vehicle has all of these features present, permanently fixed and installed properly, then it is a legal requirement to have it reclassified as a motor caravan on the V5C.
Would have thought that all the DVLA are interested in is 1) how much tax is due and 2) is the vehicle safe to be on the road. They really won’t care if we want to get cheaper ferry crossings or camp at Glastonbury.

How much tax is dealt with by Taxation class and from V355/1 DVLA document these are the available classes for vehicles under 3500kg
And the notes on what M1 and N1 are :

For Taxation class there doesn’t seem to be any Motor Caravan or campervan option.

From the above I would derive that both the Beach and SE/Ocean are M1 (carriage of passengers) and will either fall in the PLG or Diesel car tax class depending if they were registered before or after 01/03/01. In the Taxation class category do SE or Ocean owners have anything other than PLG or Diesel car??

I can’t find an equivalent document listing the Body type options. What there is a lot of is info about re-classifying vehicles from N1 to M1 (carriage of goods to carriage of passengers) and also details of requirements for type approval or single vehicle approval (SVA). This all seems to me to be dealing with matters of safety or conversion.

My thoughts on the V5 body type category is that it is just as typed. The ”Type of Body” that the vehicle has. Interior fittings or lack thereof for V5 purposes are irrelevant.

Example: An observer (say traffic police) sees me travelling at 70mph on a dual carriageway, does he pull me over for speeding? No, because he/she can identify that my body type is a Motor Caravan (Beach or SE) and thus I am an M1 class vehicle and not an N1 (subject to 60mph limit on dual carriageway)

just my thoughts anyway.

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